My Husband, Warm The Bed

C938 If He's Not Dead Then Kill Him

C938 If He's Not Dead Then Kill Him

Does this man really care about Mr. President's safety?    


Or was he a spy sent by the enemy to take the lead?    


There was no time for Shen Lingxi to think too much. That person spoke again and his words were sharp. "Miss Shen," he said. I am not the only one asking this question. I think the entire country wants to know if Mr. President is well."    


His words sounded like he was concerned about Mr. President's situation. However, his expression and tone of voice gave Shen Lingxi another feeling.    


Shen Lingxi finally understood. This person wanted to know Mr. President's situation, not because he was concerned, but because he wanted to know Mr. President's situation.    


This person was very likely a spy sent by the enemy to the Northern Palace.    


Thinking that he was the accomplice who killed more than ten lives of Long Family, Shen Lingxi's originally nervous mood was replaced by anger. She wished that she could immediately arrest this person and let him tell the mastermind.    


However, she wasn't that impulsive. She was a rational woman. She knew that this was a critical moment. She couldn't ruin Long Yi and Quan Nandi's big matter. She could only pretend that she didn't know anything.    


She looked at that person and smiled politely. She still spoke gently and gently. "Mr. President is injured. The situation is not good now, but there are so many citizens in the country waiting for him. He will definitely wake up."    


This was an excuse they had prepared beforehand. There were two uses for Shen Lingxi to stand out and say these words. One was to comfort the people, and the other was to make the enemy believe that Mr. President had indeed been killed.    


Previously, the news on the Internet was that Mr. President had been killed. But at this moment, Mr. President's fiancée said that he had only been seriously injured.    


There was still a possibility that he could be cured after being seriously injured. The citizens who heard this news in front of the television all secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


As long as one wanted to live a peaceful life, no one would be willing to let the country's leaders change so frequently. Everyone hoped that Mr. President would recover.    


However, there was also a group of people who were also standing in front of the television, but they did not want Mr. President to get better.    


This was a spacious, bright, and magnificent building that was almost comparable to the Northern Palace.    


If one did not know that this was not the Northern Palace, those who came to A Nation for the first time would mistakenly think that it was the Northern Palace when they saw its existence.    


Such a building was comparable to the Northern Palace. It was located on the north side of the Central Sanatorium in the north of the city. It was also a government building, but its nature was different from the Northern Palace. The Northern Palace was the administrative center, and this was only a sanatorium.    


There were a few people sitting in the house. There were men and women, old and young. After hearing Shen Lingxi's words, they were all silent.    


In the television, Shen Lingxi was still speaking on behalf of Mr. President. "Mr. President has an instruction. During this period of time before his injuries and illness recover, the various departments just need to do your job well. There is a job that must be handed over to him to handle, He could ask the Secretary-General, Lin Jiacheng, to pass it on to him. As for the rest of the time, I hope that no one will disturb his recuperation. "After all, he can only work better if Mr. President gets better as soon as possible."    


"I think this is a delaying tactic used by the people of the Northern Palace." A young man sitting in the group spoke first.    


His voice was especially calm and steady. Just as everyone's gazes fell on him, He continued, "Before those meddlesome people in the North Palace find a suitable candidate for president, they must first hide the news of Quan Nandi's death. When the new president is chosen, "When they think of a way to deal with this sudden incident, they will announce to the public that Mr. President died because of emergency treatment. This way, we can pacify the people temporarily, and also make us retreat. "    


As soon as the man's words came out, the rest of the people immediately nodded in agreement. However, there were also some who had different opinions. The man looked left and right and slowly asked: "Is it possible that Quan Nandi was seriously injured?"    


Another person added, "The helicopter that Quan Nandi took was tampered with by our people, and our people saw the helicopter crash in the valley with their own eyes. In such a harsh environment, Quan Nandi did not die, unless he could grow a pair of wings and fly."    


Another person added, "And in our surveillance last night, every piece of information was confirming that Quan Nandi was indeed killed."    


The man who spoke first knocked on the leather sofa with his long fingers and took back his right to speak. "After Quan Nandi was killed, that girl from Qin Family called him twice. The person who answered the call twice was Quan Nandi's lackey, Lin Jiacheng. The first time, Lin Jiacheng did not tell her anything. The second time, Lin Jiacheng said something happened to Quan Nandi. "    


Speaking up to this point, the man shut his mouth. His astute eyes swept across everyone present one by one before he said," What do you all think? "    


Someone continued, "Quan Nandi wants to lure us out. It's understandable for him to hide it from that little girl, the Qin Family."    


Another person said passionately, "Why didn't we capture that girl, the Qin Family? As long as we capture her, if Quan Nandi doesn't die, I don't believe he can endure it. "    


"Capture her?" The man curled his lips and sneered, "After the last time you failed to capture her, Qin Yue let his men guard that girl twenty-four hours a day. Zhan Nianbei was there last night as well. Capture her. I want to see how you catch her. One Quan Nandi is already difficult for us to deal with. Do you still want to divide a portion of your strength to deal with Qin Yue? "    


Dealing with Quan Nandi had already taken too much of their energy. They couldn't spare any more strength to deal with Qin Yue, who had the Shengtian, a huge business empire.    


They all fell silent once again. Look at me. I look at you. For a while, there are some who don't know what to do.    


They did not know whether Quan Nandi was still alive or not, and they could not use Qin Leran, the only person who could make Quan Nandi show himself. This made them walk into a dead end.    


"So what if Quan Nandi isn't dead?" Just as everyone was silent, a very gentle and strict female voice was heard.    


Hearing the woman's voice, the people sitting in the room stood up before they could see her. The group of people said at the same time, "You're here."    


The people in the room, regardless of whether they were younger or older than the woman, all addressed her with respectful words. "You    


She walked over and stood in front of the crowd. She glanced around and quickly saw everyone's expressions. She said gently and gently, "Even if Quan Nandi is not dead, he is still a person who is about to die even if he is seriously injured. We have already come this far. Could it be that we can let Quan Nandi come back to life to deal with us? "    


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