A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C623 Run

C623 Run

"They'll all be fine! They'll definitely be fine!" Shen Lu comforted them. "Chong Ming will protect Ho. He promised me! He will do it. Qi will be strong as a mother. She will also be strong to the end for Ho! Yi's physical fitness is so good, she will definitely be fine! "    


Hearing Shen Lu's words, Hee Yining and Wen Yibo nodded at the same time.    


At this time, what they needed the most was perhaps encouragement.    


A single word of encouragement might increase their courage.    


Hee Guoxiang and Yuv Qinyue came very quickly.    


Not only did they bring equipment and people, Mr. Mo and Ella also came.    


"Don't worry, they will be safe." When Ella arrived, she hugged her nephew.    


"Aunt." Shen Lu's nose turned sour. He tried his best to hold it in. "You're here too!"    


"How could I not come after such a big thing happened? Do Ziyao and the others know?" Ella asked.    


Shen Lu shook his head." Qi told us not to let anyone else know. For Grandma. "    


"Understood." Ella nodded and immediately said, "Don't worry, leave this to us! Little Six, be strong! Qi has always been a lucky person. She will definitely be fine!"    


Everyone nodded at the same time.    


Hee Yining met his parents again, but he did not expect that it would be under such circumstances, in such an environment.    


Hee Guoxiang did not say anything. He just patted Hee Yining's shoulder and said, "Ho is my granddaughter. I will definitely find her."    


Hee Yining nodded.    


Yuv Qinyue looked at the sky and sighed softly. "Fortunately, it is not cold here. Otherwise, when we fall into the water, we will have a fever. Chong Ming has the ability to survive in the wilderness. Ho will not have any problems. Qi and the others. It should not be a problem either. "Our time is limited. Let's begin!"    


Everyone dispersed and let Yuv Qinyue and Hee Guoxiang fight.    


Cheng Tianji was Yuv Qinyue's old subordinate and had a tacit understanding.    


After listening to Cheng Tianji's detailed explanation, Hee Guoxiang and Yuv Qinyue had indeed come up with a few plans in an instant.    


There were already people working on this side. Hee Yining and the others didn't need to stay here any longer.    


Hee Yining tidied up his mood and returned with Wen Yibo and Fann Sheng Fan Li.    


While these people were busy, Chong Ming and Shenho, who were the first to fall into the water, landed safely.    


Chong Ming had trained his survival instinct since he was very young.    


The moment he jumped and hugged Shenho, he covered Shenho's mouth and nose with his hands.    


This way, when he fell into the water, he would not choke Shenho's lungs.    


The water flow was rapid and the noise was loud.    


Chong Ming skillfully supported Shenho's body and completely relaxed his body, allowing the water to take him and Shenho away.    


It was very difficult to jump out of the water under such strong water.    


One had to admit that Chong Ming was indeed the person with the best physical fitness and the most survival skills among the four of them.    


After Chong Ming brought Shenho along with him and drifted far away along the current, he brought Shenho out of the water.    


Shenho was still unconscious. Chong Ming checked her and found that she was fine. She had only taken an overdose of medicine.    


She could wake up after her metabolism was completed.    


Chong Ming brought Shenho to the shore.    


When they reached the shore, Chong Ming quickly untied the rope and put Shenho flat. He began to check.    


There were no external injuries.    


Chong Ming inexplicably heaved a sigh of relief.    


Luckily, fortunately.    


Chong Ming shook the water droplets off his hair. When he thought of the promise Shen Lu made to him, he felt a sudden sweetness in his heart.    


He had waited for four and a half years for someone.    


"Oh." Shenho, who was lying on the ground, suddenly moved.    


Chong Ming immediately turned to look at her.    


Shenho slowly opened her eyes and looked up into the blue sky. Shenho was stunned for a moment and then immediately sat up. She looked around vigilantly but did not see the person who kidnapped her. Instead, she saw Chong Ming sitting there with a scary smile.    


Uh, there was nothing she could do. Chong Ming was no longer smiling normally.    


For so many years, he had never smiled normally, so he really would not.    


Shenho's head was small. She instantly thought that Chong Ming had kidnapped her and immediately cried out. "To think that I would call you aunt! You actually kidnapped me!"    


Chong Ming sighed. "Does the People of Shen family like to accuse people?"    


Shenho was stunned. "Ah?"    


"Your mom loves to accuse Hee Yining. Your uncle likes to accuse me the most. " Mm, now you are maligning me as well! "As expected of a family!" Chong Ming calmly replied, "To think that I did not care about my own safety. I jumped and saved you regardless of your life or death. But I am going to be wronged by you. I can't tell you how much pain I have to suffer. "    


Shenho's little face turned red. Ah? Did you save me? Then why are we here?"    


"I also want to ask this question! What exactly happened? The moment I arrived, your uncle arranged for me to come and save you. " I don't know anything! " Chong Ming took off his clothes and wrung them dry. He laid them on the ground and dried them. He looked back at Shenho and said, "Your clothes are wet. Do you want to dry them?"    


Shenho ignored him. I am a girl. How do you want me to take off my clothes?"    


Chong Ming nodded. "That's true. You can take off your clothes when I find some branches and put up a curtain."    


Shenho said, "Aunt."    


"Call me uncle!" Chong Ming corrected her.    


"Unless you don't want to be with my uncle." Shenho was stubborn. "My uncle listens to me the most!"    


Chong Ming immediately lost his temper. Fine, fine, fine, do as you say! As long as your uncle is with me! little lord!    


Chong Ming immediately turned around to look for a tree branch.    


After a while, he really did find a few tree branches. With such a simple lift and blocking with Chong Ming's clothes, it was really a small tent.    


Shenho then took off her coat and began to dry her clothes.    


The two of them were separated by a few clothes and were staring at the waves of the river in a daze.    


"Speaking of which, what exactly happened? Why were you kidnapped?" Chong Ming couldn't help but ask.    


Hearing Chong Ming ask this, Shenho's tears fell when she heard Chong Ming's question.    


"Aunt, do you know about my mommy and Hee Yining?" Shenho asked.    


Shenho called Hee Yining by name instead of calling him daddy.    


This was one of the ways she resisted.    


"Er..." Chong Ming was stunned for a moment. "You know? Who told you?"    


Shenho was even more depressed. "So you all know. The entire world knows, only I do not know. So, I was the one who was abandoned."    


Chong Ming was stunned.    


Talking to the child, talking to the heart. This was not his job!    


He would not!    


But, but... There was no one else here, so even if he didn't, he had to talk about it.    


Otherwise, how could he explain it to Shen Lu?    


Chong Ming racked his brains and racked his brains before he answered, "It's nothing."    


"Ah?!" Shenho immediately raised her voice. "This is nothing?"    


Chong Ming immediately explained, "That what? "I am, in fact, an abandoned man!"    


"Huh? Abandoned?" Shenho immediately stopped crying and turned to look at Chong Ming.    


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