My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1083 External Chapter Anyone Can Say That He Can't Do It

C1083 External Chapter Anyone Can Say That He Can't Do It

This was the first time Ji Rou knew that a man could be so gentle and focused when kissing a woman, and could also be so domineering and intimate. It was as if there were only the two of them left in the world.    


He kissed her, and she responded to him. Both of them were immersed in this long and passionate kiss. No one was willing to withdraw first. They all wanted this kiss to last longer.    


After an unknown period of time, as if it had been a long time, they reluctantly ended this passionate kiss.    


When it ended, Ji Rou was so exhausted that she could not even stand properly. She lay on the ground on Qin Yinze's chest and slowly stabilized her breath.    


"You're awake?" Qin Yinze's voice suddenly sounded above her head, making Ji Rou's body slightly stiffen. It turned out that this man was using this method to wake her up, and she actually sank into his kiss and forgot about each other's identities.    


She clearly knew that this man was a poison and she could not afford to offend him, but she would still be distracted by him and involuntarily sink into the false gentleness he created for her.    


"Still not awake?" He asked again.    


Ji Rou closed her eyes tightly and prepared to play dead to the end. No matter what he asked, she would not answer.    


Ji Rou did not answer. Qin Yinze kissed her again. This time, it was even more overbearing than the previous time. It was just the beginning and Ji Rou could not bear it anymore.    


She pushed him hard, but he hugged her even tighter. The arm he held her was like an iron wrist, strong and powerful.    


Later on, Ji Rou was knocked out by his kiss. She lied in his arms in a daze and did not want to move at all.    


He carried her upstairs and carried her back to the room. He carried her back to his room and put her on his bed...    


Because Ji Rou had her eyes closed from beginning to end, he did not see the redness in Qin Yinze's eyes. He did not see the determination in Qin Yinze's eyes.    


Anyway, it was not the first time that Ji Rou slept in Qin Yinze's bed. Ji Rou did not feel embarrassed and closed her eyes to prepare to sleep.    


But in the next moment, Qin Yinze reached out with his big palm, held her waist, and pulled her into his arms. She rolled into his arms.    


His big palm was moving restlessly on her body. Ji Rou grabbed his hand and slowly opened her eyes to meet his blood-red eyes. " Qin Yinze... I... Don't!"    


She didn't know why, but when she saw him like this, she felt that it was a very cruel thing for her to reject him.    


She didn't want to do it, so she had to reject him. Why would she feel guilty? Ji Rou didn't understand!    


He bit her earlobe and stressed in a deep voice, "Ji Rou, you are my wife!"    


"I am not." Her identity was, but her heart would never be. She had a man she loved, and she would never be moved by him.    


"Then tell me, whose wife do you want to be?" His big palm was getting more and more excessive, and he had no intention of stopping.    


Being forced by this man again and again, he ignored her wishes and made Ji Rou very angry. "Anyone can do it. Anyway, it is not you."    


"Anyone can?" Or was it the man called Xiang Lingfeng? Qin Yinze did not say the second half of the sentence.    


There was once a woman who thought of other people and rejected him. Now, the same experience repeated in Qin Yinze's mind, making him feel fear for the first time in his life.    


This time, no matter who she loved, no matter who she wanted to marry, no matter how unwilling she was to become his wife, it didn't matter.    


He only knew that she was already his wife and only knew that he was the only man who had her. No matter what methods he used, he had to keep her by his side. Until eternity.    


"Yes... Anyone can, but not you!" Because of the inexplicable guilt she felt towards him, Ji Rou shouted angrily.    


"Ji Rou, your man can only be me." He used the most direct method to brand his mark in her life so that she would never forget him for the rest of her life.    


"Hmm..." Ji Rou groaned in pain but she bit her lips tightly and did not want to make any more noise.    


She hated this. She hated him for forcing her. She hated him for always being self-righteous. She hated him for thinking that he could control her everything just because he was her husband.    


Putting aside the fact that she didn't want to be his wife, even if she was willing to marry him, She was also an independent individual, not his appendage. He couldn't arrange everything for her. She couldn't let him decide everything.    


He continued to ruthlessly and ruthlessly, while she bit her lips all the time, unwilling to cooperate or beg for mercy.    


He used his way to take her, and she used her way to resist him. They were clearly very close, with a distance of twenty centimeters, but their hearts were very far away, out of reach.    


After an unknown amount of time, when all of this finally came to an end, Ji Rou wanted to turn around and leave, but was pulled back by Qin Yinze into his arms. "Don't go! Let me hug you!"    


He was clearly the one bullying her. He was clearly the one who did not care about her wishes to force her. He was clearly the worst bad person, but why did he use such a pitiful tone to talk to her?    


Did he think that by pretending to be pitiful, she would forgive him and forget all the despicable things he had done to her?    


No, no. She hated him so much that she didn't even have time to forgive him. How could she forgive him?    


"Don't go! Don't leave me again! Let me hug you!" His voice seemed to contain deep pain and the feelings of Mianmian.    


Why did he bully her and make her let him go? Ji Rou was furious in her heart. However, when she opened her mouth and bit his chest, he made her feel pain, and she also wanted to make him feel pain.    




How could he bully her like this, and make her feel guilty?    


This feeling was too bad. Ji Rou raised her leg and kicked him again. "Bastard, you can't bully me. Everyone in the world can bully me, but you can't!"    


Didn't he say that he was her husband? Then why couldn't he give in to her? Didn't he know that girls needed to be pampered and loved?    


"Don't cry!" He caressed her face, lowered his head, and gently kissed her forehead. "Be good, be good."    


"Only pets will be obedient, I don't want to be good!" She was his wife, not his pet. Why should he listen to her?    


"Don't go!" Qin Yinze held her tightly in his arms, letting her stick close to him so that he could smell her.    


No matter how much she made a fuss, he could tolerate her. As long as she obediently stayed by his side, obediently did not leave him, did not let his heart wander around, and did not let him endure the loneliness of night after night alone.    


A person's night was too lonely, too lonely, as if a huge abyss could swallow him at any time.    


Other than her, no one else could pull him out, so he had to tightly hold onto her, no matter what methods he used.    


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