My Husband, Warm The Bed

C483 Mrs Qin Is Treating Me to a Meal

C483 Mrs Qin Is Treating Me to a Meal

The secretary had already arranged for Qin Yue and CEO Hua to have lunch at noon. When he heard Qin Yue say that he was going to have lunch with Madam at noon, it was as if thousands of horses were galloping in his heart. However, he did not dare to have any objections.    


Jian Ran's identity was not revealed to the public. Others might not know, but after the last time Shen Wenyuan wanted to change the leader of the Shengtian, Jian Ran had appeared in the Shengtian. The internal members of the Shengtian knew about Jian Ran's existence.    


Everyone knew that CEO not only spoiled his daughter, but also his wife. He said that he wanted to have lunch with Madam, so no one dared to raise any objections.    


"Yes." The secretary received the order and went to make arrangements.    


As soon as the secretary left, Jian Ran went downstairs. She ignored the passers-by and had her eyes glued to Qin Yue. She plunged into Qin Yue's arms and rubbed against him again and again. She was so happy that she jumped up and down.    


She said, "Mr. Qin, guess. What good news do I want to tell you?"    


Qin Yue stroked her head and thought for a while. "Well, did the leader tell you that you can get a raise when you come back to work?"    


Jian Ran pouted and said, "Gross!"    


Qin Yue smiled and said, "I am a businessman. The first reaction of a businessman is to gain benefits."    


Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him and said again, "I will give you another chance. Think about it again."    


Qin Yue pretended to think seriously for a while and said again, "It is not an increase in salary. Then I really can't think of anything else good."    


Jian Ran knew that Qin Yue, this man, was very slow in this regard.    


She still remembered a few years ago when she asked him to guess the name of the lake in the snow mountain of Jingdu. He had guessed it for a long time but still could not figure it out. He was really stupid.    


Jian Ran winked at him and said again, "Mr. Qin, I will give you another chance. Guess again. If you guess it, there will be a big reward."    


"Is your company planning to set up a new project? You have a part to participate in, and the project is a wedding dress design that you like " Hearing that there was a reward, Qin Yue told them everything he knew in one breath, not even beating them up.    


"Qin Yue, don't tell me you knew about it beforehand." Jian Ran was not stupid. If Qin Yue said things so accurately in one breath, she would definitely be suspicious.    


"What do you know?" If they wanted to act, our CEO Qin's intelligence was not low. If he acted, he would definitely be able to deceive people.    


Jian Ran asked, "Did you just say that?"    


"You mean I guessed correctly just now?" Qin Yue's expression was even more surprised than Jian Ran's. Jian Ran was so surprised that she had to believe that he really did not know anything beforehand.    


Jian Ran said, "Little girl, you guessed it right."    


Qin Yue laughed lightly, "What about the reward?"    


Jian Ran looked around and whispered, "Lower your head."    


Qin Yue obediently lowered his head. Jian Ran wrapped her arms around his neck and quickly kissed his face before quickly leaving.    


She said with a red face, "This is the reward."    


Qin Yue touched the cheek that she kissed and seemed to be able to feel the gentle touch of her soft and tender lips on his face. There was even a little bit of fragrance and a little bit of sweetness.    


He nodded and said, "Yes, I like this reward."    


Jian Ran smiled shyly. "Then let's go. I'll treat you to lunch in the afternoon."    


Qin Yue asked, "Did Mrs. Qin bring enough money?"    


Hearing Qin Yue's question, Jian Ran really opened the bag to take a look. She did not bring the card with her. There were only 200 yuan in the bag.    


"It should be enough." Jian Ran felt that 200 yuan was not a small amount. The two of them could also choose a restaurant with a better environment and eat a meal.    


"If it is not enough, what should we do?"    


"What do you want to eat?"    


"Abalone lobsters and shark fin bird nests, can you treat them?"    


"Sure. At most, if I can't pay the money, I'll go and get them a bowl first. " When the time comes, will you be willing to watch me help him wash the dishes? "    


Of course, CEO Qin would not let his wife help others with the dishes. So, when Jian Ran wanted to treat him and only had 200 yuan in her pocket, he chose a cheap but clean-looking restaurant.    


The restaurant was a spicy restaurant. Qin Yue could not eat spicy food. Jian Ran specially ordered two dishes that were not spicy for him. She also ordered two spicy dishes.    


When she ordered, Jian Ran counted with her fingers and looked at the money. Was it too much? If it was too much, she still had to return one dish.    


There were four dishes, meat and vegetables. She added a soup and it was a total of 160 yuan. There was still 40 yuan left. Jian Ran suddenly felt that she was rich.    


She went to Qin Yue's side and asked, "Mr. Qin, I still have money. Do you want to drink something?"    


"Two cans of coconut juice, please."    


"How about you accompany me for a beer?"    


Jian Ran had practiced drinking in the past, but it had been a long time since she drank it. Recently, she was a little hungry and wanted to drink two glasses. Actually, it was also a celebration.    


The bad things at home had all dispersed. Little Ranran was better. Qin Yue was better. Her career was going to be better soon.    


Everything was better now. Jian Ran just wanted to drink to celebrate. She and Qin Yue quietly celebrated.    


They were either sitting in the romantic western restaurant that booked the place or in the noisy restaurant. People's voices seemed to be cheering and shouting for them.    


"Do you want to drink?"    


"Of course I do." Jian Ran nodded with all her might. If she did not want to drink, why would she ask him? Was this man stupid?    


"Okay." Qin Yue waved to the waiter and asked for two bottles of cold beer. When the waiter went to get the beer, Qin Yue called the waiter back and asked him to change the cold beer to regular beer.    


In the hot summer, it was comfortable to drink cold beer, but Jian Ran had a cold constitution, especially not to eat cold food, so Qin Yue took care of her at all times.    


But Jian Ran did not pay that much attention, and she was still somewhat dissatisfied. "Mr. Qin, only when you drink cold beer will it feel good."    


"It is also not bad to drink cold beer." Qin Yue did not give her an explanation. He was never a person who liked to explain himself. He just quietly cared about her.    


"You must have never drunk beer before. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so stupid as to say that beer at normal temperatures is also delicious." Constant beer was simply difficult to swallow for Jian Ran.    


That kind of smell was hard to describe, but it was still comfortable to drink it when it was frozen.    


She looked at the people at the side table and drank a cup in one gulp. That feeling of coldness could drive away the last heat of this summer.    


Qin Yue only found it funny when he saw Jian Ran's sad eyes. He said again, "Then we won't drink beer anymore. Let's drink coconut juice instead."    


"Alright. Then drink coconut juice. " As long as she was celebrating with Qin Yue, it didn't matter what she drank. The key was that when she was having fun, Qin Yue was with her.    


Qin Yue asked the waiter to change the beer into two cans of coconut juice.    


Fortunately, the handsome men and women at their table were beautiful. They looked pleasing to the eyes and exchanged it with each other. The smile on the waiter's face was still sincere and there was not a trace of impatience.    


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