President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1374 Self-inflicted Evil Fruit

C1374 Self-inflicted Evil Fruit

The sharp edge of the blade made Qiao Zhuo instantly terrified. He was really afraid of death. Even if he had nothing left, as long as he was alive, he would agree to anything. After all, if he died, there would be nothing left.    


"Alright, I'll tell you. What do you want to know?" Qiao Zhuo nodded with a trembling voice. He no longer had the energy to take revenge.    


"What did Zhang Lu ask you to do?" A man beside him took out a recording pen and began to interrogate him. Qiao Zhuo looked at the recording pen. He was trembling with fear and uneasiness. If old president's people knew that he had sold out all the information, would they also find someone to kill him?    


Zhang Lu suddenly felt that he had walked into a dead end.    


"One night, he came to my house to find me. He asked me to seduce Lan Yanxi..."    


"Seducing?" These two words made the whole car of men laugh.    


"Are you very confident in your face? You actually want to use your gigolo face to seduce women. It looks repulsive!" The man who was playing with the knife suddenly raised his hand and cut Qiao Zhuo's face. He controlled his strength well and the wound was not deep, but it would definitely leave scars in the future. Qiao Zhuo let out a painful scream and covered his face. Blood fell from the gap between his fingers.    


"Go on!" The man asked him coldly.    


Qiao Zhuo was in pain and scared. He was shaking in fear. "Zhang Lu said that as long as Lan Yanxi likes me, he will let me rise. He only asked me to do one thing. I really don't know anything else."    


"Really? Then do you need me to wake you up and think about it?" The man sneered.    


Qiao Zhuo was so scared that he shrank back. Zhang Lu wants to test Ling Mofeng's feelings for Lan Yanxi through my pursuit of her."    


Slap! Zhang Lu slapped him hard on the other side of his face. "Is Vice President's name something you can call him?"    


Qiao Zhuo was stunned again. He was finally sure. This group of fierce-looking men was sent by Ling Mofeng to deal with him. His entire body appeared as if he was dead.    


"I was wrong. I shouldn't have been greedy for a chance to rise to the top. Please let me go. I really only know these things. Moreover, I have failed as well. Zhang Lu has already given up on me. It's useless for you all to capture me. I don't know any more information." Qiao Zhuo immediately cried and begged for mercy.    


"Where is Cheng Yuan? You don't know?" The man suddenly kicked his chest and asked angrily.    


"Cheng Yuan? Wasn't Cheng Yuan dead? Was he killed by the person that Department Head Zhang found?" Qiao Zhuo was so scared that his face was devoid of expression. He replied in a daze.    


"What? "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you believe that I won't let you get what it feels like to die?" The man grabbed his shirt. The knife had already pierced his neck. The man sitting on both sides of him quickly came over and pulled him away.    


"I did not participate in this matter. I really do not know. I only know that Department Head Zhang said that Cheng Yuan was dead. It seems like she... fell into the sea and drowned!" Qiao Zhuo answered quickly with a trembling voice.    


At this moment, the business car stopped. Qiao Zhuo turned his head and looked out of the window. It was next to a forest. He was so scared that he almost stopped breathing. Was he going to kill him?    


"Qiao Zhuo, if you are alive, consider being a good person. Because being a bad person doesn't have a good ending. What you did to Lan Yanxi was just a scumbag." The man got off the car and gave Qiao Zhuo ideological education with a sneer.    


"Okay, okay. I will change my mind. I will not hurt anyone. When I see Lan Yanxi, I will take a detour. I promise I will not have any thoughts about her." Qiao Zhuo was scared out of his wits. He no longer had those flowery thoughts.    


"Although you admit your mistake, you still owe him a beating. The two of you, drag him in and beat him up. Give him a deep lesson." The man moved his fingers and ordered his two subordinates.    


"Didn't you say you wouldn't kill me? Do you want to go back on your word?" Qiao Zhuo was scared when he heard he was going to get beaten again. He shouted in fear.    


"I won't kill you, but it doesn't mean I won't beat you up." The man mocked him.    


Qiao Zhuo was dragged into the woods by two men. After a few punches and kicks, Qiao Zhuo passed out. It was not until several hours later that he woke up from his coma. He touched his phone and found it was gone. He was so angry that he punched the ground with his fists. He was so unlucky that he had actually brought himself to this extent.    


Qiao Zhuo might really not know more. When he heard from him that Cheng Yuan was related to Hai, Lieutenant Chu had already sent people to search along the road by the sea.    


Soon, there was news. "Lieutenant Chu, we just found traces of a car in a small forest. That car is heading towards the edge of the sea. Could it be related to Cheng Yuan?"    


"Where is it? I'll come over!" When Lieutenant Chu heard the news, he felt cold all over. He immediately drove over. A group of people followed the tracks and found the beach. It was dark and windy.    


"Cheng Yuan!" Lieutenant Chu shouted at the sea. The steel-like man had hot tears in his eyes. Lieutenant Chu did not expect that he and Cheng Yuan would lose her if they did not even have the chance to hold hands.    


A group of people had already tied the ropes and jumped down agilely. At this time, they were also very worried and anxious. Even if there was a chance, they could not let it go.    


"Cheng Yuan, you can't die. Come back here!" Lieutenant Chu held his forehead in pain and murmured. Someone tied the rope for him and he jumped down.    


Cheng Yuan curled up and felt dizzy. It was as if she heard Chu Lie's voice. She thought she was dreaming and could not help but tighten her consciousness.    


"Cheng Yuan... answer me!" Immediately after, there were several more voices. But this time, it was not only Chu Lie's voice. There were also countless people calling her by her name.    


"Chu Lie!" Cheng Yuan relied on her strong willpower to open her eyes and tried to crawl towards the cave entrance.    


At this moment, it was pitch black outside and Cheng Yuan was struggling to crawl. She wanted to make a sound but found that her throat was in extreme pain.    


"Cheng Yuan, didn't you say you like me? As long as you come back, I will marry you immediately!" Chu Lie was so anxious that he was about to break down. That was why he started to spout nonsense. Only in this way could he vent some of the pain in his heart.    


"Really?" Just as Chu Lie landed on a sharp rock, he heard a weak female voice. The flashlight in his hand immediately shone behind him. He saw Chu Yuan's pale face, but she still had a smile on her face.    


"Cheng Yuan!" Chu Lie seemed to be in a dream. He rushed over and reached out to touch the girl's frozen face. His heart was in pain.    


"I knew... you would come and save me!" Cheng Yuan saw the person she loved and her heart finally relaxed. Her nerves relaxed and her willpower dissipated. She actually fainted.    


She found Cheng Yuan. To everyone present, this was a great victory.    


On the way back to the car, Chu Lie took off almost all of his clothes in the warm heater and covered Cheng Yuan's body tightly. He was only wearing an army green shirt.    


His palms were also rubbing her palms and feet, trying to warm her up quickly.    


Some people looked around and found a big secret. Lieutenant Chu had a lover.    


Chu Lie no longer cared about other people's eyes. He just wanted to warm the girl in his arms.    


Cheng Yuan was in a daze. She felt that someone was rubbing her hands and feet for her. She could not help sleeping more peacefully. She hoped that this was a dream. There was someone who loved her in the dream.    


When she returned to the house Lan Yanxi was in, she had already fallen asleep upstairs. Chu Lie did not wake her up because she was also very tired.    


When Cheng Yuan came back, the first thing she did was to treat her.    


At this moment, the password to Qiao Zhuo's phone had already been cracked. There were a lot of photos of Lan Yanxi secretly taken in his phone.    


Lieutenant Chu was copying some of the photos he secretly took. After that, he destroyed his cell phone. Ling Mofeng wanted to see those photos, so he kept them.    


Lan Yanxi slept the whole night. When she woke up, she found herself lying in an unfamiliar room. Thinking carefully, she remembered that it was Lieutenant Chu who arranged a place for her to stay the night before.    


She put on her clothes sadly and went downstairs. It had been a day and night. Was there still no news from Cheng Yuan?    


"Miss Lan, I have good news for you. Cheng Yuan is fine. We found her!" Lieutenant Chu knew that she must be very worried. So he waited in the living room early in the morning to tell her the news immediately.    


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