A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C914 This Matter Is Settled

C914 This Matter Is Settled

Wen Yibo didn't say anything.    


Shen Qi asked patiently, "Have you thought about it? Is the wedding more important or Yi more important? Is it more important for you to be happy or for her to be happy?"    


Wen Yibo immediately replied, "Of course Yi is more important!"    


"So, are you still in a dilemma?" Shen Qi said with a smile, "Yi only used this method to alert herself and remind herself not to forget her initial feelings. She was only four years old at that time. Do you think she will fall in love with that little boy?"    


Wen Yibo instantly felt relieved.    


He was not jealous anymore.    


At this time, butler came over happily and said, "young master, Young Madam Hee, lunch is ready."    


Wen Yibo immediately stood up and said, "I'll go get Yi to eat!"    


Shen Qi nodded.    


Seeing Wen Yibo's back, Shen Qi smiled.    


butler stood at the side and could not help but say, "Young Madam Hee, it is indeed necessary for you to take action. Otherwise, I don't know how young master and Young Madam will quarrel."    


Shen Qi smiled and said, "They just don't really know how to express their love."    


After a while, Wen Yibo and Liu Yi happily held hands and came down to eat.    


This meal was finally comfortable.    


After the meal, Shen Qi drove away.    


The company's matters had not been settled yet. How could she be so relaxed?    


Wen Yibo and Liu Yi were busy taking wedding photos but Shen Qi did not seem to be in a hurry.    


In any case, they had their own team and could settle everything in one day.    


Shen Qi was not in a hurry. Hee Yining was in a hurry!    


A few days ago, Hee Yining had been secretly rubbing his body to get ready to take wedding photos with Shen Qi.    


But Shen Qi was not free today. She was not free tomorrow and she was not free the day after tomorrow. Hence, the tsundere Director Hee could not hold it in anymore.    


Shen Qi was still in the company meeting when Hee Yining rushed into the meeting room and left with his wife.    


Mo Jiao calmly went to Shen Qi's vacant seat and continued to finish the meeting.    


Once this meeting ended, Shen Qi called, "Mo Jiao, hold on to the company matters first! This side wants to take wedding photos."    


Mo Jiao helplessly facepalmed, "Okay, my boss! You finally still remember to take wedding photos! Your wedding date is only ten days!"    


After hanging up the phone, Mo Jiao resigned herself to her fate and took up all of her responsibilities. Then she fiercely swore that after the wedding, she must take a break and take a long vacation!    


Shen Qi's wedding dress had long been prepared.    


Various styles and different colors.    


In addition, she was the designer herself. What wasn't suitable was instantly changed.    


That was why the wedding photos were taken so smoothly.    


When Shen Qi took the last picture, she was already annoyed. Hee Yining still wanted more. "Wife, wife, let's take a picture of this as well."    


Shen Qi was tired and laid on the sofa, letting the others patch up her makeup. "No more pictures! I'm so tired!"    


"Okay," Hee Yining said. "I'll keep it for next year's anniversary."    


Memorial Day? What the hell?    


After a whole day of tormenting and flying back to H city, Shen Qi directly fell asleep on the plane.    


Hee Yining happily lowered his head and gently kissed Shen Qi's forehead. He helped her pull the blanket.    


At this time, Little Chun tiptoed over. "President, there is news from Mr. Shen Lu."    


Hee Yining's eyes lit up. He immediately stood up and took Little Chun to the room.    


Once they entered the room, Little Qiu immediately passed a headset to Hee Yining.    


Hee Yining took the headset and heard Shen Lu's nervous voice. "Yining, I need your help."    


"Tell me." Hee Yining asked straightforwardly, "Do you have any news about Chong Ming?"    


Shen Lu nodded vigorously, probably because he was too excited. His voice was trembling. "We have confirmed his location. He's near Country J. I followed his trail all the way here. Although he wiped his tracks clean, "he said. But I got in touch with his most trusted men. At the same time, they found traces of him at the landing point where he might appear. But he was too careful and too sensitive. We all missed. The only thing we can be sure of now is that his next stop is in Country J. Yining, I heard that... You're on good terms with the King of J, can you help me arrange everything in J?    


No problem. I will contact Shen Lu immediately. If everything goes well, bring him back to the wedding. " "He is already a member of our family," Hee Yining said.    


Shen Lu choked. "Thank you. I will work hard."    


The call was cut off. Hee Yining did not hesitate. He immediately contacted the King of Country J. After some small talk, he got to the point.    


The King of J said that Hee Yining's request was not a problem at all. He would certainly use the entire country's intelligence system to help.    


There were only seven days left until the official wedding.    


Hopefully, in these seven days, he would be able to find Chong Ming and put an end to all this suffering.    


Shen Qi seemed to be able to sleep very well recently.    


Once she relaxed, she wanted to sleep. Moreover, she slept very soundly. She seemed to be able to sleep for several hours at a time.    


Everyone guessed that Shen Qi had been too busy recently, so she was exhausted. So when Shen Qi slept, the others held their breath and focused their attention. They tiptoed, afraid that they would wake Shen Qi up.    


However, they were worried too much.    


Shen Qi was carried back to her room by Hee Yining and did not wake up.    


She slept directly from the plane to her own house. No one could sleep like this.    


Shen Qi woke up again because she was hungry!    


When she opened her eyes, the morning light was slightly tipsy.    


Shen Qi immediately sat up and looked at the time. God, she actually slept for fifteen hours in one breath!    


How sleepy was she?!    


Shen Qi pressed the bell at the head of the bed.    


Someone knocked on the door. "Young Madam is awake."    


"Yes, she is." Shen Qi replied.    


The door opened and the servants entered one after another. They started to tidy up the room.    


Shen Qi changed into light home clothes and washed up before coming down to eat.    


Seeing that the house was empty, Shen Qi could not help but ask, "Where are the others?"    


"Reporting to Young Madam, young master went out very early. little young master and Young Miss went to the Hee family mansion." butler took care of Shen Qi while eating breakfast and replied, "Before young master left, he told you to have a good rest. I was still tired from the wedding. The company transferred people over. "    


Shen Qi could not help but ask curiously, Didn't the designers of Hee's Group go over? Where else did they transfer people?"    


butler replied with a smile, "This time they transferred people from Wen family. I heard that Gong family also sent people to help. You are the bride waiting to be married. You have to prepare for the wedding. "    


Shen Qi smiled gently.    


Since they have already sent people to help, then Mo Jiao should be able to come over.    


That's good too, I will have a good rest!    


Ah, there are still five days left. I'm going to the island for the wedding.    


Thinking about it, everything happened so quickly!    


He was really going to marry him in one piece!    


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