My Husband, Warm The Bed

C971 Eternal Darkness

C971 Eternal Darkness

Lin Jiacheng said, "Ms. Su, thank you for working with us! Please follow me now. We will prepare the information and make a statement. "    


Su Wanqin was unwilling to leave. She stared at Quan Nandi, hoping that Quan Nandi could give her a reply personally. Only then could she be slightly relieved.    




Quan Nandi didn't even look at her. He turned around and left in a carefree manner. From beginning to end, she didn't wait for Quan Nandi to say a word.    


Su Wanqin looked at Quan Nandi's back as he walked away. She clenched her fists tightly. She did not even feel pain when her nails fell into her palm.    


Quan Nandi!    


Su Wanqin silently squeezed out these three words through the gaps between her teeth.    


He waited patiently. If he did not take revenge, Su Wanqin would definitely end her own life.    




Star Ocean Hotel.    


In order to celebrate Big Brother Lie's unforgettable birthday, Qin Leran had started preparing half a month ago when grandpa and his family returned to Jiangbei.    


She booked a luxurious suite as the venue for Big Brother Lie's birthday celebration. She also booked a 30-story large cake to show that Big Brother Lie was 30 years old.    


In addition to these, Qin Leran also found a professional band and spent half a month to make a song for Big Brother Lie. Anyway, she used all the ideas she could think of to celebrate Big Brother Lie's birthday.    


She had checked the information. Big Brother Lie had never had a good birthday before. She thought that he might not even remember his own birthday.    


Every year when she celebrated her birthday, her family would rush back home to celebrate her birthday no matter where she was. Every year, she would receive a soft gift when she received it.    


Compared to Big Brother Lie, she had practically grown up in a jar of honey.    


But it didn't matter. She didn't participate in Big Brother Lie's past life. She would never miss Big Brother Lie's future life.    


Qin Leran secretly made a decision. In the future, she would work hard to live a good life, and let Big Brother Lie become a man soaked in honey.    


There was still half an hour left before it was six o'clock, which meant that she had to wait half an hour before she could see Big Brother Lie. Although it was only half an hour, she felt that the time was so long and long.    


She hoped that Big Brother Lie would come quickly and tell him what she had wanted to say to him on the phone, so that he would know that he would not be alone in the future.    


Knock, knock -    


Just as she was thinking about Big Brother Lie, there was a knock on the door.    


Could it be that Big Brother Lie had come early?    


Thinking that it might be Big Brother Lie, Qin Leran jumped up from the chair and rushed to open the door. However, when the door opened, a male waiter stood at the door.    


Qin Leran's bright smile instantly collapsed. She looked at the waiter in front of her without any care and used her eyes to ask him what was the matter.    


The waiter said, "May I ask if you are Miss Qin?"    


Qin Leran nodded, "What is the matter?"    


The man pointed to the dining car beside him and politely said, "The amount of money you spent in our hotel is high and has already exceeded the price of our gifts. I specially came to give you a gift."    


"Oh... Then push it in and find a place to put it" Qin Leran never lacked money and did not care about giving gifts.    


The main reason was that she thought that the person who came was Big Brother Lie. When she opened the door and saw that it was not Big Brother Lie, her heart turned cold. Then why would she care about the gift?    


She turned around and sat back on the chair. She continued sitting there thinking about her Big Brother Lie and did not care what the waiter was doing next to her.    


"Disgusting! Why are you giving me gifts when you have nothing to do? It made me happy for nothing." Qin Leran held her head and murmured.    


Gifts if you have nothing to do?    


Thinking of these few keywords, something suddenly flashed in Qin Leran's mind. But that strange feeling came and went too quickly, so fast that she did not catch anything.    


She did not know if it was... It was not because Big Brother Lie did not come, nor did she know if it was because she could not remember the strange feeling that flashed across her mind just now.    


If she had known earlier that she was so irritated, she would not have chased Zhong Kun out and let him stay behind to accompany her. It was also good to talk and chat to tease him.    


"Waiter, put the things down and go out." Qin Leran said.    


This was a private room with a special waiter. Qin Leran did not want them to flash in front of her eyes to ruin the atmosphere. She should wait for Big Brother Lie alone.    


The waiter did not respond. That kind of strange feeling flashed in Qin Leran's mind again. This time it was also very fast, but Qin Leran caught the key.    


"Not good!" She called out to herself.    


The steps of this waiter were firm and powerful, as if he was a talent who practiced martial arts all year round. He was completely different from other waiters.    


He thought that this waiter might be a bad person impersonating him. Qin Leran quickly turned her head to look, but the moment she turned her head, she smelled a strange fragrance.    


She had not yet been able to smell what this fragrance was. She only saw the man smiling coldly at her. Very quickly, her brain sank and she lost all feeling.    




Black, boundless black, so black that there was not a trace of light. It was so black that it was as if the world had collapsed.    


"No! No! No! Big Brother Lie, save me! "    


Qin Leran wanted to shout, but she could not make any sound. She could only raise her hands and hug her head tightly, curling it into a ball like a helpless baby.    


Darkness was something that she would never be able to dispel in this lifetime. A nightmare was the source of her inner demon. She had never been able to walk out of this inner demon.    


Qin Leran held her head tightly with both hands and curled up in a corner of the darkness. The terrifying memories of the past attacked her like a tidal wave.    


The sound of the kidnappers' discussion rang in her ears. It had clearly been more than ten years, but now it sounded like it was ringing in her ears.    


Someone cursed: "Qin Yue cares about this child. As long as this child is in our hands, we are not afraid that Qin Yue will not back down."    


Someone added. "Cripple one of her legs. Even if Qin Yue saved her, this injury will make Qin Yue regret it for the rest of his life."    


Someone else said, "Our superiors clearly said that they didn't want to punish this child. They only blame this child for being Qin Yue's daughter. If crippling her can make Qin Yue regret it for the rest of his life, then we can be considered to have won."    


The voices of the people discussing crippling her were louder and louder.    


Qin Leran had not been able to think of these voices all these years, but at this moment, the memories of her being kidnapped back then were so clear that they resounded in her ears.    


"Big Brother Lie..."    


Back then, when she was most afraid and helpless, Big Brother Lie descended from the sky like a superman and rescued her from the darkness alone.    


This time, she fell into the darkness again. If Big Brother Lie could still come in time, could he still be her hero like before?    


She thought that Big Brother Lie would definitely come and save her, but the fear in her heart did not diminish at all.    


The darkness was still there, so her fear would never disappear.    


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