My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1082 Excerpt Chapter Pretending to be Sleepwalking

C1082 Excerpt Chapter Pretending to be Sleepwalking

The alluring food was placed at the kitchen table. Ji Rou took two small steps to the left and reached out to get the food. However, when her hand touched the lid, she hesitated.    


This food was placed in such a conspicuous place. Could it be that Qin Yinze had deliberately set it up?    


Or maybe there was poison in the food. As long as she ate secretly, she would be poisoned to death. At that time, Qin Yinze could still say that this was a poisonous rat. If she ate secretly, she deserved to be poisoned to death!    


"As the saying goes, the heart of a woman is the most poisonous. I think the heart of this bastard Qin Yinze is even more poisonous than that of a woman. " If he doesn't poison me to death, he will never let this matter rest. "    


While Ji Rou was fiercely criticizing Qin Yinze in her heart, she walked to the kitchen door and looked around. After making sure that no one was peeking in the dark, she returned to the kitchen.    


She opened the lid and there were two bowls under the cover. In the bowls were two bowls of paste that Ji Rou could not name.    


The black paste smelled quite fragrant. It should be food.    


Ji Rou leaned closer to smell and confirmed that it was the smell of food.    


It was confirmed to be food. She also resisted the urge to eat and still wanted to look at the color to confirm whether Qin Yinze had drugged the two bowls of paste.    


Ji Rou really wanted to observe for a while longer, but her stomach did not agree. It gurgled as it urged her.    


"There is nothing unusual about the taste. There should be no problem, right?" Ji Rou picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful into her mouth. This thing did not seem to have an appetite, but when it entered her mouth, the taste was quite fragrant and refreshing.    


After Ji Rou finished a mouthful, she took another mouthful. After a while, two bowls of paste that she could not name went into her stomach.    


"Burp -" Ji Rou was too full and burped without any image. She rubbed her stomach and said, "Obediently, I accidentally ate until I was full. I still ate something that did not have the slightest smell of oil."    


In the past, she would not even take a second look at these black food. This time, she was really too hungry and could not care about that much.    


Pah -    


There was suddenly a sound coming from the dining room outside the kitchen. It was the sound of the lights turning on. The lights instantly lit up the entire dining room and Ji Rou's kitchen.    


"Oh no!" Ji Rou secretly cursed. She looked up and saw that the person who turned on the lights was Qin Yinze, who wanted to kill her every day.    


It was late at night. Why did this bastard not sleep and ran to the restaurant?    


Could it be that he knew that she was secretly eating in the kitchen and that he was here to catch her?    


No way! No! He absolutely couldn't let this bastard Qin Yinze catch him!    


Ji Rou wanted to find a place to hide, but even though the kitchen was big, there was no place to hide.    


Seeing Qin Yinze walking towards the kitchen, getting closer and closer, in a hurry, Ji Rou pulled open the fridge door and tried to hide in the fridge.    


But before one of her feet stepped in, she was scared back by the strong cold air in the fridge. If Qin Yinze did not leave in a while, she would freeze to death in the fridge. Such risky behavior could not be done.    


Unexpectedly, just as Ji Rou hesitated, Qin Yinze had already stepped into the kitchen with one foot and he also saw her.    


His gaze on her first was slightly surprised, then it became very cold. It was so cold that Ji Rou felt that it was even colder than the cold air in the fridge. It made her feel cold from the bottom of her heart.    


She was caught red-handed when she secretly ate, so this man should count her again.    


No way!    


Ji Rou's brain operated rapidly. Very quickly, the emergency system in her brain played a strong role in time.    


She stretched her hands forward and closed her eyes, jumping out like a zombie.    


At this time, she closed her eyes and did not look at anything. She pretended to be sleepwalking and came here. After being discovered by Qin Yinze, she did not feel so embarrassed.    


Ji Rou felt that she was really smart to think of such a good idea so quickly.    


Obviously, Qin Yinze did not think that this stupid woman would have such a move. He could not help but be stunned.    


Seeing her jumping around like a zombie and opening her eyes from time to time to look forward, Qin Yinze could not help but feel that she was a little silly and cute.    


"sleepwalking?" Qin Yinze asked her.    


"Congratulations, you got it right!" Ji Rou really wanted to praise him, but she held herself back and did not say anything. Once she said it, she would be exposed.    


"Is it a sleepwalk or a zombie with a body?" He slightly turned his body to block her path and stretched out his hand to shake in front of her eyes.    


Ji Rou, who was sleepwalking, probably did not know that he was blocking her, so even though the road was blocked by him, Ji Rou still jumped forward.    


She was stopped by him with a jump and he blocked her when she jumped again. After repeating this for a few rounds, Ji Rou was finally so tired that she could not jump anymore and was unwilling to stop.    


"You can do it in the day and you can also do it in your sleep. You really can do it." Qin Yinze reached out and pinched her pink and tender cheeks. "It feels pretty good!"    


"What's so good about it? You used so much strength to pinch it. Do you think I won't feel pain when I sleep?" Ji Rou suspected that this man actually knew that she was pretending to sleepwalk. But now, even if he knew, she could not admit it. So she could only continue to pretend and scold him in her heart.    


But at this moment, Qin Yinze's face suddenly leaned close to her. Ji Rou could feel the warm breath he exhaled spraying on her face.    


What was he going to do?    


What exactly did he want to do?    


Did he want to take advantage of her while she was sleepwalking?    


Ji Rou really wanted to retreat, but Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and grabbed her waist, making her unable to retreat.    


Ah! Ah! Ah!    


Ji Rou shouted in her heart, you shameless bastard, don't mess around, don't mess around. If you touch me again, I will beat you up.    


However, no matter how Ji Rou shouted in her heart, Qin Yinze could not hear her, so he could not stop Qin Yinze from getting closer and closer to her. He was so close that the tip of his nose had touched her nose.    


The next second, he reached out and grabbed her small chin, raised it slightly, and praised, "Your eyelashes are very long, very beautiful."    


"I know my eyelashes are long and beautiful, I don't need you to praise me! Hurry up and take away your dirty hands!" Ji Rou slapped his hands away but did not dare to. She could only scold him in her heart.    


Who knew that not only did Qin Yinze not let go of her, he even lowered his head and kissed her.    


At first, he kissed quite gently, as if he was taking care of his treasure.    


But in just a few short seconds, his kiss became more and more overbearing and overbearing, as if he was going to kiss her in the depths of her soul.    


Ji Rou tried to struggle but this man's strength was too great. It was so great that she could only be wrapped in his arms and let him kiss her without any restraint.    


Wuwuwu ...    


Ji Rou felt that she was so pitiful. She was simply the most pitiful person in the world.    


She had only eaten a little bit of food in the kitchen because she was hungry. Now, she was going to be "eaten" by Qin Yinze, this man, with interest.    


The key... The key... She shamelessly enjoyed him "eating" her like this.    


Even she herself did not know when her hands naturally placed on his shoulders. She pressed on his body and passionately responded to his tyrannical and lingering kiss.    


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