My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1007 External Chapter Contract

C1007 External Chapter Contract

Ji Rou had a dream. Her father was still alive in her dream.    


Her father held her hand and said earnestly, "Xiao Rou, I left too suddenly. There were still a lot of things that were not arranged properly. With your uncle and the others, I can be at ease about the company's matters. "    


Dad, it's not... "Ji Rou wanted to say that her uncles were not as kind as her father had seen.    


Just as her father was in trouble, those people from the Ji Family tried to annex the company that he worked so hard for. But even in her dreams, Ji Rou did not want her father to worry. In the end, she was unable to say those cruel facts.    


Her father patted her hand and sighed. "I am worried about you and your mother. All these years, your mother accompanied me to start a business. She got up early and got up late. Sometimes she was so busy that she couldn't even eat. "    


Ji Rou nodded her head forcefully and sobbed. "Dad, I know how hard it has been for you and Mom these years. I know, I know. "    


She had been working hard, working hard to learn business management. She had planned to enter the company after graduation to share her father's worries. However, it was not as good as the heavens. She had not even arrived and had not been able to help her father when her father had an accident and left.    


Her father said again, "It was because we were busy with entrepreneurship and neglected our health that your mother was soaked in medicine all year long. I'm leaving. You're the only person your mother can rely on. You must take good care of your mother for your father in the future "    


"Dad, don't worry. I'll take good care of my mother. I'll definitely take good care of her." She wanted to throw herself into her father's arms and feel the warmth of her father's embrace, but she didn't expect her hand to grab empty air.    


Earlier, she clearly felt that her father's hand holding hers was so warm. Why didn't her father let her hug him before leaving?    


Ji Rou was so angry that she shouted, "Dad, Dad..."    


But no matter how she called, she could not call her father back.    


Ji Rou woke up from her nightmare. The sky outside was already bright. Sunlight shone in through the window and covered the entire room.    


For a moment, she did not even know where she was. She closed her eyes and thought about it carefully. Only then did she recall everything that happened last night.    


She immediately got up, tidied up, and went downstairs.    


In the restaurant on the first floor, the man was eating breakfast slowly. When he heard her go downstairs, he didn't even turn his head and continued to eat his breakfast elegantly.    


After staying here for a night, he should at least thank her before leaving. Ji Rou came to the restaurant. "Sir, thank you for taking me in last night. I have to go."    


"Go? To where?" Qin Yinze put down his chopsticks and looked up at her. For some reason, Ji Rou felt that his gaze was a little complicated. She did not know what it was.    


Ji Rou smiled politely. "Of course I will go where I come from."    


"Is transmigration that simple now? Can you leave just like that?" He laughed. It was a mockery. It was obvious that he had never believed what Ji Rou had said last night.    


"What transmigration? I don't know what you are talking about. I drank too much last night. I don't know why I climbed to the roof of your house." Ji Rou sat down on the other side. She lied without blushing or gasping. She also took a bite of a barbecue bag. "The taste of the barbecue bag is very good. Where did you buy it?"    


Qin Yinze looked at her. Did he ask her to eat it?    


Ji Rou said as she ate, "Sir, I have no money now. I can't pay you back. If you let me leave, I can earn money when I go out. I will soon be able to pay back the food expenses that I owed you last night. "    


Qin Yinze picked up a wet towel and wiped his hands. He sneered and said, "You don't have money, but the person who chased you last night has money. I want to hand you over. They are very willing to pay for you. "    


"You..." Ji Rou was shocked that this man knew everything. She could not think of any way to deal with him.    


Fortunately, she was smart and quickly thought of another way to say it. "Okay. Since you already know, then I don't need to hide it from you anymore. The people who chased me last night were a group of human traffickers. They wanted to use me to earn money, but I was unwilling to do so no matter what, so they locked me up."    


Ji Rou took big bites of two roasted buns and used her actions to prove how hungry she was. "They locked me up for five whole days. They didn't even give me a sip of water. It was already a miracle that I could live until now. If you have the heart to watch a beautiful girl like me slip away, "Then hand me over."    


Qin Yinze frowned unhappily. This woman was full of lies. After being in contact with her for so long, he had never heard a single truth from her.    


"I'm going to die anyway. Just let me be a hungry ghost. " After eating the barbeque, Ji Rou picked up the milk by the side and drank another two mouthfuls.    


"So that's how it is." Qin Yinze saw that after she finished eating the barbecue, she was busy drinking milk and did not have any self-awareness of being in a stranger's house.    


"Actually, I know you are a good person. You not only gave it to me to eat, but also gave it to me to eat. And took me in all night. " If you continue to be kind and send me out... "When I earn money, I'll definitely thank you properly." In order to increase his credibility, Ji Rou gritted her teeth and took off the jade bracelet on her wrist. She said with full sincerity. "This jade bracelet is a birthday gift from my father. I can also give it to you."    


This was a birthday gift from her father this year. She always wore it like a treasure and never left her body. This time, in order to live and to see her mother as soon as possible, she endured the pain and took out the jade bracelet.    


Qin Yinze did not reach out to receive it. Seeing her tightly biting her lips and looking reluctant to part, he knew that what she said this time should be the truth.    


"You don't believe me?" He did not take it, but Ji Rou let out a sigh of relief and quickly put on the jade bracelet. "You are right if you don't believe me. Actually, this jade bracelet is not worth much."    


After a long silence, Qin Yinze became indifferent. He said lightly, "Miss Ji, I want to discuss a deal with you."    


"What deal?" Ji Rou's focus was on the word 'deal' and neglected the way Qin Yinze addressed her.    


Pak pak pak.    


Qin Yinze glanced at her and raised his hand to pat her twice. Chu Yuan, who had been waiting outside the room, pushed the door open and came in. He respectfully stood at the dining table and said, "young master."    


young master?    


When Chu Yuan suddenly appeared, Ji Rou was so scared that she wanted to crawl under the table. When she heard Chu Yuan call this man, she seemed to understand everything.    


So they were together.    


Chu Yuan called this young man young master, so this young man was very likely the son of that old man with the surname Qin.    


How many lifetimes of bad luck had she gone through?    


This was what people always said, there was a path to heaven, but she refused to take it. There was no door to hell, but she insisted on breaking in.    


Qin Yinze instructed Chu Yuan, "Show the contract to Miss Ji. If Miss Ji agrees, then sign the contract. Then our deal will be done. "    


"Tell me first, is your surname Qin?" He wanted her to sign the contract. She had to know who was the one doing business with her first.    


Qin Yinze pointed to the earlier date on the contract and Ji Rou looked around. "Qin Yinze?"    


His surname was indeed Qin!    


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