My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1052 External Story Hit the Muzzle of the Gun Again

C1052 External Story Hit the Muzzle of the Gun Again

Ji Rou wrapped her arms around the back of the chair. "Let me tell you, I am a proper citizen. "You were arrested by the rich people's branch to investigate, so you are corrupt. "Not only can I reject you, I'll also complain to you."    


Miss Ji, we welcome you to file a complaint. However, we still need you to cooperate with our investigation. " The two police officers were also very powerful and seemed to be righteous.    


"I bought the plane ticket with money, and I've already boarded the plane. I definitely won't leave with you." Death was the only way to get off the plane. Ji Rou would not foolishly send herself to death.    


"Miss Ji, since you are not cooperating with our work, then we will be offending you." After saying that, two policemen each held one of Ji Rou's arms. Under the gazes of everyone, they forcefully dragged her off the plane.    


"Help! The fake policemen are randomly catching good people. Don't just watch. Quickly take pictures and expose them. Help us ordinary people to uphold justice."    


Ji Rou made a fuss and shouted again. Not only did no one stand out to help her, but they even looked at her as if she was looking at a psychopath.    


"You... You..." Damn it! Too damn it! Did they know that if they didn't help her today, it would be letting the dark forces develop. She wanted to cry but had no tears.    


"Miss Ji, sorry!" The police found her too noisy and stuffed something into her mouth.    


"Wuwuwu..." Ji Rou's mouth was stuffed and her hands were also held up. The only thing that could still move was her two legs.    


She lifted her right leg and quickly kicked towards a police officer. But he was professional and easily dodged her attack, causing her to miss.    


Before she could vent her anger, she got angry again. Ji Rou was so angry that she jumped and shouted, "Let me go! Otherwise, I will teach you a lesson!"    


However, when her voice reached other people's ears, it was still a wuwu sound. It did not have any deterrent effect at all.    


If she could not gain the upper hand by force, Ji Rou could only think of other ways. She did not struggle anymore and allowed the two policemen to drag her away.    


As they walked, the two policemen noticed her abnormality. One of them quickly took off the thing that was stuffed in her mouth. "Miss Ji, what happened to you?"    


Ji Rou squeezed her eyes and tears streamed down her face. She just did not say a word. The two of them were ordered to invite the person back, but they did not ask them to hurt the person.    


Seeing Ji Rou cry like a tearful person, the two of them panicked, "Miss Ji, where do you feel uncomfortable? Tell us about it?"    


Her heart was uncomfortable. She did not want to be arrested and let Qin Yinze, that great pervert, torture her. But this reason could not be said.    


She pointed at her stomach with her hand. "My stomach hurts! It's like my intestines are broken. Hurry up and let me go to the toilet. Otherwise, I'm really going to die. "    


The two policemen looked at each other. They thought that since this person had been taken off the plane, she wouldn't be able to play any tricks.    


Thus, the two of them brought her to the nearest toilet and let her enter it. It wasn't convenient for them to go in, but they stood at the door like gatekeepers and guarded her.    


There was only one exit to the toilet. As long as they stood guard at the door, even if Ji Rou had wings, it would be difficult for her to fly. However, they waited for a long time and did not wait for Ji Rou to come out. The two of them saw that the situation was not good and rushed to the toilet together, scaring the people inside until they screamed involuntarily. But there was no one they were looking for.    


After Ji Rou went in, they carefully checked every person who came out. They were sure that Ji Rou did not come out of the toilet.    


She did not come out, but she was gone again. How could they explain this?    


One of them suddenly thought of something. "Did the cleaner push the garbage truck out just now?"    


Thinking of this, the two of them started to chase. They never thought Ji Rou could hide in the garbage truck from them.    


At this time, Ji Rou thanked the cleaning lady and proudly walked around. "Qin Beast, Qin Beast, do you think I really have a tofu brain? I can get your people to arrest me. Pah! "    


She was now carrying tens of thousands of dollars on her back and her passport was in her hands. She was not worried that she would not have money to spend, nor was she worried that she would not have any identification documents. If she left Qin Yinze, that bastard, she would still be able to live a good life.    


Where should she go now?    


Ji Rou seriously and seriously thought about it. If Qin Yinze could send the police in Jiangbei, then it proved that he had a certain influence in Jiangbei.    


As long as she stayed in the Jiangbei, there was a high chance that she would be caught by him. The best way was to leave this city and go to another airport to go back to Minluo City.    


Sometimes, Ji Rou had to admire her wit. She could think of such a good idea, unlike Qin Yinze who said her IQ was 250.    


Ji Rou first took a taxi and let the taxi drive. When she drove to the city, she got out of the taxi. After walking two intersections, she took another taxi. After repeating this a few times, she finally arrived at the border of Lin City. She spent a high price to rent another taxi and arrived at the city center of Lin City.    


This time, she did not go to the airport. Instead, she found a house that did not need to be registered and stayed there. She planned to avoid the limelight and fly to the airport to Min Luo City.    


The plan was progressing perfectly in the direction she had planned.    


After Ji Rou settled down, she went to the famous farm restaurant and ordered a few delicious dishes. Of course, for people like her who did not like meat, as long as it was meat, it was delicious food.    


Although the roasted chicken drumsticks here weren't as delicious as the ones in Jiangbei, it was still barely passable. Ji Rou happily chewed on two chicken drumsticks and a portion of Cold Stirring Pig Hands.    


After eating and drinking, Ji Rou's entire body and mind were filled with joy. She hummed a small tune as she bounced all the way back to her residence.    


"Lady Boss, the accommodation here is really not bad. The beauties of the mountain and clear water are even more beautiful, especially you, Lady Boss. You are so beautiful, you are even more delicate than the flowers." Ji Rou was in a good mood. When she returned to the residence, she did not forget to tease the Lady Boss of the residence.    


Miss Ji is too kind. In my opinion, you are the real person who is more delicate than a flower. " If it was not because she was too good-looking, her boyfriend would not have followed her all the time. She had just checked in. Not long after, her boyfriend chased after her. It seemed like he was afraid that his girlfriend would be taken away.    


People with good looks would be liked wherever they went. Especially when it was a pair of good-looking men and women. The Lady Boss could recognize them at a glance when she received so many customers every day.    


"Hehe, we women are all more beautiful than flowers." After saying that, Ji Rou jumped up the stairs and whistled as she opened the door.    


The door opened and Ji Rou took off her shoes as soon as she entered the room. Before she took off one of her shoes, she finally realized that something was wrong. There was a person sitting in her room.    


Although his back was facing her, However, the aura emitted from this person's body, even if Ji Rou was blind, she could still feel it.    


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