A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C1656 This Is a Long-term Contract

C1656 This Is a Long-term Contract

"Okay, let's pay in advance." Fann Dingding yawned and said, "I'll give you five hundred yuan for a night's sleep. This is for ten nights of housing and meals."    


Woo Wanqi's eyes suddenly lit up. "Really?"    


Fann Dingding pulled Woo Wanqi's blanket over his body and fell asleep.    


Woo Wanqi was so excited sitting there.    


As long as she took Fann Dingding in, she would get five hundred yuan?    


What if she took Fann Dingding in for a month?    


Fifteen thousand yuan!    


A huge sum of money!    


How much did he just eat?    


With that little bit of food, he was already full!    


He earned it! He earned it!    


Woo Wanqi who suddenly became rich and happy had completely forgotten that the person she forcefully added to Fann Dingding was Pimp...    


As long as there was a good opportunity to earn money, she would not miss it!    


After that, Woo Wanqi felt that Fann Dingding was not so detestable, not so hateful, and not so terrifying. Instead, she felt that he was very, very cute.    


Woo Wanqi happily went to bed. She pulled half of the blanket from Fann Dingding's body and also happily laid down to sleep.    


One night until dawn.    


Nothing happened between the two of them!    


In the morning, Woo Wanqi woke up in a daze and habitually thought that... He was the only one on the bed. With a flip of his body, he held Fann Dingding in his arms and put his arms and legs over him.    


Fann Dingding woke up the moment Woo Wanqi came over.    


He turned around and looked at Woo Wanqi's face without any makeup or surgery scars. He just looked at her without blinking. He did not feel annoyed at all. Instead, he felt very warm.    


Yesterday, he also had a sudden thought and wanted to come over and give Woo Wanqi a fright.    


But as he was frightened, he could not help but want to stay and dig out more Woo Wanqi.    


After getting along with Woo Wanqi, Fann Dingding felt that he really liked this feeling of getting along with Woo Wanqi.    


Woo Wanqi was very different from other girls.    


She was neither spoiled nor stubborn.    


If she could do it, she would do it. If she could not do it, she would openly say that she could not do it.    


This was very real.    


Now, this real girl was sleeping beside him. This made Fann Dingding feel very good.    


But now the sun had risen, was she sure she wanted to continue sleeping?    


Fann Dingding was like a prank. He reached out and pinched Woo Wanqi's nose.    


Sure enough, Woo Wanqi raised her hand and patted Fann Dingding's hand.    


Fann Dingding dodged ahead of time. Woo Wanqi continued to sleep and Fann Dingding continued to pinch her. After this repeated a few times, Woo Wanqi finally woke up.    


When Woo Wanqi saw Fann Dingding, she subconsciously took out her phone to pay the bill.    


When she drowsily saw the five thousand yuan Fann Dingding transferred to her, she finally woke up.    


That's right, that's right. Fann Dingding had paid the accommodation fee. He was staying at home!    


Only then did Woo Wanqi let out a sigh of relief. She said to Fann Dingding, "What is it? It was early in the morning and no one was allowed to rest! Do you know how long it has been since I had a good rest? "Today is my last day of rest. Can't you let me rest for a while?"    


Fann Dingding sat up from the bed and threw the pillow in his hand at Woo Wanqi." What sleep? Look at the mess in your room. Let's go. I'll take you to the Yi family to pick some suitable furniture. I have already paid the accommodation fees. You have to make me sleep more comfortably. Look at these broken furniture. You can also continue watching! "    


Woo Wanqi replied righteously. "Why can't you watch? I bought this from the second-hand market! " You spent hundreds of yuan on it? "    


"Let's go! Can't I pay for it?" Fann Dingding picked out a set of clothes from the closet (there was nothing much to choose. They were all the same T-shirt and jeans) and urged Woo Wanqi to wash up. He then dragged Woo Wanqi to the Yi family without any explanation.    


At first, Woo Wanqi was very reluctant.    


But when she entered the Yi family, Woo Wanqi looked around and felt that they were all very much like but they were all very expensive.    


She touched the bank card in her pocket and the few money lying quietly inside was saved by her hard work.    


She really couldn't bear to squander it away like this.    


Fann Dingding guessed Woo Wanqi's worries and did not waste any time. He directly took out his phone to pay the bill.    


In just an hour or two, he ordered a brand new small sofa, a small table, and some other things.    


When Woo Wanqi last looked at the bill, her heart was still there. "It's so expensive! We don't need to buy such expensive things!"    


"Count all of this into the room fees." Fann Dingding asked, "Can you stay here for a month?"    


Woo Wanqi nodded her head in pain. "Yes."    


"Then it's decided." Fann Dingding gave a handsome smile and said, "I will come and stay at any time. You are not allowed to refuse me entering."    


Fann Dingding turned around and walked away.    


Looking at Fann Dingding's back, Woo Wanqi sighed and counted with her fingers. Wu, the things he bought today, let alone a month, even three months was enough!    


But then again.    


He only came here occasionally, and most of the time was for himself to enjoy!    


Thinking of this, Woo Wanqi's knot instantly opened. She happily went back with Fann Dingding.    


At noon, the furniture was sent in one after another. Fann Dingding threw out the second-hand furniture that he had bought before Woo Wanqi's protest and struggle. Then, he carried all the new furniture in.    


With this kind of cleaning, the originally messy room instantly became much neater and fresher.    


There was no place to put the clothes, but there was also a place to put them.    


This time around, it was covered with the carpet given by Mo Xiaotao. It felt like the entire room had risen to a whole new level.    


After finishing all of this, Fann Dingding prepared to leave in satisfaction.    


Before he left, Fann Dingding said to Woo Wanqi, "This is a long-term contract! You can't chase me away as you wish after using my furniture. Otherwise, this is called breaking the contract, understand?"    


Woo Wanqi nodded vigorously.    


Only then did Fann Dingding raise his hand to pat Woo Wanqi's head in satisfaction. After turning Woo Wanqi's hair completely into a crazy woman, he left happily.    


Seeing Fann Dingding's back as he left, Woo Wanqi sighed. She said to herself, "What sin have I committed to be entangled with him? Fortunately, my parents don't care about me now. No one cares what kind of friends I have. No one knows what I've done. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to explain things to the family! "    


Woo Wanqi shrugged her shoulders and returned to her room with an indifferent look.    


Woo Wanqi originally planned to have a good sleep.    


But when she laid on the brand new bed, she could not sleep at all.    


At this moment, her mind was filled with Fann Dingding's figure.    


She felt that she must have gone mad.    


She was actually thinking about Pimp!    


Ah, she was indeed crazy!    


Woo Wanqi immediately got up and sent a message to Mo Xiaotao, "Xiaotao, always thinking about someone. What is this situation?"    


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