My Husband, Warm The Bed

C963 We Are Husband and Wife

C963 We Are Husband and Wife

In a short period of time, Qin Xiaobao had defeated three people by herself. The onlookers quickly shut their mouths and walked away.    


But seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, another woman stood out and said in a strange tone, "This woman is not only a shrew. And a madman, Everyone, let's retreat. It will be bad if we don't let the madman bite us. "    


"Damn it, try saying another word about a madman." Upon hearing this, Qin Xiaobao flipped over and jumped out of the car. She rolled up her sleeves and wanted to rush over to fight with that woman.    


That woman said again, "Everyone, look. With such a fierce look, no wonder he was rejected outside the car. He deserved it."    


The woman glanced at Zhan Nianbei's car. It was the logo of a luxury car. She also saw Zhan Nianbei in the car. He seemed to be older than Qin Xiaobao. Instinctively, she thought of Qin Xiaobao as a vixen who seduced other men.    


She shook her head and said, "A woman like you shouldn't seduce other people's husbands just because you have some good looks. Every woman has a time when they grow old. If you treat others like this today, others will treat you the same way someday. "    


Qin Xiaobao was happy to be said to have good looks, but the second half of the sentence made her feel uncomfortable no matter how she heard it.    


She was Zhan Nianbei's husband. What did he mean by seducing her? It was too unpleasant. She said, "He is my husband!"    


This was not the first time something like this had happened. It was not the first time Qin Xiaobao had proved to others that Zhan Nianbei was her man, but others just did not believe it.    


Once, Qin Xiaobao even took out her marriage certificate in a fit of anger and showed it to others, proving that she and Zhan Nianbei were authentic.    


Maybe it was because she was too beautiful and much younger than that old man, Zhan Nianbei, that other people had such an opinion.    


Thinking of this, she turned around and looked at Zhan Nianbei, who was sitting in the car with his eyes closed and resting. This damn stinky man, he must have made a fortune by marrying her. He actually dared to get angry with her.    


The woman continued, "Nowadays, there are many vixens who call other people's husbands' husbands'. They live next door to me. Pooh, you little b * tches are really shameless! "    


Qin Xiaobao,... ""    


She was arguing with Zhan Nianbei. When did she get promoted to the topic of her original wife fighting with vixens?    


She was the original wife, the original wife, alright?    


However, she still quite agreed with this woman's point of view. She relied on her looks to attract men. It would not be long before the preservation period ended. When her appearance aged, everyone would be the same.    


She hated those vixens who seduced other people's husbands and vixens, especially those who wanted to hook up with Zhan Nianbei. When she saw one, she wanted to pinch one to death.    


"Wife, it's my fault. I shouldn't have stayed up all night drinking. I'm sorry!" At the crucial moment, Zhan Nianbei finally got out of the car and stood behind Qin Xiaobao as her strongest support.    


"It's good that you know you are wrong. Since you have already apologized, "I'm not an unreasonable woman. Come on, come home with me." As long as she was given a ladder, Qin Xiaobao would climb faster than anything else. She did not feel ashamed at all.    


Seeing that the couple was really quarreling, the woman blushed and left dejectedly. Only Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei were left in the large parking lot.    


Qin Xiaobao was worried that Zhan Nianbei would get into the car again and ignore her. She turned around and hugged Zhan Nianbei. Like a tail bear, she wrapped around him. "Hubby, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything. Forgive me."    


As the saying goes, a wise man knows the truth. At this time, Qin Xiaobao did not dare to argue with Zhan Nianbei about how he ignored her. She only wanted to trick him back to her.    


Who knew that Zhan Nianbei's expression changed and became a little gloomy in an instant. "Qin Xiaobao, you are the mother of a seven year old child. Don't you think about it when you speak?"    


"You need to go through your brain? Zhan Nianbei, I have to have something like this. "I don't usually use my brain to go out. "It's not like you don't know." Qin Xiaobao was still able to say such a shameless explanation with a beaming smile on her face. She did not feel anything at all.    


"Heh... You are the only one who can say these words." Zhan Nianbei wanted to throw Qin Xiaobao away, but this woman's pestering skills were really not ordinary. He could not pull her away.    


"In order to make my husband happy, I can say even more shameless things." Qin Xiaobao rubbed in Zhan Nianbei's arms. "Commander, please forgive me on account of my good attitude when I admit my mistake."    


"Forgive you?" If he forgave her easily, she might cause more trouble in the future. This time, he would never forgive her easily.    


"You're not willing?" Qin Xiaobao's leg that was on his waist loosened and quickly landed on the ground. "Zhan Nianbei, I said that for Ranran's good. Ranran is your biological sister's granddaughter. Don't you want us to help her as elders? What if she was cheated? "Are you willing to watch your sister cry?"    


Zhan Nianbei said, "You are talking nonsense again."    


Qin Xiaobao smiled. "I can talk nonsense because I know you love me and love me. That's why I have the guts. " If it wasn't because you're too good, I wouldn't have dared to speak nonsense even if you gave me ten guts. "    


She threw herself into his arms again and used all kinds of methods to act cute and cute." Commander, you're a big man and I'm a little girl. If you really want to argue with me, it'll seem that you're too petty. "    


Zhan Nianbei said, "I am petty."    


Qin Xiaobao dragged him away and said nice words, "If you are petty, I am afraid there will not be a lot of people in this world anymore. Go back. When I went out, President Quan said that he had something to discuss with you. You can't just leave the guests behind."    


After making Zhan Nianbei angry, Qin Xiaobao followed a principle - she had to be thick-skinned. No matter what he said, she would treat him as a fart. Anyway, it was enough to keep pestering him and trick him back home.    


Zhan Nianbei's personality was actually very good. As long as you follow his lead, a few words would be enough to smooth him off.    


They had lived together for so many years, and Qin Xiaobao had seen through his personality. That was why he was so arrogant and lawless.    


Because she knew that Zhan Nianbei would never really be angry with her. He would never leave her behind and completely ignore her. He still felt sorry for her.    


Pulling Zhan Nianbei into the elevator, Qin Xiaobao slightly raised her head and just happened to see his handsome jaw. She looked at him for a few seconds and then looked down a little more. She saw his sexy Adam's apple.    


Damn it!    


This man was so old, yet he was still so sexy.    


She swallowed a mouthful of saliva because of his seduction. Her courage became bigger, and she tiptoed to kiss his Adam's apple. Just as her red lips touched him, Zhan Nianbei let out a muffled groan.    


Zhan Nianbei immediately pushed her away. "Qin Xiaobao, do you know what you should do?"    


Qin Xiaobao winked at him and said with a smile, "My husband is too delicious. I can't help but want to eat him in one bite."    


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