My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1145 In the Name of Brother Wind

C1145 In the Name of Brother Wind

Things often went against her wishes. The more Ji Rou did not want to cry weakly in front of Qin Yinze because of this, the more uncontrollable her tears became.    


Seeing her tears, Qin Yinze knew that his attack was too heavy, but he did not know how to comfort her. He could only lower his head and continue to apply ointment on her. "Be good if you know it hurts. Don't speak nonsense in the future!"    


Ji Rou wiped her tears and said fiercely, "Bastard, when did I speak nonsense? You only know how to bully me when you see that I, a little girl, is easy to bully!"    


To Ji Rou, this bit of pain in her hands was nothing. The soreness in her heart made her feel uncomfortable, as if she was suffocating.    


She had lived for twenty years. She had experienced this kind of suffocating feeling many times. One time, her father had passed away, and the other time, it was now...    


She did not know why, but when she thought that he left her by his side because of these reasons, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.    


Qin Yinze, this bastard, wasn't even her. What right did he have to make her feel so uncomfortable? What right did he have?    


Qin Yinze put the medicine on both of her palms before he looked up at her. When he saw her tears, his heart ached. He couldn't help but reach out and wipe her tears. "It's my fault."    


However, just as he stretched out his hand, Ji Rou raised her hand and threw a punch at him. The punch landed heavily on his chest. "Bastard, you are a bastard! Why should I?!"    


"Yes, yes, yes. I am a bastard. Then can I stop crying?" When this woman fucks up, he can't do anything to her.    


"If you don't want me to cry, then I won't cry?" Ji Rou forcefully wiped away her tears and scolded as she cried, "Bastard, why should I? What right do you have?"    


What right did he have to make her worry?    


What right does he have to make her care so much about him? Does he like other women?    


What right did he have to make her care so much about what kind of attitude he had towards her?    


Why did he make her so unconfident and uncomfortable?    


"Yes, I shouldn't have bullied you" Qin Yinze carried her into his arms and gently patted her on the back. "Be good, stop crying."    


"I want to cry! I haven't cried enough!" As long as he didn't know the real reason why she was sad, she wouldn't have any scruples. She would let go of her throat and cry for him to see. Who asked him to make her sad?    


Qin Yinze said helplessly, "You, you are already so old. Why are you crying like a child?"    


"None of your business!" She huddled in his arms and cried until her mucus and tears rolled down her face. "Qin Yinze, I'm warning you. If you have sex with another woman behind my back, I will not let you off lightly."    


Qin Yinze said, "Why won't you let me off?"    


Ji Rou said, "You really want to go and find her?"    


"I never thought about it." With her by his side, he would not be able to handle it. If he went to look for a few more, he would definitely die of exhaustion, so he would not look for another woman.    


"Don't think about it." Ji Rou hugged him domineeringly, "As long as I am by your side for a day, you better not think about things that are out of line."    


No matter what reason they were together, since they were together now, their bodies should be loyal to each other. They absolutely could not act recklessly.    


Qin Yinze answered with certainty, "Never."    


Ji Rou snorted.    


Qin Yinze rubbed her head. "It's getting late. You still have classes tomorrow. Go to sleep."    


Ji Rou lay on his chest and did not respond to him. After a long time, It was so long that he thought that she had fallen asleep. She softly said, "I won't either"    


Qin Yinze did not understand what she wanted to say when she suddenly said that. He was stunned for a moment before he realized what she meant. She meant that she would not do anything out of line behind his back.    


It turned out that she was not only asking him to do it unilateral, she was also working hard.    


When he thought of this, his smile slowly climbed to the corner of Qin Yinze's lips. He slightly tightened his grip on her.    


So this was the feeling of being put in someone's heart. It was a little sour, a little rough, but more of a sweetness.    




After handing over the matters of the Thousand Water Company to Ceng Yunwei, Ji Rou did not need to go to the company every day. She could attend classes like normal students.    


She had just arrived at school today when she received a text message from an unknown number - I have a secret that I want to tell you. If you want to know, then come to the bar opposite the south gate of the school.    


She did not say what secret it was, nor did she send a signature. Ji Rou did not know this phone number, so she categorized this message into the wrong message and deleted it.    


After deleting the message, Ji Rou forgot about this matter. She attended classes in the morning and ate in the school canteen with Prince and the rest.    


Just as she sat down, Ji Rou's phone rang again. She opened it and saw that it was another message from the unfamiliar phone number in the morning - Ji Rou. You really are a heartless person. It's only been a few months and you don't remember your Big Brother Feng.    


Big Brother Feng?    


Ji Rou could not calm down and think when she saw these three words. She stopped eating and got up to run out. The prince did not know what was going on and followed her to the dining hall door. He stopped Ji Rou and asked, "Boss, what happened?"    


"Get out of the way!" Ji Rou pushed the prince away and ran towards the south gate of the school like a madman. She used her fastest speed to reach the bar mentioned in the last message.    


It was currently noon, and there were very few customers in the bar. There were only a few scattered customers, and everyone could be seen at a glance.    


Ji Rou quickly scanned the surroundings. There was no Big Brother Feng that she was looking for at all, but there was a person she was familiar with - her arch-enemy, School Beauty Xin.    


When Ji Rou's gaze landed on School Beauty Xin, School Beauty Xin also looked over and waved at Ji Rou. "Ji Rou, I am here."    


More than a month ago, there was no news of School Beauty Xin after she was expelled from the school. Ji Rou had been busy with the matters of Qianshui Company these few days and had almost forgotten about the existence of such a person.    


Just at the moment when she was most anxious, this School Beauty Xin appeared in front of her again. She did not have the mood to pay attention to School Beauty Xin. She turned around and wanted to leave but School Beauty Xin's sharp voice came from behind, "Ji Rou, there is no your Big Brother Feng at all. The person who is looking for you is me. The person who wants to tell you the secret is still me."    


"You..." It was like someone poured a bucket of cold water on Ji Rou's head, making her instantly sober up.    


What was she thinking? Big Brother Feng had disappeared for so long. If he had appeared, he would have appeared a long time ago. He would never have waited until now.    


It was just that School Beauty Xin was looking for her. What secrets did she have to tell her? She did not think that her relationship with School Beauty Xin was so deep that they could have a heart-to-heart talk.    


"Ji Rou, come and have a seat. In broad daylight, could it be that you are afraid that I will eat you?" School Beauty Xin smiled and was still the same as before, hiding a knife in her smile. Ji Rou just did not like her.    


Since School Beauty Xin thought of ways to get her to come over, Ji Rou also came. She sat down and listened to what School Beauty Xin could tell her. She wanted to see what kind of secrets School Beauty Xin could tell her. "Speak."    


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