My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1442 Successor Chapter She Didn't Know Who That Person Was

C1442 Successor Chapter She Didn't Know Who That Person Was

Lu Xi kicked the phone away again, but she still could not break it. A strange man's voice came from the speaker again. "As long as the child is my flesh and blood, no matter who he looks like, it doesn't matter."    


Lu Xi roared, "Shut up!"    


That person said again, "You must have suffered a lot during these years as a woman and your child. I can understand the grievance in your heart. Since I already know that I have a child outside, "Then I will never let him suffer outside again. Lu Xi, it is getting late today. Let's set a time to meet tomorrow. Let's talk about the child properly. I will be responsible for the child. "As long as you're willing, I'll be responsible for you."    






No, no, no, it was her own child. She had worked hard to raise him. It had nothing to do with anyone else. No one could take him away from her.    


Lu Xi tried her best to suppress the panic in her heart as she thought about it. At this time, she had to remain clear-headed to protect him better. Only then could she do what she had always wanted to do but not do.    


Back then, she had insisted on giving birth to him. She wanted to go through DNA mating to find the man who had sullied her. But after giving birth, because he was too cute, she unconsciously wanted to love him. She wanted to protect him, so she had to secretly find that man.    


Over the years, Lu Xi had been looking for the man who had hurt her, but there had been no news of him. Now that that the man had taken the initiative to find her, it was time for her to meet him.    


Lu Xi took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She tried her best to speak to him in a calm tone, "Okay. What time tomorrow?"    


That person said, "I just came to Jiangbei and am not familiar with this city. Miss Lu Xi, you decide."    


Lu Xi thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow at 2: 00 PM, I will meet you at the Regret coffee shop at the Binhai Building on Binhai Road."    


That person was nice. "Okay."    


After hearing the reply from the other side, Lu Xi immediately hung up the phone and then called the lawyer in charge of her case all these years. "Lawyer Yang, that man contacted me."    


"Did he contact you?" They had been looking for a person they had not found for a few years. Suddenly contacting Lu Xi shocked Lawyer Yang. "Lu Xi, are you sure it was that man?"    


Lu Xi shook her head and nodded, "I am not sure, but other than that man, no one else knows what happened that night. Today, he called to talk about the InterContinental Hotel and talked about August 8th, four years ago. I think it should be him. "    


Lawyer Yang said again, "Whether he is or not, find a way to see him first. Try to pull one or two strands of his hair. We will know the result by matching it with the DNA data."    


Lu Xi bit her lips. "Lawyer Yang, I am suddenly a little scared."    


Lawyer Yang said, "Lu Xi, don't tell me you regret it?"    


Lu Xi shook her head. "I have never wavered the idea of bringing that man to justice. It is just that he is innocent. I do not want him to be involved in this matter. Don't let others point at him and say that he is the son of someone who committed a crime in the future. Therefore, I hope that you can keep this matter a secret for me and not let anyone get hurt. "    


Lawyer Yang said," It's a child that I watched as he was born and raised. How can I bear to let him get hurt? Even if you don't tell me these things, I will do my best to keep it a secret. I will definitely not let his future life be affected in the slightest. "    


Lu Xi said, "Lawyer Yang, thank you."    


Lawyer Yang said, "Don't be polite with me. Remember to get that hair. As long as he matures with the DNA, no matter who he is, I will make sure he is punished by the law, no matter what price he has to pay."    


Lu Xi smiled bitterly. "Okay. I will try my best to get it tomorrow."    


Although she did not want to think about what happened that year, However, that incident had already happened and it was a fact that no one could change. Lu Xi had no other choice but to face it head on.    


Initially, she chose the most difficult path. Her family had all made her abort the child in her womb, but she did not. She chose to run away from home and insisted on giving birth.    


Lu Xi had never regretted her decision. No matter who the father of the child was, it was still her child.    




In the midst of a half-awake night, Lu Xi seemed to have returned to that night a few years ago.    


"Hot..." Lu Xi lay on the large bed in the hotel room and moaned powerlessly. There was clearly a lot of cold air in the room, but she still felt hot and her entire body was covered in sweat.    


She also did not know what was wrong with her. Before returning to the room to rest, her body was always fine and there was no unexpected situation. It was she who drank the cup of tea that her stepmother Cui Xianzhen gave her and her body slowly changed.    


"Hot... So hot. ... Who can give me a cup of water?" Lu Xi wanted to get up and get a glass of ice water to relieve the heat, but her body was so weak that she could not get out of bed.    


As time passed by, Lu Xi's mind became more and more muddled. She felt as if there was a fire burning in her heart that was about to melt her. Vaguely, she heard the sound of a card being swiped. She heard the door being opened and vaguely saw a person walking into her room.    


She could not see clearly who that person was. She only knew that that person seemed to be very tall. When that person hugged her, she felt much better. He was like a block of ice in summer, incomparably cool.    


However, just hugging him was not enough. She did not know where her courage came from, but she actually took the initiative to undo his clothes and go on a blind date with his skin. This way, it could relieve the heat in her body even more.    


The next day, when Lu Xi woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. The embarrassing situation on the bed and the pain in her body reminded her of what happened last night. What was sad was that she actually did not know who the man who had sex with her was.    


"Lu Xi, look at you. You have done something shameful all day long. You were unmarried and got pregnant first. You actually did not even know who the father of the child was. If it were me, I would have left home long ago. " How could I have the face to stay in this house? "    


"Lu Xi, get rid of the bastard in your stomach."    


The stepmother's voice rang in Lu Xi's ears one after another like a curse.    


"No, no..." Lu Xi suddenly woke up from her nightmare and broke out in a cold sweat. She opened her eyes and the sky outside was already slightly bright. A new day had begun.    


Every day was a new day, but she was still living in the nightmares of the past and could not start again. Those ugly faces would appear in her dreams from time to time, reminding her how dirty the things they had done were.    


Many times, Lu Xi would think that if she did not drink Cui Xianzhen's cup of tea back then, if her self-control was a little stronger, there would not be anything after that... But life was so cruel and did not start over. There was no ifs, only moving forward continuously.    


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