President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1419 I Promised Her

C1419 I Promised Her

Lan Yanxi finished her bath and sat in front of the makeup mirror, blowing her long hair. The feeling of waiting was not good and the unknown made people look forward to it. She combed her long hair. She leaned against the curtain and looked at the straight road. The lights were dotted with a long dragon. However, the long dragon was quiet and it made people's hearts become chaotic.    


Lan Yanxi sniffed and felt that it was better to watch a movie to vent her anger. Otherwise, if she waited like this, she would go crazy.    


Luckily, Ling Mofeng did not make her wait too long. At 9: 30, his motorcade stopped at the entrance of the hall.    


However, when he pushed open the door and got out of the car, his handsome face was stunned. Usually, that little woman would always stand at the door and wait for him with a smile. Today, it was empty, and it made him feel inexplicably disappointed.    


Ling Mofeng took a step towards the living room. The living room was not heated, so he quickly ran upstairs.    


It was only such a short distance, but it still made him anxious to see her quickly.    


The man ran to the door of her room in one breath. He pushed the door open and saw the girl sitting on the bed. She was wrapped in a thick blanket and had a headset on her ear.    


Although Lan Yanxi did not hear the man's footsteps because she was wearing the headset, she still saw the figure of him pushing the door open and entering. Her beautiful eyes lit up and the light rippled.    


The moment Ling Mofeng saw her, the anger and disappointment in his heart disappeared.    


He slowed down and walked to her bedside. Seeing her cover her earphones, he asked with a smile, "I thought you would not come."    


Ling Mofeng looked down at her. When he saw the resentment in her eyes, he gently leaned to the side of the bed and took off her headphones that were placed on both sides of her neck.    


"I promised you that I would come. I will definitely come." The man smiled gently. His fingers accidentally touched the soft skin on the side of the girl's ear. An electric current quickly passed through the man's heart. He slightly clenched his fingers and withdrew his large hand.    


Lan Yanxi lowered her head and smiled bashfully. It was like the wind blowing a lotus flower. There was an indescribable charm to it. When the man looked at it, he instantly lost half of his soul.    


"What are you laughing at?" The man's voice suddenly became hoarse, and the fragrance that he inhaled from the tip of his nose came from the natural tranquil fragrance on her body, and it hooked onto his last trace of reason for no rhyme or reason.    


"It's nothing. I just feel that you're always hanging on to me like this, and it makes my heart itch slightly." Lan Yanxi playfully blinked at him, and what she said caused the man to not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Where did I hang you?" Ling Mofeng's face was covered. He had not convicted her of seduction yet, but she had complained first. Who was the one who felt the most wronged?    


"Every day. You don't even know how much I wanted to hug you when I was in the office. " You are the most handsome when you are dealing with serious matters. " Lan Yanxi praised him bluntly.    


"The way I deal with official matters, I feel that I am the least good-looking one. Why do you feel so handsome? " Ling Mofeng was even more amused by her words.    


"I don't know, but I really want to run over and hug you." Lan Yanxi shook her head, unable to describe her feelings at that time.    


"I am right in front of you. Come, hug me!" Ling Mofeng opened his arms and looked like he would not refuse.    


Lan Yanxi's pretty mouth curled up and she immediately climbed out of the warm blanket and threw herself into his arms. Her two small hands were even tighter than a man's big hands.    


Ling Mofeng felt as if he had hit a small heater in his arms. He reached out to touch her back and found that she was only wearing a very thin nightgown. Her two thin white legs were still exposed.    


The man could not help but reach out to grab the blanket and cover her exposed legs.    


The girl was not happy. She kicked the blanket away with her legs and pressed her face against his neck. "Ling Mofeng, you are mine!"    


The girl was confused. The girl's words surprised the man. He could only reach out one hand and keep rubbing her slender legs with his palm. He laughed in a low voice. "Why do you say that?"    


"Because I feel that there are too many people who want to take you away. I don't agree. You are mine. You can only be mine!" Lan Yanxi was like an unreasonable child at the moment. She wanted to take what she loved.    


"Okay, just say it!" Ling Mofeng's desire to survive was very strong. Whatever she said, he would do. He definitely did not dare to go against her wishes.    


Lan Yanxi had an indescribable sense of urgency in her heart. It was only after she was provoked by Lan Xianxian's words that she realized how dangerous their relationship was. Even Lan Xianxian was going to snatch him away. She inexplicably lost her confidence. She was afraid that if she was not careful, he would pretend to be someone else in his heart. Then who should she cry to?    


Ling Mofeng sat still and did not dare to move. Although he wanted to laugh at this girl's strange words, his body's reaction was the most honest. The soft jade in his arms was warm and fragrant. It was impossible for him to sit still and not panic. At this time, he would rather not be a gentleman    


"Yanxi!" Ling Mofeng could not help but turn his face to the side and stick close to her soft hair. His dark eyes could not help but close. He just wanted to freeze this moment forever. He wanted to spend his whole life in this instant.    


Ling Mofeng had never thought that one day, his heart would be as soft as a feather and he would love a woman without any bottom line. But at this moment, his mood was like this. No matter what conditions or requests she made, he wanted to satisfy all of them. He wanted to exchange them for her smile.    


"En!" Lan Yanxi replied lazily and enjoyed his embrace with satisfaction.    


"I met your cousin in the corridor today. Why did she come to work there?" Ling Mofeng gently stroked her long hair with his palm. He thought of something and asked her.    


Speaking of this person, Lan Yanxi's body trembled and she immediately moved her face away from his neck. Her beautiful eyes were filled with anger. She snorted. "Of course she took advantage of you to come. I really did not expect that she actually... actually wanted to snatch my fiancé from me."    


"What?" When Ling Mofeng heard her words, his handsome face was instantly stunned. Clearly, he did not expect that Lan Xianxian would actually go to the office to work because of him.    


"Don't you know?" Lan Yanxi did not know whether to laugh or cry at this moment.    


"How would I know?" Ling Mofeng looked innocent.    


"Didn't you see that she was trying to attract your attention back in the Lan Family?" Lan Yanxi squinted her beautiful eyes and asked him.    


"That day, I put all my attention on you and did not notice anything else." Ling Mofeng was telling the truth. That day, he had been paying attention to Lan Yanxi's every frown and smile. He did not notice the two girls beside him at all.    


"Really?" Lan Yanxi still did not believe it. After all, Lan Xianxian's performance was already so obvious.    


"Why would she enter the office for me? Could it be that she did not know that we are engaged?" Ling Mofeng was also in disbelief. After all, this was against the moral bottom line.    


"She knows, but she also knows that you don't like me and I don't like you. That's why she felt like she was the savior of the world to save you and drag you out of my mud pit." Lan Yanxi already knew very well what Lan Xianxian was trying to do. The reason why she so confidently wanted to snatch Ling Mofeng from her was nothing more than a reason for not optimistic about their engagement.    


"Is there something wrong with her brain?" Ling Mofeng's handsome face instantly turned gloomy as he said, "She did this. Aren't you afraid your grandfather will get angry?    


"She is not afraid. She must be thinking that she is also the granddaughter of the Lan Family. If you like her and let her marry you, it won't be a big deal. Sigh, my life is really tough. Even my cousin is jealous of me." The more Lan Yanxi thought about it, the more sad she became.    


Ling Mofeng reached out and gently stroked her arm. "Don't worry. I will not give her any chance. I will not let her hurt our relationship."    


"I believe you will not care about her, but if... she is innocent enough to confess to you, you must firmly reject her. You cannot give her any delusions." Lan Yanxi asked angrily.    


Ling Mofeng saw that she was so angry that her face turned red. His thin lips could not help kissing the corner of her lips. "Alright. If she really has the face to confess to me, I will definitely teach her a new life."    


"Really?" Lan Yanxi's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of a smile. "Then I will wait and see the result!"    


When the man saw her smile, he raised the corner of his mouth. He was no longer satisfied. He just kissed her gently.    


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