A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1284 Time Is Peaceful

C1284 Time Is Peaceful

Time is good.    


"It's said that the first generation of master in this bun shop is a chef from a big family. The whole family loves to eat his breakfast. Later on, Eldest Miss from this family... Because of this breakfast, he became interested in the cook, and then Joe Zhuang changed his disguise and followed the cook. I want to see why he made such a delicious breakfast. " Niuniu narrated this legend." This Eldest Miss followed this chef and went into the mountains. She followed him for a long time. She walked all the way to a mountain spring."    


"This chef dug a hole beside the mountain spring and mumbled something. Water came out of the hole. This chef collected all the water in the hole and brought it home to make breakfast. This Eldest Miss was very careful. In the kitchen, she wrapped up the water. The next day, The breakfast he made in the morning was especially awful. master of this rich family thought that this chef had neglected his duties and dismissed him in a fit of anger.    


"From now on, there will be no more delicious breakfast in this family. This Eldest Miss felt that she had caused trouble. It affected this chef, so she felt especially guilty. So she brought the money to apologize to Chef. And compensate him. But at this moment, a bomb suddenly fell from the sky. This Eldest Miss's home is gone. " Niuniu said until here and suddenly felt sad." Eldest Miss came out to apologize to Chef. She dodged a disaster. But from then on, she no longer had a home. That chef said, if you don't mind, Just stay at my house. As long as I have a bite to eat, I won't starve you. "    


"Then Eldest Miss really stayed at Chef's house for a long time. The two of them began to develop feelings. Eldest Miss married Chef just like that and the couple made breakfast together to sell breakfast. Finally, one day, Eldest Miss was pregnant and the little couple were so happy! But one day, When the R People passed by their breakfast shop, it immediately caught sight of Eldest Miss, who was as beautiful as a flower. "No matter what, I want to take her away." Niuniu's voice was not loud but she spoke very slowly. The surrounding diners also listened attentively.    


"Chef came out with a knife to protect his wife, but he was surrounded by a group of people with guns. Chef did not dare to move. He said, My wife hasn't washed up yet. I can't give it to you like this. How about this, at night, I'll dress my wife up and send her to you. Only then did the R People leave in satisfaction.    


"Without waiting for Eldest Miss to flip out with him, Chef said, Wife, you should take advantage of the night to escape. Find a remote mountain to hide and never come out again. " Niuniu's voice became deeper and deeper. The surrounding diners stopped eating and quietly listened to Niuniu's narration.    


"Eldest Miss said, I'm leaving. Then what are you going to do? Chef replied that even if I'm just a chef, But I'm still a man. If I can't even protect my wife, what kind of man am I? So I'll go for you. They just want breakfast. You're a woman, you can't go. Let me go! "    


"Eldest Miss doesn't agree. She says she wants to escape with Chef no matter what. Chef said that the two of us have a huge target, we can't escape at all! Even if it's for the sake of the child, you can't let anything happen to it. Even if it's for my family! Eldest Miss agreed with tears in her eyes.    


"Then at night, Chef wrote down the formula for his breakfast. In addition to all the valuable things in his family, he put them in his wife's bag. The old man who brought the slops hid her under the car and brought her out of the city. And Chef put on his wife's skirt. He tied his wife's scarf and pretended to be his wife before getting into the R People's car. He entered the R People's military camp. "    


When Niuniu said this, she suddenly stopped talking.    


This time, not only Wen Jianqing was anxious, but the other customers were also anxious. They couldn't help but urge him. "What happened next? What happened after that? What about Chef? How was he? Where's Chef's wife? "Where did she go?"    


Niuniu's breakfast was served. Niuniu picked up a bun and placed it on Wen Jianqing's plate. She continued slowly," Eldest Miss used the slop bucket as cover and successfully left the city. She ran all the way to the mountains. Just as she reached the halfway point of the mountain, she heard a loud noise in the R People army camp. Following that, the flames soared into the sky."    


The surrounding diners were all silent.    


They already knew the outcome of Chef.    


That man used his own life to not only protect the dignity of his wife, but also the spirit of his people.    


The eyes of the female guests around them instantly turned red. They couldn't eat anymore.    


"Chef already knew that this trip is a one-way trip. So he brought all the gunpowder in the house with him. After entering the military camp, He detonated all the gunpowder in his body. "Not even a corpse." Niuniu continued," The R People is furious. The entire city is searching for him. However, they did not find Eldest Miss's figure. Eldest Miss ran up the mountain while crying and hid in the mountain. She hid for half a year.    


"Later, the guerrillas found her in the mountains and learned the whole story. They took her out of the mountains. Eldest Miss set up a cenotaph for Chef and carved her name on the side. After Eldest Miss gave birth to the child, She entrusted the child to a good family and then killed herself in front of her husband's grave. They met underground. Later on, this child slowly grew up under the care of others. He found the breakfast formula left behind by his father and inherited his father's career. He founded this breakfast shop. "    


"Later, when this child grew up, He married a good wife and gave birth to a group of children. All of them were loyal and loving to their wives and husbands. Later on, this family flourished. People flourished. Therefore, the local family wanted to marry their daughters. This meant that in the future, the children would be like that Chef and Eldest Miss. With a beautiful wife, the husband and wife will have white hair. "    


After Niuniu finished her story, the entire breakfast shop started clapping.    


Quite a number of people listened until tears flowed down their faces. They were so touched that they could not help but cry.    


Niuniu was also sad. She said to Wen Jianqing, "Come, have a bun. Have a taste of the love between Chef and Eldest Miss."    


When all the customers dropped their chopsticks again, their expressions became much more solemn.    


At this time, the manager of the breakfast shop came over. While wiping his hands, he said to Niuniu, "It's not easy for a little girl to know the legend of our shop. This story was only known by older people. The boss ordered everyone to have breakfast today. He's treating everyone!"    


The restaurant was suddenly filled with cheers. Everyone stood up to thank the manager and wished the boss and his wife could grow old together.    


When Wen Jianqing heard this story, he was also very touched.    


He ate the bun very seriously and said, "I want to give one to my sister and let her taste the taste of love."    


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