A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1682 The Outer World Shen He Is Independent

C1682 The Outer World Shen He Is Independent

Second Uncle Wang thought about it and agreed.    


With Shenho's uncle's family's character, this kind of thing was very likely to happen.    


Second Uncle Wang sighed with emotion and said, "Alright. Since you have thought it through so clearly, then let's just go through the formalities in a while."    


Then Second Uncle Wang handed Shenho the silver and some money. He gathered enough silver and handed it to Shenho.    


Shenho solemnly bowed to Second Uncle Wang. "Second Uncle, from now on, you are my biological Second Uncle! I will be filial to you!"    


Second Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment and then smiled. "Okay."    


It took almost an hour for the patriarch and Li Zheng to arrive.    


Everyone stood in Eldest Aunt's yard. Because the family was too poor and there were not that many benches, everyone stood and quickly solved this problem.    


Shenho handed two taels of silver to her uncle in front of everyone.    


Then, her uncle pressed his palm and allowed Shenho to become a woman.    


The clan head and Li Zheng wrote a separate document. Shenho and her big uncle each pressed a handprint.    


After obtaining the proof of becoming a female household, the stone in Shenho's heart was finally put down heavily.    


But the journey of being lost in the future was also about to officially begin.    


She took this document and went to the county to clear the area. She, Shenho, was a single household head!    


Second Uncle Wang was indeed a good person to the end. After two days, he personally accompanied Shenho to the county town and completely implemented the document.    


Shenho picked up the remaining gold and silver flowers and dried them. She exchanged them for silver money. When she wanted to return it to Second Uncle Wang, Second Uncle Wang did not accept it. He just let Shenho keep it herself.    


The two of them did not stay in the county town for long. They hurried back.    


Now that Shenho officially separated from her uncle, she did not have a place to stay.    


Second Uncle Wang tidied up the two broken rooms in his backyard and said to Shenho, "You can do it first. When you have money in the future..."    


Second Uncle Wang did not continue.    


He did not think Shenho, who was only ten years old, would have money.    


This sentence was just to comfort her.    


Shenho was only ten years old. Moreover, she was alone. How was she going to live?    


Second Uncle Wang sighed. He took half a bag of food and a piece of meat from home and put it down quietly for Shenho.    


Shenho knew that there was no point in thanking him now. It was better to repay Second Uncle Wang in the future!    


The problem now was how to solve her current predicament.    


She had to earn the first bucket of gold.    


But in this era, it was too hard to earn money.    


The people around her were all digging in the soil, so she had to jump out of this environment and start from the perspective of the big picture.    


Shenho silently thought about how others transmigrated into the farm books. What did they do? Either they had golden fingers that carried space. They either brought spirit springs or they knew how to cook delicious food to make a family rich.    


And she... didn't seem to know anything.    


Although she also knew how to make some food, it was only limited to modern electronics.    


So, her knowledge was actually useless here?    


Thinking of this, Shenho sighed and sat on the ground. She could not let herself make cannonballs and explosives planes in this world, could she?    


Forget it, she didn't intend to change the course of history.    


Then... now it seemed that she still had to go to a crowded place to find an opportunity.    


Only with more people will there be more opportunities.    


Shenho's thoughts wandered as she randomly made the first meal after moving.    


The next morning, Shenho heard Second Uncle Wang in the front yard pulling a cart. Shenho immediately ran over. "Second Uncle, are you going out?"    


Second Uncle Wang nodded and said, "There's not much food left at home. I'm going to town to buy some. " Do you have anything to bring? "    


Shenho said, "Then take me with you."    


Second Uncle Wang thought it was good. Shenho had just established a new family, so she was probably not in a good mood. She was going alone anyway, and the two of them were going as well. He thought it would be better to take her with him to relax.    


After that, Second Uncle Wang brought Shenho to the town again.    


When the people in the village saw the two of them enter and leave together, many people began to gossip.    


The villagers still could not bear to watch any longer. After reprimanding them a few times, these people stopped chewing.    


Thinking about it carefully, Shenho was only ten years old this year. It was indeed not the time for men and women to be on guard.    


Although Second Uncle Wang was already twenty-five years old, he probably did not fancy Shenho who was like a bean sprout.    


Shenho turned a deaf ear to these rumors.    


If they could not go on because of these rumors, then it would be called having a brain hole.    


When they reached the town, Second Uncle Wang went to buy. Shenho walked around on the streets, observing the market transactions in the town while thinking about how to earn the first bucket of gold.    


When Shenho walked to a restaurant, she heard the shopkeeper banging on the table and shouting, "You can't even remember a bill, what's the use of having you?"    


Immediately after, she heard the waiter's aggrieved reply, "These words are too hard to recognize, I can't remember them at all."    


Shenho was just about to walk over when she thought of something. Wait!    


The people here seemed to be writing complex characters. For ordinary people who had never read before, it was indeed very difficult to write a single word correctly.    


But what if they used simplified characters?    


Shenho's mind suddenly lit up!    


Shenho immediately walked towards the restaurant. Someone immediately came up to greet her. "Little sister, do you want to eat?"    


Shenho waved her hand and said, "I don't want to eat. I just heard that little Second Brother can't remember the names of those dishes. I have a way to let little Second Brother quickly remember and write them down. Do you want to give it a try?"    


Without waiting for the shopkeeper's reply, Shenho put her hands in her sleeves with a cute and confident face. "Anyway, it's just a try. I don't want anything from you."    


The manager looked at Shenho's body that was like a bean sprout. She was dressed like that again... How could he believe that Shenho could write? Don't waste his pen and ink for no reason.    


But when she heard that this little girl did not want anything, she immediately had the thought of teasing her. "Okay, little girl. If you can write words that you can remember, I'll give you 50 wen. How about it?"    


Shenho grinned. "Deal!"    


Very quickly, the manager asked someone to spread out the paper and grind the ink.    


The people around all felt that it was novel and came closer. No one believed that a little girl could write. At most, she could only recognize one or two words. She even dared to boast that she could write words that she could remember!    


She was simply bragging without making any drafts!    


Shenho knew. The battle concerned his future standing in this town, so there was no impatience.    


He rolled up his sleeves, picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and looked up at Second Brother. He asked, "Can't you remember the name of that dish?"    


Second Brother immediately replied, "Black Fish Egg Soup."    


Shenho nodded. With a flick of her wrist, she wrote four words on the paper on the table: Black Fish Egg Soup.    


After she finished writing, she wrote it again in simple words: Black Fish Egg Soup.    


When Shenho put away the pen, it was done in one go!    


The people around were all dumbfounded!    


This little girl really knows how to write, and she even writes very well!    


If they didn't see it with their own eyes, it would simply be unbelievable!    


Shenho pointed at the simplified words and said, "Look, isn't writing like this easy to remember?    


Little Second Brother immediately raised his eyebrows and said," Yes, yes, yes. If it is written like this, I will remember it. "    


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