My Husband, Warm The Bed

C662 The Wedding of the Century(3)

C662 The Wedding of the Century(3)

Qin Yue's face was already so beautiful that it could turn anyone upside down. If he were to dress up a little bit more... How many people would be captivated by him?    


When Jian Ran thought about how others could see Qin Yue's pretty face, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She really wanted to hide him.    


Hide in a place only she could see. That way, those girls outside wouldn't have the chance to wink at her Mr. Qin.    


Suddenly, Jian Ran was frightened by her own thoughts. It turned out that she was so narrow-minded. It was because Qin Yue treated Kelly well just now that she was jealous.    


Usually, she would say that her Mr. Qin was jealous, but she never thought that when she was jealous, he was not inferior to her Mr. Qin at all.    


Just as Jian Ran was lost in her thoughts, the wedding dress had already been worn. The appropriate waist cut perfectly outlined her waist line. She had never known that her waist was so thin.    


Of course, the fitting waist cutting was not the highlight of the wedding dress.    


The dress of the wedding dress that was a few meters long was spread out on the ground. It was snow white and dazzling. At this moment, Jian Ran was stunned.    


"Mrs. Qin, you are so beautiful! No wonder Boss Qin loves you so much." Kelly sighed from the bottom of her heart.    


When she saw the hand-made wedding dress, she was shocked. Such a perfect wedding dress was handmade by a famous designer, Ivan. Just the fee alone was enough to scare people to death.    


Only Ivan could make such an exquisite piece of art. However, how many people in the world could be worthy of such an exquisite piece of art?    


Today, Jian Ran used her actions to give her the answer. No one was more suitable than her. Whether it was her temperament or figure, they were all first-class. No one could be compared with her.    


They were considered the elites in this line of work. All these years, they had been bridal dresses for the daughters of many wealthy families, but they were not as good looking as the person in front of them.    


Not to mention men, even when they saw Jian Ran being as lovely and lovable as a hibiscus that came out of water, their gazes were glued to Jian Ran's body and were almost unable to move away.    


It really conformed to an old saying - When I see you, I will pity you!    


Jian Ran was already so beautiful without makeup. If they put on makeup for her, how beautiful would she be?    


"Thank you!" Jian Ran said with a smile.    


All this time, she did not think that she was very beautiful. Maybe because she had stayed by Qin Yue's side for a long time, she always saw his pretty face, so no matter how outstanding his appearance was, it could not attract her attention.    


But today, when she wore a pure white wedding dress for the first time, and it was for her husband, she also felt that she suddenly looked a lot better.    


In the mirror, her skin was as white as snow, her eyes were bright and spirited, and her lips were red. No matter how she looked at it, she was satisfied. This was also the most beautiful time in her life that she had ever seen.    


Perhaps it wasn't that she was beautiful, but rather that her heart was extremely calm and content.    


At this moment, she was very happy. That kind of happiness that naturally surged out from inside out made her look elegant, beautiful, generous, and not lose her gentleness.    


Jian Ran's skin was very good and tender, so cosmetics were just icing on the cake for her. It was not that important.    


The makeup artist also understood this principle. After fixing Jian Ran's eyebrows and putting on a light makeup, it would be enough to overpower the crowd.    


Downstairs, Qin Yue had already changed into his formal attire in the men's locker room. After changing, he waited for a long time. His eyes kept staring at the staircase. He wanted to rush up to see Jian Ran again and again, but he restrained himself.    


Kelly was right. In the future, he still had a lifetime to spend with Jian Ran, so he was not in a hurry.    


Even though she said so, Qin Yue was still anxious. He was so anxious that he walked around the house and vividly portrayed the anxiety of the groom wanting to see the beautiful bride as soon as possible.    


Finally, he heard a signal from upstairs. After the bride finished dressing up, he rushed upstairs as if flying to welcome the beautiful bride.    


But when he rushed up the stairs, Qin Yue stopped again. He took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. He wanted to appear in front of his bride in the most elegant way possible.    


However, he never expected that when he finally calmed himself down, he would scatter when he saw Jian Ran. He would immediately be defeated.    


Jian Ran was standing there. The first thing he saw when he went upstairs was her. With just one look, he could no longer see anything in the world. In his eyes, he could only see her. Everything around her had become a virtual background board.    


All along, Qin Yue knew that Jian Ran was very beautiful. It was not that she was breathtaking just by looking at her, but that she was as gentle as water. All of her beauty was so insipid and calm, just like a pot of wine. It would only taste better if she surpassed Chen.    


Only this time did Qin Yue know that Jian Ran could also be this beautiful. She was so beautiful that it shook one's soul and dazzled one's eyes. It was as if she was the center of the universe, attracting everyone's attention. Everything around her would lose its luster because of her.    


He looked at her and stood there in a daze, as if he had forgotten how to move forward.    


When Qin Yue fixed his eyes on Jian Ran, Jian Ran also looked at Qin Yue. Similarly, Qin Yue had given her as much criticism as he did in her heart, but because she was used to seeing his good looks, Jian Ran was still relatively calm compared to Qin Yue.    


However, Qin Yue fixed his gaze on her. His gaze made Jian Ran feel as if she was naked at this moment, and he could see through her.    


With this thought, Jian Ran's face turned red. She was so embarrassed that she turned her head away and did not dare to look Qin Yue in the eye.    


Jian Ran shifted her gaze away. Qin Yue's rationality finally recovered a little bit. He stabilized his mind again and walked towards Jian Ran. He pulled her into his embrace.    


"Qin Yue, don't..." Jian Ran tried to push him away. There were so many people around looking at him. What did he want to do again?    


Qin Yue waved his hand and the people around him immediately dispersed and went downstairs.    


"Jian Ran!" He called her name softly. His voice was very soft, but it also made people feel his powerful strength. It was as if he wanted to call this word into the depths of his heart.    


"Un!" Jian Ran lowered her head and rubbed against his chest.    


"Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me? In the future, no matter what happens, don't ever propose to break up with me again." Qin Yue asked in a hoarse voice.    


Before the wedding, he wanted to hear a positive answer from her. He wanted to prove that this wedding was not his own wishful thinking, but had her consent.    


"I'm willing." She was a hundred and a thousand willing, because she was his wife. Of course, she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.    


"What are you willing to do?" He insisted on hearing the most accurate answer.    


"I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what happens in the future, I will never break up with you again." Jian Ran bit her lips and said with a strong voice.    


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