A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1597 Chief Cai Gave Him a Gift

C1597 Chief Cai Gave Him a Gift

Yang Lin sat there motionlessly like a wooden stake after Cheng Tianji left.    


She could hear the screams and cheers of others, the roars on the stage, the sound of blades and blades entering her body, and so on.    


Every sound provoked Yang Lin, making her feel as if she was in hell. Her body and soul were being roasted intensely.    


Yang Lin felt that she was really going to faint.    


But she did not dare to faint. She was afraid that once she fainted, she would no longer be able to see the sun tomorrow.    


Therefore, she could only endure it. She just sat there stiffly with her eyes closed.    


Fortunately, Cai Defa did not plan to do anything to her, which allowed Yang Lin to persist until now.    


At this moment, Yang Lin heard that Cai Defa and Cheng Tianji were going to leave. She seemed to have seen the light of dawn. She could finally escape from this place.    


Cai Defa and Cheng Tianji stood up, but Yang Lin sat where she was and could not move.    


Cheng Tianji looked over and immediately laughed.    


Yang Lin was too nervous and all her muscles were stiff, so she could not stand up now.    


Cheng Tianji walked over and raised his hand to help Yang Lin slowly move the muscles of her legs. "Don't be nervous, don't be afraid. I am back. You will be fine."    


Yang Lin looked at Cheng Tianji and almost cried out in excitement.    


She really wanted to throw herself into Cheng Tianji's arms and hug him to cry.    


But she didn't dare.    


Ten minutes later, Yang Lin's legs recovered the circulation of blood. Under Cheng Tianji's guidance, she could finally stand up.    


Cai Defa looked at Cheng Tianji and Yang Lin's interaction and his eyes became deeper.    


After leaving this place, Yang Lin finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I don't want to come to this place for the rest of my life."    


Cheng Tianji softly acknowledged and said, "Okay, we will never come back."    


Hearing Cheng Tianji's reply, Yang Lin suddenly felt wronged. She immediately hugged Cheng Tianji's arm and softly cried, venting all the fear and uneasiness she had just felt.    


Cheng Tianji did not stop her. He let her vent her anger and cry to her heart's content. She would be fine.    


Yang Lin was really frightened.    


This poor little girl only knew that this world was not as beautiful as she thought it was. It was a world filled with blood, violence, and terror. Only then did she know that the peaceful world she enjoyed was actually the result of others carrying weight in a corner that they did not know.    


Yang Ling seemed to have grown up overnight.    


She no longer blamed herself and no longer complained about the injustice of the world.    


Compared to those who were brutally killed, she was actually very, very lucky.    


At least she had a complete home, and she could still read and work freely and enjoy life.    


She was really very content.    


Especially since she had met the most beautiful man in the world and had placed him in deep love. She was really very lucky.    


Cheng Tianji waited until Yang Lin was almost done crying before he took out a tissue and handed it to her.    


"I'm sorry." Yang Lin whispered to Cheng Tianji, "Am I too inferior?"    


"No, you are very brave." Cheng Tianji replied in a low voice, "Your bravery surprised and appreciated me."    


Yang Lin started to laugh and cry.    


Cheng Tianji drove quietly. Yang Lin then realized, "Where are we going?"    


"Don't worry. The next place will definitely not be so bloody. Cai Defa wants to take us to the hot spring. It is said that this hot spring was opened by Country R. It has the characteristics of Country R. Actually, it is a hot spring bath. We can relax our nerves and bodies. " Cheng Tianji looked at the sky and said, "Are you hungry? Hold on a little longer. We will be there soon."    


Yang Lin nodded hard. "I am not hungry. Really."    


Cheng Tianji smiled.    


After experiencing such a thing, he could still eat. Either he was as nervous as lightning, or he was born to eat this bowl of rice.    


He remembered that when he first came to the organization, he had a little fatty. His heart was especially big.    


It was said that he had been abducted to this place. Then, he should eat, drink, and sleep. There was no psychological pressure at all.    


Later on, when the training began, he adapted to this cruel world faster and better than the other children.    


While the other children were thinking of ways to escape, he was sleeping soundly to preserve his strength.    


While the other children were trying to find a way to reduce the amount of training, he carried the drenched logs and circled around the field.    


While the other children were running away in groups and getting shot, he watched the instructor's killing technique intently.    


Therefore, this little fatty was the first to leave the base.    


Cheng Tianji had only heard of the little fatty's whereabouts after he left the base later on.    


It was said that the little fatty became the killer with the best results that year. He also lost his baby fat and became a very handsome and charming man.    


It was a pity that Cheng Tianji no longer had any contact with him.    


Now, no one knew what his current situation was.    


However, Cheng Tianji believed that with his talent, he would definitely live a good life.    


Because he was born to eat this bowl of rice.    


The convoy walked for about an hour. When the sky was getting dark, they stopped at the entrance of a villa area in the suburbs.    


There were already many luxury cars parked here. It seemed that they were all rich people who came here to enjoy life.    


Someone came over to invite Cheng Tianji and Yang Lin over.    


Cheng Tianji and Yang Lin got out of the car. When they saw the car keys were thrown to each other, asking them to stop the car, they walked towards Cai Defa with Yang Lin.    


Cai Defa looked at Cheng Tianji and Yang Lin meaningfully and said, "You must be exhausted after this day, right? "Let's go, let's go in and rest."    


Cheng Tianji said humbly, "It's okay, it's nothing. Director Cai has worked hard."    


Cheng Tianji looked at the dark circles under Cai Defa's eyes and smiled. He did not need to ask to know what Cai Defa had been doing on the RV all afternoon.    


Yang Lin kept her head down and did not notice the look in Cai Defa and Cheng Tianji's eyes. There's something different.    


Cai Defa walked side by side with Cheng Tianji. He lowered his voice and said with a trace of ingratiation, "Since Young Master Ann likes Yang Lin so much, I will give her to Young Master Ann."    


Cheng Tianji looked at Cai Defa in surprise. "Why does Director Cai say that? I cannot take advantage of others!"    


Cai Defa smiled humbly. "No, no, it's just a woman. It's just that I've never eaten anything like this before. That's why I wanted to try it. Since Young Master An is interested, "he said. Then I'll do it. After all, Young Master Ann has helped me so much, and I won't give him any gifts. It is not appropriate. Young Master Ann, if you treat me as a friend, Don't refuse me!"    


Cheng Tianji smiled." That's good. Since Director Cai is so sincere, I will not reject him. Later, I will look for a few more beautiful women and give them to Director Cai."    


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