A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1672 External Shen He Ends the Trouble

C1672 External Shen He Ends the Trouble

Shenho said lightly, "Do you still know the past? I thought you had forgotten!"    


"Forgot? How could I forget! That is a memory that I will never forget in my life!" Zhuge Youyou said with regret," If I could have kept my cool at that time, if I did not do that at that time, the result would not have been like this at all. "    


Shenho lightly sighed and said, "You still know? Unfortunately, what the world lacks the most is regret medicine! Zhuge Youyou, when you are at fault, I have already reminded you. In the end, you are at fault again and again. "You are the one who caused today's situation."    


Zhuge Youyou extended her hand towards Shenho but was once again stopped by the bodyguard. She could only raise her head and beg Shenho. "Please let me go on account of the beautiful memories we had when we were young! I have already been punished. " I don't want to live like this anymore! "    


"Spare you? Then do you want to live a new life? " Shenho said lightly, "I can spare you if I want to. You have reported that you have cut off the relationship between mother and son. You have also stated that you have received sufficient pension and will no longer be in contact with each other. If there is any violation, you will not die a good death. "    


Zhuge Youyou agreed without thinking. "Okay, okay, okay. I promise you."    


Shenho continued, "Zhuge Youyou, you should know. I have ways to make you disappear from this world. I did not teach you a lesson in the past. It's because you don't think you deserve my help. But Shen Congxin is my man. He is a talent that I painstakingly nurtured. If you dare to have ideas about him again, I will make you disappear from this world completely. You know better than anyone who Chong Ming is. As long as I speak, He would never refuse me!" This aunt of mine pampers me very much. "    


Zhuge Youyou shivered.    


Of course she knew that what Shenho said was true.    


She also knew this time that she had really angered Shenho.    


Otherwise, Shenho would not deal with her like this!    


"I promise you, I promise you everything." Zhuge Youyou knelt on the ground, limp like a pile of mud. It was really ugly!    


This time Shenho did not let Zhuge Youyou write any agreements. At this level, it did not matter whether she wrote or not. As long as Zhuge Youyou died again, Shenho would really kill her!    


Shenho turned around and left.    


Shen Congxin looked at Zhuge Youyou with a complicated expression. Without any hesitation, he followed Shenho and left.    


After a while, in the huge underground garage, only Zhuge Youyou was left lying on the ground and crying.    


Zhuge Youyou finally understood that she had lost all her chips.    


If she continued to hang around, she would really lose her life.    


Zhuge Youyou was almost done crying. Only then did she struggle to get up from the ground and walk out with difficulty step by step.    


The garage was very cold. The cold air seeped into the cracks in the bones.    


Zhuge Youyou thought back to her childhood as she walked.    


When she was young, she was the spoiled daughter of the family. She was the daughter of a rich family. The wind blew and the rain blew.    


Everyone in the family would pamper her and let her do as she pleased. This formed a greedy and selfish personality and habit for her.    


Before she went to kindergarten, she liked to compete with children for the attention of the teachers.    


After going to kindergarten, she would curry favor with the rich children in the family.    


Later, when they grew up, because they had a crush on Hee Shenrui, they deliberately approached Shenho and Yu Xiaowan.    


Later on, she used the kindness of her classmates and the sympathy of her friends to seek death time and time again.    


She regretted it. She really regretted it!    


If she hadn't done that back then, she wouldn't have been so ruthless. Now, she would definitely marry a well-to-do husband, give birth to a bunch of children, and live the life of a noble lady.    


However, all of this was gone by her.    


Her family had long since disowned her and cut off all contact and relations with her.    


She had nothing now. She had no residence, no work, no children. She did not even have a single friend.    


She had once thought that her true friends had disappeared faster than the wind. None of them had been left behind.    


Hur Hur was really ironic!    


It was gone. There's nothing left. This time, nothing!    


She had even lost her last reliance.    


If Shen Congxin came back this time, she would not do this. The money Shen Congxin gave her every month was enough for her to live.    


However, she did not even have the money now.    




Living is so difficult!    


But no matter how difficult it is, I have to continue...    


Zhuge Youyou staggered out just like that.    


Her back seemed to bend a little more.    


All of her spirit was finally completely worn out.    


The matter of Zhuge Youyou suing Shen Congxin quietly returned to peace.    


Slowly, people were attracted by the newer news.    


Slowly, everyone forgot about the existence of Zhuge Youyou.    


Slowly, Shen Congxin's halo became more and more, replacing his impression in the hearts of the public.    


Slowly, it was as if nothing had happened.    


Two years passed in the blink of an eye.    


Shen Congxin was twenty-two years old.    


He had completely shed his youth and become mature and wise.    


In the business world, his name was mentioned many times. More headhunting companies targeted him.    


However, no matter how big the people outside offered, Shen Congxin's initial intention had never changed.    


He would always help Hee Shenho solve her problems in this life!    


On this day, Shenho called Shen Congxin and asked him to come to dinner tonight.    


Shen Congxin happily agreed.    


After work in the afternoon, Shen Congxin quickly arranged the work and went to Shenho's house.    


The prince was not at home today and Shenho was the only one. When the children went to grandma's house, Shenho personally cooked a table of dishes.    


Not long after Shen Congxin arrived, another guest came to the house.    


The other party was a young girl. She looked a little reserved and uneasy. When she saw Shen Congxin, her face was red and she nodded to greet him.    


Shen Congxin did not think too much at first. It was only when Shenho solemnly introduced the two of them during dinner that Shen Congxin realized that Shenho was introducing him to a matchmaker.    


The girl who went on a blind date with Shen Congxin was called Ding Yi. She was 20 years old this year and had just returned from university overseas.    


Ding Yi's personality is a bit introverted but very steady. She is a good wife candidate for the Yi family.    


Shen Congxin is young and handsome, plus he has a bright future and is backed by Hee Shenho, thus the market is very good.    


Shenho felt that the two of them were more suitable, so she had this thought and wanted to matchmake them.    


Although Shen Congxin called Shenho older sister by older sister, in Shenho's heart, he had always treated Shen Congxin as her own child.    


Therefore, Shenho was very concerned about Shen Congxin's marriage.    


When they were almost done eating, Shenho deliberately found an excuse to leave temporarily and let the two young people have a good chat to see if there was a chance.    


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