President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1375 This Is Not a Joke

C1375 This Is Not a Joke

Lan Yanxi happened to walk to the last few stairs. When she heard Lieutenant Chu's words, she stepped on air and almost fell down. Lieutenant Chu was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly reached out to help but felt something was not right. Luckily Lan Yanxi's balance was not bad and she stabilized her balance. She looked at Chu Lie with surprise and surprise. "Really? "Where is she? I'll go see her. Is she hurt?"    


Lan Yanxi asked several questions in a row and stopped Chu Lie. Chu Lie did not have time to reply and Lan Yanxi had already run to a room on the first floor. She went in and saw Cheng Yuan sleeping on the bed. There was still liquid on the back of her hand.    


"Cheng Yuan!" Lan Yanxi's footsteps suddenly became light. She walked in front of her and squatted down in surprise and joy.    


Seeing Cheng Yuan's face pale and her lips losing blood, she looked extremely weak as if she did not dare to wake her up loudly.    


Chu Lie stood at the door and looked at her. His face was full of pain and worry.    


Lan Yanxi did not wake Cheng Yuan up. She just turned around and walked out of the living room with red eyes. She took a deep breath and asked in a steady voice, "Where did you find her? There seemed to be many small wounds on her body. Was she injured by someone?"    


Chu Lie shook his head. "These wounds should have been left behind when she was running for her life. We found her under the cliff by the sea."    


"Oh my God!" Lan Yanxi's heart ached. Cheng Yuan actually spent a day and night by the sea in such a cold winter. How did she survive?    


"However, she is only frozen. If she replenishes some nutrition, she should wake up. Nothing will happen. Miss Lan do not need to worry too much!" Chu Lie saw Lan Yanxi's self-blaming and sad expression and immediately comforted her softly.    


"Those bastards are not human. How can they hurt Cheng Yuan like this? They deserve to die!" Lan Yanxi's heart was currently filled with resentment. She hated those people who attacked Cheng Yuan.    


"You are right. They deserve to die. Life is worthless in their eyes. But it is because their hearts are black that they are worried that they will not get the support of the people. That is why they would play all kinds of sinister tricks behind the scenes. But there is still justice in this society. They will not be complacent for long." Chu Lie also hated it. He wished that he could twist that old bastard's head off and kick it like a ball. Could it be that only their lives are life? Can't Kusanagi live on?    


"Chu Lie, luckily you came. Cheng Yuan only managed to save her life!" Lan Yanxi sighed lightly and finally felt at ease.    


"Right. There is another thing that I want to mention to you about Qiao Zhuo. He admitted that he was ordered by old president to get close to you. His goal is shameless. He wants you to fall in love with him so that Mr. Vice President can be cuckolded. " Also, he wants to take this opportunity to test your relationship with him. " Chu Lie told Lan Yanxi about Qiao Zhuo's evil intentions. Lan Yanxi was stunned.    


Is he really from old president? " She was just guessing and was not sure. But now, Lan Yanxi was covered in cold sweat. She did not expect Qiao Zhuo to do such shameless things to her. In the future, she really would not want to look at him anymore.    


"Miss Lan, don't worry. We have already punished this despicable person. He should not have the chance to hurt you in the future." Chu Lie immediately comforted her.    


"What did you do to him?" Lan Yanxi asked curiously.    


"Nothing much. I just shaved his self-righteous face and gave him a beating. Let him remember not to harm others." Chu Lie smiled mockingly.    


Lan Yanxi did not say anything after listening to Chu Lie. Such punishment should not be too severe for Qiao Zhuo. She must let him have a good memory. Otherwise, if he had evil intentions, he would probably hurt more innocent women in the future.    


Cheng Yuan woke up at noon. When she opened her eyes, she saw Chu Lie and Lan Yanxi beside him with a nervous face. She could not help but smile.    


"Cheng Yuan, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? I will go and ask the doctor to take a look at you again." Lan Yanxi saw that she had woken up and immediately cared about her.    


I am fine. I am much better. Yanxi, are you injured? I'm also very worried about you!" Cheng Yuan revealed a worried expression because she really wanted to go and inform Lan Yanxi to take care of her safety but her situation did not allow her to do that. She deeply apologized.    


"Am I not fine? Don't worry about me. Right, Talk to Lieutenant Chu. I'll go out first! " Lan Yanxi tactfully left the space for the two of them. She did not make any light bulbs.    


Sigh, Yanxi... "Cheng Yuan wanted to keep her but Lan Yanxi walked out in large strides without turning her head.    


Chu Lie sat on a chair by the side and looked like a soldier. He said with a concerned face, "Are you really not uncomfortable anywhere? Don't show off. You are very weak now. It is not the time to show off!"    


Chu Lie knew Cheng Yuan was a very tough woman, so he asked her seriously.    


"I am really fine." Cheng Yuan's constitution was good. Now she had lost the liquid and recovered her strength.    


"Do you know which bastards caused you to fall?" Chu Lie asked in a deep voice.    


Cheng Yuan shook her head. "I have never seen those people. They are all foreigners. The taxi driver is dead and the car has sunk to the bottom of the sea. I have the fortune to save my life. Thank you for saving me. I will remember this favor."    


"Mr. Vice President is also very worried about you, so he specially sent me to help. You and Miss Lan are safe and sound. I can finally report to him." Although Chu Lie looked like he was doing business, he still looked at Cheng Yuan with more affection.    


Cheng Yuan looked at his serious expression and suddenly seemed to have thought of something. She lowered her head and pursed her lips and smiled.    


"What are you laughing at?" Chu Lie was slightly stunned.    


"Do you remember what you said at the bottom of the cliff?" he asked. Does it count?" Cheng Yuan's face was pale and red. She bit her lower lip and asked shyly.    


"I..." Chu Lie suddenly remembered that he was so anxious at that time that he did not know what to do. He thought that no one else heard him and would not remember even if they heard him. But now Cheng Yuan asked him a question. He thought that he was very thick-skinned but he was still so embarrassed that he turned red.    


"Forget it. I actually did not hear it very clearly. If you make things difficult for me, I will not bring up this matter." Cheng Yuan was indeed a reasonable and good girl. Seeing Chu Lie make things difficult for her, she immediately decided to give up on asking.    


Chu Lie looked at her in a daze. Of course he wasn't someone who didn't keep his word. However, even if he wanted to take responsibility for this matter, It wasn't something he could do alone.    


"Lieutenant Chu, I'm already very lucky to be able to survive. I don't dare to ask for anything else. Don't make things too difficult for me. Just treat it as a joke." Cheng Yuan saw that the man sitting straight in front of her was embarrassed by her and blushed. She was also very stressed.    


"This is not a joke, Cheng Yuan. What I said is definitely not empty words. Since I said I want to marry you, I will definitely marry you. But... are you willing to be my girlfriend? " When Chu Lie finished speaking, his aura weakened and his voice also became softer.    


Cheng Yuan had just woken up when she heard the man's sincere confession. She was so shocked that she could not say anything. The joy in her heart was pounding against her heart, causing her breathing to become sluggish.    


"This is not a joke, right?" Cheng Yuan could not believe it, so she foolishly asked.    


Chu Lie shook his head and answered her firmly, "Of course not."    


"Is that a dream?" Cheng Yuan still could not believe this surprise. Then, she stretched out an arm and said, "Hurry up and pinch me!"    


Chu Lie looked at her silly face and could not help laughing. However, he did not twist her arm. Instead, he leaned over and kissed her forehead quickly.    


"Will you still feel that this is a dream now?" Chu Lie laughed. He didn't expect her to be so cute.    


Cheng Yuan's eyes widened. The warmth of the man's lips seemed to be left on her forehead. It took her a long time to accept this beautiful reality.    


"Alright, don't let your imagination run wild. I'll get someone to make you something to eat!" Chu Lie was also very shy. After kissing her, he felt a little unnatural. He could only turn around and leave.    


Cheng Yuan's breathing finally calmed down. The corner of her mouth rose. She suddenly felt that living was really a beautiful thing.    


There was a mirror beside her. Cheng Yuan reached out to take it, wanting to see the happiness on her face.    


However, she saw a woman with unkempt hair and unkempt face. Her face was still swollen. Don't mention how ugly she looked.    


Cheng Yuan's head exploded. Chu Lie actually confessed to her face?    


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