President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1359 This Is a Tigress

C1359 This Is a Tigress

Cheng Yuan's nervousness was noticed by Chu Lie. He looked at her strangely. "Are you very cold?"    


Cheng Yuan was choked by the man's words. She was so hot that she was sweating. How could she be cold?    


"It's not cold!" Cheng Yuan lowered her head and answered softly.    


"Then why do you keep shaking?" Chu Lie was a straight man. He did not understand how women would tremble when they were nervous.    


"I... I am just a little nervous." Cheng Yuan swallowed her saliva and looked up quickly at Chu Lie.    


"What are you nervous about? You are so good at fighting. Are you afraid of anyone?" Chu Lie was immediately amused by her words. In his hearty laughter, there was still a man's straight line of thought.    


Cheng Yuan was completely dumbfounded. She was embarrassed and embarrassed. She did not feel good.    


Chu Lie only found Cheng Yuan's face full of shame when he was laughing halfway. He quickly stopped laughing and casually asked, "Cheng Yuan, Do you think that if you are so skilled and want to find a boyfriend in the future, you will have to fight him first and only marry you if you win?"    


Cheng Yuan's head exploded and she looked at the man who was joking with her with mixed feelings.    


"Who said that if you can fight, you must use force to get married? I... I like it so I can get married!" Cheng Yuan was about to faint from anger on the spot.    


"Oh, but I feel that you should find a man who can beat you better than you. Otherwise, there might be domestic violence. I don't know which poor man is going to be disciplined by you!" Chu Lie was also interested and wanted to make fun of Cheng Yuan. Seeing Cheng Yuan blush, he wanted to tease her even more.    


Cheng Yuan was so angry that she wanted to cry. Who would save her worldview? Who told her that Lieutenant Chu was not serious and serious? He stood out and promised that he would not kill her.    


This man who spoke so angrily in front of her really made Cheng Yuan want to move her fingers and perform an exercise to expose her strength.    


"Lieutenant Chu, can you stop talking? I know you guys don't like me, but you can't make fun of me, right?" Cheng Yuan bit her lip and glared at him angrily.    


Chu Luo was stunned. He realized he had made a big joke.    


"I'm sorry, I don't have any bad intentions..."    


"Lieutenant Chu, I heard you are very skilled. I wonder if I can compete with you." Cheng Yuan did not know where she got the courage to suddenly make such a request.    


"Ah?" Chu Luo was confused. Why did this woman want to fight with a man like him?    


She would be at a disadvantage!    


"Cheng Yuan, it's so late. Let's just forget about it. I'm afraid I'll hurt you!" Chu Luo knew how to be tender to women.    


"I can't count on it. I've long wanted to experience Lieutenant Chu's skills. Today is a rare opportunity. I must have a competition!" Cheng Yuan's stubborn temper rose, and she pleaded with a determined look.    


"That... this doesn't seem to be good. You are a woman. I..."    


"Lieutenant Chu can't be discriminating against women, right?" Cheng Yuan's pretty face was tense and her tone was aggressive.    


"Of course not!"    


"Then fight me. No matter who wins or loses, just fight!" Cheng Yuan did not have any intention of backing down.    


Chu Lie suddenly understood one thing. Women were tigers. They could not be provoked. They could not hide.    


"Alright. Since you want to compete with me so much, fine. Come with me. There is a training ground underground." Chu Lie looked helpless. Since Cheng Yuan wanted to compete with him so much, he had to satisfy her request. Anyway, he would not hurt her.    


Cheng Yuan did not know which nerve she was in. Looking at the man's firm back, she only wanted to beat him until his teeth were all over the ground. He actually dared to make fun of her like this. Even if he was her superior, she would not admit defeat.    


There was a training ground underground. The light was a little dim. Cheng Yuan looked at the spacious training ground and asked with a face full of surprise. "What kind of place is this? Why would this kind of training ground be built underground?"    


"This is a secret. You can't reveal it!" Chu Lie put his hand on his lips and stopped talking.    


Cheng Yuan could only be less curious. There was no air conditioner in the underground training ground, but the temperature was not considered cold.    


Cheng Yuan directly took off her military uniform and only wore a white military shirt. Standing there quietly, Chu Lie turned his head and saw her standing in the middle of the field against the light. His heart skipped a beat.    


"Come on!" Cheng Yuan stood steadily and hooked her finger at Chu Lie.    


Chu Lie's eyes instantly widened. Why did he not feel like he was fighting, but rather like he was hooked by her?    


"En!" Chu Luo was still in a daze. Cheng Yuan lifted her leg and swept it. A solid kick landed on his chest. Chu Lie took a few steps back and covered his chest with his hands. His face was full of pain. "Wow, your foot is so fierce. Cheng Yuan, do you hate me?"    


"Don't smile. Lieutenant Chu, I have always admired you. I hope you do your best and don't disappoint me." Cheng Yuan's chest was full of anger. When she heard Chu Lie joke about her marriage, she was so angry that her heart was twisted. She must teach him a lesson and make him not joke about this next time.    


"Okay, I will fight you seriously!" Chu Lie finally stopped smiling. However, he was depressed in his heart. How did he offend Cheng Yuan? This woman looked like she wanted to kill someone. Sigh, this was the reason why he did not want to have a girlfriend. A woman's heart was like a needle in the sea. He could not figure it out even if he wanted to.    


The following punches and kicks caused the atmosphere in the basement to become oppressive and stifling.    


"Cheng Yuan, is it okay?" When Chu Luo was about to hurt her several times, he stopped and stopped using his strength. He only asked this girl who was unwilling to admit defeat with a muffled voice.    


"Not enough. Again!" Cheng Yuan suddenly took a step back and tore off the shirt that was in her way. She took it off and casually threw it on the ground. Inside was a gray and blue sports undergarment. She had an indescribable healthy charm. Her short hair was wet from sweat and her pretty face was covered in sweat. She looked wild and difficult to tame and made people unable to move their eyes away.    


"You... Why did you take off your clothes!" Chu Lie looked at her again. He did not expect Cheng Yuan to be so serious and want to fight with him. For a moment, he could not figure it out.    


"It's okay. Don't worry. I can handle it!" Cheng Yuan wanted to use her full strength. Even if that man hit her, she would not feel pain.    


"Don't be so serious. If you are like this, I do not dare to attack!" Chu Lie quickly retracted his fist. If it wasn't because she was wearing a shirt, he wouldn't have dared to attack her. When he thought of his fist hitting her such a delicate body, he felt guilty.    


Cheng Yuan didn't want to stop. She rushed over and lifted her two legs to kick his arm.    


Chu Lie was shocked and quickly dodged. At the same time, he raised his hand to grab her. When his fingers touched her legs, he didn't dare to use force. In the end, Cheng Yuan got his hands. Chu Lie was almost out of breath after being kicked by her.    


"Cheng Yuan, you are crazy!" Only now did Chu Lie realize that this woman was serious. His face was full of surprise.    


"I am not crazy. Chu Lie, I will beat you first." Cheng Yuan took a deep breath and continued to attack.    


Chu Lie saw that she was really crazy. He quickly tied her up and controlled her movements. He gasped and said, "Cheng Yuan, why did you beat me?"    


"Because you lost, I can find another man who can beat me to like!" At this moment, Cheng Yuan's heart was extremely sour. Her tears were rolling and there was an indescribable sadness.    


"What?" Chu Lie's mind buzzed. For a moment, his mind went blank.    


"Chu Lie, I will definitely defeat you. Only then can I convince myself to give up!" Cheng Yuan said as she lifted her leg and drew a straight line in front of her chest. Just as she was about to hit the man's forehead, Chu Lie suddenly reached out and grabbed her leg.    


Cheng Yuan's current position. It was difficult to explain. She felt ashamed and tried to struggle free, but Chu Lie was stronger than her, so she couldn't break free. Tears suddenly fell down her face. It was as if she had been wronged.    


"Cheng Yuan, do you like me?" Chu Lie suddenly asked. He was also surprised.    


"No! "Let go of me!" Cheng Yuan stubbornly struggled for a while. The man was stunned and quickly let go.    


Cheng Yuan was really angry. However, when Chu Lie was not prepared, she grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder. In the next second, Cheng Yuan grabbed one of his arms and knelt on his chest with her knees. She said angrily, "You still lost. I can give up on you."    


"I won't lose!" At this moment, Chu Lie's strength suddenly lifted her up. Cheng Yuan did not react and fell to the side. The next second, the man put his hands beside her ear and took the advantage.    


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