President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1264 His Love

C1264 His Love

1264. The love he gave.    


On her slender wrist was a man's warm and wide palm. Lan Yanxi had just felt cold in both body and mind, but at this moment, she actually felt that the room had become warmer.    


The two of them walked towards the man's study and turned on the lights. Inside was a spacious and antique study. On the three rows of bookshelves, there were some precious books that Ling Mofeng had carefully collected. Lan Yanxi had thought that Ling Mofeng had bought so many books to dress up and look at the bookshelves, but when she carefully looked at the books, she found that each book had traces of being read many times. It definitely did not look like an ornament. It seemed that this man really loved reading books.    


Ling Mofeng opened a safe and took out important documents and seals from inside. He placed them on the table. Lan Yanxi crossed her hands behind her back and calmly looked around his study.    


On it were some trophies that he had won. And some of his own collection of antiques.    


"What are you looking at?" Ling Mofeng followed her with a smile and asked her.    


"Look at your collection. Are they valuable?" Lan Yanxi pointed with her finger.    


"They are not valuable. It is just that I like them!" Ling Mofeng replied softly.    


Lan Yanxi narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Ling Mofeng, my grandfather said that you are a very knowledgeable man. I did not agree at first. I feel that you must be very generous with your interests. A good power conspirator is definitely not a good person. He would plot against others if he was not careful. Now it seems that I am too narrow-minded and prejudiced."    


"Ignorance is not a crime. You can slowly learn. One day, you will become the kind of person you like!" Ling Mofeng raised his eyebrows and reminded her with a smile.    


"You are the ignorant one!" Sure enough, someone was unconvinced.    


Ling Mofeng suddenly looked down from her cute wrinkled nose and felt something was wrong.    


It was only when he saw this woman wrapping her petite body into a bun that he was stunned to find that this woman was wearing her own pink pajamas. She was also wearing his pajamas. What kind of appearance was this?    


"Why are you wearing my pajamas? Did you get my permission?" The man deliberately asked her with a straight face, wanting to see her reaction.    


Lan Yanxi was stunned. Only then did she realize that she really seemed to have secretly put on his pajamas. She immediately pulled out a fake smile. "Your pajamas are thicker and warmer. Lend me a bit to wear it. Don't be so stingy. You must always remember you. You are a man. A man who cares about the world. I am also your citizen! "    


Ling Mofeng knew that she could talk with her small mouth. He smiled gently. "Well, if you don't mind, wear it if you like. Don't freeze."    


Of course Lan Yanxi knew that Ling Mofeng was deliberately trying to scare her, so she acted shamelessly. Sure enough, this man's heart softened.    


"Ling Mofeng, you said it's so cold. How nice would it be if someone could warm my bed?" Lan Yanxi suddenly became evil again. She lazily sat on his big black chair and crossed one of her legs, revealing her pajama pants. She looked at the man with her big beautiful eyes and pretended to be charming.    


"Do you want me to warm your bed?" Ling Mofeng asked directly.    


"Yes." "Yes, yes, I want to. My hands and feet will be cold when winter comes. When you grabbed me just now, you found out that your palms are actually so warm. They are even more useful than a furnace." Lan Yanxi immediately nodded her head shamelessly. She hoped that Mr. Vice President would be able to take care of a good citizen like her.    


"Let's go!" Ling Mofeng turned around and wanted to leave without saying anything.    


"Hey!" Lan Yanxi was just joking with him. She did not expect him to take it seriously before she took it seriously.    


"What's wrong now?" Ling Mo asked. Ling Mo turned his head and held back his laughter.    


"I... I was just joking, I just wanted to test you. Is it true to me that I don't really want you to warm the bed?" Lan Yanxi immediately explained.    


"But now I really want to warm the bed for you. Come with me!" Ling Mofeng did not care about her explanation and directly demanded.    


"No, I won't go with you. Aren't you going to take something? You'd better leave as soon as possible, in case someone finds out that our relationship isn't ordinary!" In the middle of the night, a mature and sexy man suggested warming her bed. She did not dare to accept this kind of kindness. Although her favorability towards Ling Mofeng had increased day by day, it had not reached the point where she could sacrifice herself for no reason.    


"Why is our relationship not ordinary? "Tell me about it." Ling Mofeng stopped teasing her when he saw her pale face. He pulled a chair and sat down. He crossed his legs like her. This man was so aggressive.    


Lan Yanxi quickly put down her legs and supported her chin with one hand. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the man who smiled maliciously opposite her. "Didn't you fall in love with me?"    


"It's one thing to like, but it's not an ordinary thing!" Ling Mofeng deliberately tried to provoke her to say what she really wanted.    


Lan Yanxi glared at him angrily. "We held hands and kissed. You even confessed to me. This is the same as liking!"    


Ling Mofeng thought about it carefully. What she said made sense. He could only tap the table with his fingers and agree.    


"Yanxi, how's your work recently?" Ling Mofeng decided to have a serious chat with her.    


"It's okay. I've got it. I won't make any more mistakes." Lan Yanxi immediately straightened her back and looked full of confidence.    


"I didn't expect you to be so serious when you do things. I underestimated you in the past! I thought you wouldn't last more than a week in this job!" Ling Mofeng said with a smile.    


"What? Why do you think of me like that?" Lan Yanxi felt that she had been looked down upon and immediately became angry.    


Only then did Ling Mofeng apologize gently, "I'm sorry. I did not understand you in detail and easily determined that you were not capable enough. It's my fault. In the future, I will understand you more seriously."    


"No need. You don't need to know me that well. I don't want to see through you. It will be more interesting to leave a sense of mystery between us." Lan Yanxi reached out a hand and interrupted him.    


"What kind of mystery do you want?" Ling Mofeng was amused by her.    


"It doesn't matter what mysteriousness it is, but I don't want to see through a person." Lan Yanxi sighed.    


Ling Mofeng's gaze landed on her quiet little face. The sadness that flashed across her eyes made his heart tremble.    


"You seem to have something on your mind?" Ling Mofeng leaned against the table and cared about her in a low voice.    


"Nothing. I just suddenly remembered what my mom said. She saw through my dad's character. She suddenly realized that the man she loved for years was not the type she liked. One day, she suddenly stopped loving him." Lan Yanxi smiled bitterly.    


"I heard that your father left in a car accident. Do you miss him?" Ling Mofeng asked in a low voice.    


"Sometimes I miss him, sometimes I don't. My mom said my dad got into a car accident because he went to see his lover. She said he deserved it. " But my grandpa said that my dad got into a car accident because of a business deal. He told me to remember him well. I don't know who to listen to, either. Anyway, his figure is getting more and more blurry in my mind. Perhaps in a few years, I will really forget about him. " Lan Yanxi laughed self-deprecatingly, but tears started rolling in her eyes. In the end, she buried her head on her arm.    


Ling Mofeng had always seen her look. She was optimistic and confident, cheerful and lively. Now that he suddenly saw her lying on the table and crying silently, his heart immediately became flustered and he was at a loss of what to do.    


He did not know how to comfort her. He felt that her mouth was very stupid at this time. So, he could only get up and walk to her side. He gently rubbed her shoulder with his hand. "Alright, let's not think about the past anymore. It's very late. Go and rest early. We still have to go to work tomorrow."    


"Mmm!" Lan Yanxi did not want to let her sadness spread. She was not suitable to cry like a dog in front of a man. Therefore, when Ling Mofeng tried to persuade her, she was comforted. She stood up and wanted to leave quickly.    


But in the next second, the man did not want to let her go. He directly wrapped her in his arms.    


Lan Yanxi tensed up. She did not expect that her wish would come true immediately. She needed a hug to comfort her, and Ling Mofeng really did hug her all of a sudden.    


"Yanxi, you have lost your fatherly love. I can make up for your loss. I am a few years older than you. I will learn how to love you!" Ling Mofeng whispered into her ear.    


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