A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1119 A Familiar Gift

C1119 A Familiar Gift

"Ho, happy birthday." Yu Xiaowan also joined in the fun.    


Yu Xiaowan handed a personally wrapped box to Shenho, "No matter if you like it or not, you are not allowed to refuse."    


Shenho immediately took it and opened it to take a look. This gift was indeed very unique.    


It was a photo album that Yu Xiaowan and she had taken over ten years ago.    


The photo album was sewn with sheepskin.    


Every photo on the album was wrapped with gold thread.    


At first glance, it seemed to be made of heart.    


Shenho finished reading this album and saw the various photos of herself and Yu Xiaowan walking over. She was so excited that tears almost fell down.    


Shenho immediately hugged Yu Xiaowan and her voice was choked with sobs. "Xiaowan, so many photos, you kept them?"    


"Yes." Yu Xiaowan gently patted Shenho's back and gave her warmth. "Every moment is in the heart and never forgotten!"    


"I really like this gift. Really, Xiaowan. Thank you for saving our beautiful memories for so many years." Shenho let go of Yu Xiaowan and opened the album again. The two of them went from a small time to class together. They held hands and played games together. They did handcraft classes together. Going out together, eating together. We slept together, and so on and so forth. Every instant was so beautiful.    


Shenho hugged Yu Xiaowan and cried and laughed for a long time before she thought of other gifts.    


The bell for class rang.    


Shenho did not have time to open the other gifts and could only pass them to the maids. She brought them back to the car and prepared to open them when she got home.    


When she got home at night, the first thing Shenho did was to take Prince Joel's gifts from the pile of birthday gifts.    


But which one was it?    


Shenho could only tear them apart one by one to see if she could find any clues.    


Halfway through, she removed a box.    


A very beautiful dress appeared in her line of sight.    


The familiar handwriting and the familiar words immediately attracted Shenho's attention.    


This person would give her a dress and a handwritten card every year.    


This habit had persisted for more than ten years.    


But who was this person?    


Shenho took out all the cards she had received before and arranged them one by one to compare them.    


This person must be around the same age as her.    


His handwriting was also changing subtly.    


From childhood until now, he was young and immature. Along the way, he had verified the process of his growth and also recorded the process of his growth.    


Shenho suddenly noticed something.    


In the past, the gifts were mailed from overseas to home, but this time, they appeared on the table in the classroom!    


This meant that the person who gave them gifts was now in the Ruihe Aristocrat Academy!    


Who was he?    


Shenho's heart suddenly jumped.    


These few years, this mysterious person kept giving her gifts. Every time, it was the same packaging and different dresses. Every piece of clothing seemed to be tailor-made and suitable. Clearly, this person had been paying attention to him all this time.    


There were many people who could custom-make these clothes. However, apart from his family members, he was the only stranger who could last for more than ten years.    


This person did not have any ill intentions towards him. Although his words were simple, they were sincere and concerned.    


Those words, on the surface, didn't seem to be anything special.    


Upon closer inspection, it carried a different kind of affection.    


Shenho once again looked at the card that she wrote this year. The words on the card were like jade plates that struck the young girl's heart.    


Shenho put on her dress and walked around the room. Then, she took a picture of this year and posted it on Weibo as usual.    


In the next second, countless people clicked on the post.    


Shenho tried her best to find clues about that person among the people who clicked on her Weibo. After searching for a long time, she did not find anything.    


Shenho could not hold it in anymore and sent another Weibo post, "You gave me clothes for more than ten years. Every year, I will put them on and take pictures for you to see. I'm already 16 years old, don't you want to appear in front of me? "Tell me who you are? Don't you want to see me wearing the dress you gave me?"    


The moment this Weibo post appeared, the entire Internet exploded!    


Mother! Who was this!    


She has actually been secretly in love with the little princess for more than ten years!    


This relationship had extended from childhood to adulthood?    


This was a proper and profound relationship!    


Then, everyone began to wonder who it was!    


The person who could make the little princess keep the cards and the gown for more than ten years was definitely not an ordinary person, right?    


Prince Joel saw Shenho's Weibo. No one could laugh or cry.    


Alright, his girl was just so different.    


He actually didn't guess that it was him!    


Who would have thought that among the transfer students this year, how many would be able to do this?    


When Shen Rui saw his sister's Weibo, he almost laughed out loud!    


Yes, yes, yes. Ho would continue to be innocent like this! You must continue to be so cute!    


I just can't guess who the other party is!    


Then let's see what he can do!    


Shen Rui laughed heartily as he looked at his phone. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Yu Xiaowan carrying a book as she passed by the side road.    


Shen Rui put the phone away and jumped in front of Yu Xiaowan. "Hi, Xiaowan, are you busy?"    


Yu Xiaowan was shocked by Shen Rui's sudden appearance. She was stunned for a while before replying, "Ah, it's Shen Rui. I'm fine. I just showed my homework to the teacher."    


Shen Rui nodded and rolled his eyes. He said, "It will be my and Ho's birthday in a few days. I heard that you gave Ho a special memorable gift. Then, do I have a share? "    


As the heir of the Hee's Group, he had fallen to the point of asking for a gift from someone. This made his fans know how sad he was.    


Yu Xiaowan had an embarrassed look on her face.    


She really did not prepare Shen Rui's gifts!    


She really did not have a very good relationship with Shen Rui.    


Furthermore, she did not want others to say that she was trying to get close to Shen Rui.    


Another thing, she was now a person with a marriage contract after all.    


Even though she had never had contact with Eddy in private ever since Eddy transferred to school.    


However, an engagement was still in existence.    


Therefore, she would try her best to avoid suspicion and would not bring any trouble to herself.    


"I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared." Yu Xiaowan answered apologetically.    


"Oh, it's okay. There's still time." Shen Rui looked like he was reminding her to prepare the gift. He said to Yu Xiaowan, "I still have more than ten days to celebrate my birthday. You can slowly prepare it."    


Shen Rui did not give Yu Xiaowan a chance to reject him. He turned around and left.    


Yu Xiaowan was stunned. She did not know what to say.    


At this time, Eddy Lun's voice sounded from behind. "This Shen Rui seems to be very interested in you."    


Yu Xiaowan turned around and saw Eddy. Eddy's gaze was complicated and she could not figure it out.    


Yu Xiaowan immediately replied, "He just loves the house and the house. Please do not misunderstand. I will not bring shame to the royal family."    


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