My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1141 External Chapter Her Effect on Him

C1141 External Chapter Her Effect on Him

Qin Yinze put Ji Rou into the car with a gloomy face, then got into the car and sat next to her. He ordered the driver to drive.    


Looking at his expression, Ji Rou knew that he was very angry. If she did not let him calm down in time, she would definitely have to bear the consequences.    


Ji Rou tugged at the corner of his clothes and said softly: "Young Master Qin, don't be angry. Actually, I did not drink much. I have already restrained myself."    


She drank so much that her body reeked of alcohol. She even dressed like that to dance. She still had the nerve to say that she was already very restrained. Qin Yinze didn't know what would happen if she didn't restrain herself.    


Would she be lying on the street drunk?    


Would she perform a striptease for others to appreciate?    


Whenever he thought of this possibility, Qin Yinze wished he could lock this woman up and not let her take a step out of the house.    


Qin Yinze clenched his fists again and again. He was the one who truly worked hard to restrain himself. If he did not do his best to restrain himself, he might have already thrown this woman, who was always disobedient, into the Min River outside the bar street.    


Qin Yinze's face was dark, but he did not say anything. He did not calm down. Ji Rou wanted to get close to him, but she was worried that he would push her away. After hesitating for a while, she still chose to get close to him.    


However, just as she got closer to him, he stretched out his arm and stopped her from getting closer. "Sit tight! Don't move!"    


Since he didn't let her get close, it further proved that his anger wasn't going to disappear so easily. Ji Rou could only explain, "If it was in the past, I could at least drink two dozen beers and other random drinks by myself. But today, I really did not drink much. Because I know that you will be unhappy if I drink. When I drank, I quietly poured out a lot while carrying the prince and monkey behind my back."    


Speaking up to this point, Ji Rou felt a little aggrieved in her heart. What should she say? She was also an independent individual. She was a living person. She also needed her space.    


Yes, the two of them were together. The two of them should be understanding and tolerant of each other, but he could not control everything, so she did not have a bit of freedom.    


The prince and the monkey were her childhood playmates. The two of them firmly stood by her side at her most difficult moment, giving her a lot of support.    


The two of them supported her so much. How could she not accompany them for a few drinks after getting married?    


She could not let them always say that she prioritized her lover over her friends.    


After explaining for a long time, Qin Yinze still had a cold expression. Ji Rou reached out to hug his arm and said softly, "Young Master Qin, don't be angry with me, okay? You don't look good when you are angry. You are a bit scary."    


In fact, when he heard Ji Rou say that she quietly poured out a lot of wine, Qin Yinze's heart softened a little. But this girl was full of lies. Sometimes, he really could not tell which was true and which was false.    


When it was hard to tell whether it was true or false, Qin Yinze decided to continue testing this woman. He definitely could not let her off lightly, or she would make another mistake in a few days.    


However, Ji Rou grasped his weak point and did not fight him head on anymore. She used a cute and lovable trick to deal with him. "Young Master Qin, as long as you are not angry with me," she said. I promise that I will not drink for the next month. If you get addicted to alcohol after a month, I will definitely report it to you. "I'll drink as much as you want me to. I won't drink a single drop."    


"Then what about your dance?" Qin Yinze remembered her drinking first. Tonight, he was more concerned about how she dressed and danced for other men to see.    


"That Liu Diandian is also my friend. I went to dance to help the couple get some business. " I didn't know you would be unhappy before. "Now that I know, I promise I won't dance anymore. In the future, as long as it's something you don't think is good... I won't do it. In any case, I'll listen to whatever you say. I'll listen to anything you say. " Ji Rou spoke confidently. She almost raised her hand to swear an oath.    


However, in Qin Yinze's opinion, the more serious this girl spoke, the more likely it was that she was plotting something else. Therefore, her words still needed time to be tested.    


Seeing that Qin Yinze still did not let her go, Ji Rou said again, "Young Master Qin, you should have friends too, right? You should be able to understand this kind of feeling of wanting to help your friends a little."    


Qin Yinze said, "I don't have friends."    


These words were really not words of anger. Young Master Qin really did not have any friends who could speak a few words from the bottom of his heart.    


Before his parents' accident, his friends had already gone somewhere. After his parents' accident and the Qin Family, he had been working hard to be a "good child." He put all of his focus and energy on his studies and business. He did not have time to make friends.    


At such a young age, he knew that only by constantly learning, advancing, and constantly strengthening himself could he stand firmly in such an outstanding Qin Family. Otherwise, why would he feel at ease staying in the Qin Family and become a part of the Qin Family?    


No friends!    


No matter how he heard it, it did not sound like a lie. Ji Rou leaned into Qin Yinze's arms and reached out to hug his waist. "Qin Yinze, it doesn't matter if you have no friends in the past. My friends will be your friends from now on. "    


Another simple sentence made Qin Yinze's heart, which had been immersed in the icehouse for many years, warm up. His heart warmed, and the expression on his face naturally became much gentler.    


Ji Rou this girl was clearly an extremely ordinary girl, but she had the magic to make his heart warm and make him feel at ease. It even made him feel that as long as she was there, there was no harm in losing the world.    


Qin Yinze's heart was warmed by her words, but he only said one sentence. "I never care about those friends of yours!"    


As soon as Qin Yinze said that, all the guilt that Ji Rou felt tonight disappeared. She pushed him away. "Qin Yinze, don't think you are so great just because you have some money. People like you deserve it even if you can't make friends with them!"    


"Why are you making friends with those useless and useless friends?" Qin Yinze slightly curled his lips and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Ji Rou, today I will give you another lesson. In this world, there are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies. The only thing that can maintain a harmonious relationship for a long time is profit!"    


"So what benefits can you get from me?" This was Ji Rou's first reaction. He spent so much money to buy her, and it could not be because he was happy, right?    


"What benefits can I get from you?" Qin Yinze sized her up from top to bottom. "It has been so long. You should know what benefits I can get from you."    


"Warm the bed?" Was it only because of this reason? If it was, there were countless women who wanted to help him warm the bed. He would not have insisted on her.    


If he said yes, it was either he was lying, or there was something that she did not know. But they had never seen it before. What kind of secret could there be between him and her?    


"Not only the effect of warming the bed, you can also make my body and mind comfortable, and also..." Qin Yinze suddenly leaned close to Ji Rou's ear and whispered softly. Ji Rou heard him and waved her fist over. "Smelly hooligan!"    


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