President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1377 Some People Can't be Happy

C1377 Some People Can't be Happy

Half of the guests had arrived. As the host of the banquet, it was time for Ji Xiaohan to show his face. He walked down the stairs elegantly and elegantly.    


As soon as he went down the stairs, someone came up to greet him. Ji Xiaohan put on his professional smile and walked over with people chatting. The guests present all had some interactions with him. Some were not familiar with him, but some were very familiar with him.    


Among them, there were naturally a few good brothers of his. However, the reason why everyone came to the gathering was naturally because they were sociable. Therefore, the good brothers did not gather together to chat. Instead, they found their own business circle friends to sit or stand and chat.    


Ji Xiaohan stared at Gao Yue from afar. Gao Yue seemed a little lonely because she was not in this circle and no one knew her. She also pretended to be aloof and did not greet anyone. She held a cup of wine and drank quietly there. Her beautiful eyes looked in Ji Xiaohan's direction from time to time.    


Ji Xiaohan brought Lu Qing with him. He held a glass in his hand and clinked glasses with people. His handsome face was full of sincerity. When a woman saw him, she would be enchanted by him.    


Some men were born with charm. They could not hide the male hormones aura even if they wanted to. A casual raise of an eyebrow and a raise of a lips was enough for a woman to reminisce for the rest of her life. It was hard for her to forget.    


Ji Xiaohan had this kind of charm. Even though he had an official fake smile on his face, he was still so handsome that it was suffocating.    


"young master, left!" Lu Qing whispered in his ear.    


Ji Xiaohan walked towards Gao Yue, pretending to be careless. Gao Yue did not expect Ji Xiaohan to walk towards her. She was so nervous that her breath stopped. She felt as if she had been electrocuted. She felt itchy and excited.    


Ji Xiaohan saw her inadvertently and immediately walked towards Gao Yue with his long straight legs.    


"Tsk, isn't this the female reporter who spoke sharply last time? It's such a coincidence that we meet again." Ji Xiaohan pretended that he had just discovered her. Moreover, there was a hint of coldness in his words.    


Gao Yue looked surprised, but she was very happy. As expected, she had left a deep impression on Ji Xiaohan.    


"Boss Ji, I'm really sorry. The topic I asked that day was a little sensitive." Gao Yue immediately pretended that she knew she was wrong and sincerely apologized.    


"Ha, I thought people like you as reporters would not apologize for what you said. You have made me look at you in a different light." Ji Xiaohan showed his appreciation for her attitude.    


Gao Yue was secretly happy. This was the knowledge of high emotional intelligence. If she admitted defeat, men would feel pity for her. Ji Xiaohan praising her like this, did it mean that Ji Xiaohan had developed a good impression of her?    


"Boss Ji raised his love. Sometimes I am a straightforward person, but I will know later. When I think about it later, it seems that I have indeed made you unhappy. Boss Ji, let me give you a toast. Please show mercy and forgive me this time." Gao Yue quickly took the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot and looked at Ji Xiaohan with a pitiful expression.    


Ji Xiaohan passed the cup over. Gao Yue quickly touched the edge of his cup. "Thank you for your magnanimity, Boss Ji." Gao Yue immediately smiled gratefully.    


"Miss?" Ji Xiaohan pretended to know her for the first time.    


"No need for your surname to be Gao, Gao Yue!" Gao Yue immediately introduced herself tenderly.    


"I really appreciate Miss Gao's enthusiasm towards work. I don't know if she is interested in coming to my company to work. My company has been developing well recently and my position is empty. I am looking for elite talents everywhere. If Miss Gao is interested, please contact me!" After Ji Xiaohan finished speaking, he reached into his pocket and took out a business card of his and passed it to Gao Yue.    


Gao Yue could not believe her ears. Ji Xiaohan actually took the initiative to invite her to work in his company? Furthermore, he even gave her his private business card.    


"Boss Ji is really difficult. In fact, I won't hide it from you. I just got a job as a reporter, and it didn't take long for Boss Ji to think highly of me. I'm flattered. I'll take the business card first. Please let me think about it for a few days! " Gao Yue actually agreed readily in her heart, but she still had to say a few words to show that she was not that eager to work in his company. This could also increase her impression of him.    


"Gao Xiao Yue does not need to give me an answer so quickly. After all, it is hard to ask for talent. I only have this hope, but if Miss Gao does not want to work in my company, I will not force her." Ji Xiaohan put on an attitude of wanting to seek talent.    


"Okay, then I have thought about it. I will give Boss Ji an answer. Thank you for your praise." Gao Yue was overjoyed. She felt like she had won a big prize and was so excited that she almost shouted out.    


Ji Xiaohan turned around and left. Gao Yue's hand that was holding his business card was trembling. She was so happy. She knew she would not do it. She had finally gotten something. She could get Ji Xiaohan's private business card. It was a great honor to be able to get Ji Xiaohan's personal business card. This also meant that she could contact him at will.    


Ji Xiaohan was actually just using the business card as bait to get Gao Yue to hook it herself.    


Ji Xiaohan's acting skills were still commendable. After all, he played all kinds of roles every day. Other than returning home, he could take off his mask and use his most real side to get along with his family.    


"young master, Gao Yue has a high EQ. She was very calm just now. I really can't look down on her." Lu Qing whispered in Ji Xiaohan's ear and analyzed.    


"I really can't look down on her. I just don't know who gave her orders." Ji Xiaohan sneered.    


The banquet was still going on, but Gao Yue did not stay any longer. Because she was indeed out of place in this circle. Although she could take the opportunity to get to know a lot of people, those people did. Neither is her current target. She had no intention of recognizing them, and she didn't want to wander around under Ji Xiaohan's nose. She was afraid that she would ruin the good impression that she had built with great difficulty.    


Therefore, she left.    


She went to a friend's shop and called Zhang Lu using the phone of a friend's landline.    


"Director Zhang, congratulations. I've got Ji Xiaohan's business card. This will be my key to his company." Gao Yue said proudly, unable to hide her happiness.    


When Zhang Lu heard that she had won Ji Xiaohan's recognition, his face darkened. He did not seem very happy. He just nodded lightly. "Then I really have to congratulate you. I thought you were going to give up. I did not expect that things would turn for the better again."    


"Minister Zhang, are you so unconfident in me? I said I would do anything to achieve my goal." Gao Yue heard that the other party could not share her joy and instantly lost interest.    


"Xiao Yue, actually, I feel that you might not be suitable for this job. After all, you might not only have this one way out." Zhang Lu wanted to persuade her to give up because it was not difficult to find another woman to replace her.    


"Department Head Zhang, what do you mean by this? It was not easy for me to get through Ji Xiaohan, but you want me to give up?" Gao Yue was unhappy. She felt that her efforts were not confirmed.    


Zhang Lu suddenly turned into a mute. He actually wanted to confess to Gao Yue about his love for her, but those words stuck in his throat and could not be said.    


Zhang Lu divorced a few years ago. Now he was single. He was just over forty years old. He could be considered to be in his prime. He felt that the age of Gao Yue and himself was not a problem. Moreover, he liked her and would naturally pave the way for her career. He would not let her down.    


But now, Zhang Lu had an indescribable bitterness.    


"Xiao Yue, I did not ask you to give up. I just feel that you are taking a risk doing this. What if Ji Xiaohan is plotting against you? "Aren't you afraid? Offending Ji Xiaohan is not a good outcome." Zhang Lu immediately threatened her.    


Minister Zhang, you don't have faith in me, do you? "she asked. My EQ is very high. Don't worry. I have the ability to behave myself. I won't bother you. I'm hanging up!" Gao Yue really hung up the phone after she finished speaking. Her face was full of resentment as she snorted.    


Zhang Lu looked at the phone that had been hung up. He was so annoyed that he wanted to smash it. He had finally taken a fancy to a woman after so many years, but he wanted to personally send that woman to another man's bed. He was not in a good mood.    


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