My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1512 The Title of the Successor will Always Stand on Her Opposite Side the Donor Is Qin Yinji

C1512 The Title of the Successor will Always Stand on Her Opposite Side the Donor Is Qin Yinji

Could something have happened to Qin Yinjian?    


Lu Xi panicked when she thought that something might have happened to Qin Yinjian. Her hand, which was about to feed the bowl of water, shook and the bowl of water fell on the blanket. She said in a panic, "Did it scald you?"    


"Mommy, it didn't scald you. It's fine." Lu Xi did not know what was wrong with Mommy. She only knew that Mommy seemed to be very afraid. Could it be that Mommy was worried about his surgery? He quickly hugged Lu Xi and said, "Mommy, don't be afraid. You will be very brave. You will definitely not let Mommy worry."    


Lu Xi felt that it was useless to let such a young son comfort her at this time. She took a deep breath and tried her best not to panic. "Mommy will wait outside the operating theater. Don't be afraid."    


"Mommy, after the surgery, your illness will recover. You are not worried at all." Lu Xi was still young and did not know what the surgery meant. He did not know how big the risk of surgery was, and he did not know that there was a possibility that this illness could relapse. He thought that as long as he performed surgery, he would be able to live a normal life like other ordinary children.    


"Yes, after the surgery, our illness will be cured. Mommy wanted to tell him again. During the surgery, Mommy will always be outside the operating theater with you." Lu Xi stroked her head. She said gently. At this time, Lu Xi really hoped that Qin Yinjian would be here. She hoped that before he entered the operating theater, he would rub his head. She told him, "Yes. "Don't be afraid. Mom and Dad will be waiting for you here."    


However, Qin Yinjian did not appear until they entered the operating theater and started the surgery.    


Where did he go?    


Lu Xi did not know, nor did she have any extra thoughts about where Qin Yinjian had gone.    


He was in the operating theater now, and she did not know how the situation was. She also did not know if the little guy could bear it. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Lu Xi felt. For a moment, she was so nervous that she almost suffocated.    


She clenched her fists tightly and tried to calm herself down. However, no matter how hard she tried, it was useless. It was only when a soft and mellow voice rang in her ears that the fear in her heart gradually lessened. "Auntie Lu Xi!"    


"Lele, you're here." Xiao Lele's appearance could not help Lu Xi with the specifics, but to Lu Xi at this moment, it was like a life-saving straw. She needed someone to stay by her side and needed someone to tell her that nothing would happen.    


Not only was Xiao Lele here, but his mother was also following behind him. Lu Xi had seen them before. The family of three was too beautiful and warm. Lu Xi could not forget it even if she wanted to. She opened her mouth and wanted to say hello to Lele's mother, but she did not know how to greet her.    


Qin Leran seemed to have seen Lu Xi's embarrassment and she smiled, "Miss Lu, I am Lele's mother and also Qin Yinjian's elder sister. My name is Qin Leran. You can call me by my name or by my elder sister. If you don't like these two, you can also call me Yao Madam."    


Compared to the way Miss Qin addressed her, Qin Leran preferred the people outside to call her Yao Madam. The specific reason was that everyone who knew her knew that the Big Brother Lie she loved the most, changed his mother's surname to Yao. Calling her Yao Madam was to always tell others that she was Big Brother Lie's wife.    


Qin Leran was much older than Lu Xi, so it would not be good to call her name directly. Following Qin Yinjian to call her sister, Lu Xi would even more not know how to do so. So she chose the third name, "Yao Madam, hello!"    


Qin Leran said, "Lu Xi, hello!"    


Qin Leran did not think that Lu Xi would choose the third name, but since she had chosen, she could only brace herself and agree. In her heart, she hoped that Lu Xi could call her elder sister. Anyway, she would have to call her elder sister sooner or later. She should call her elder sister earlier to get used to it so that Yao Madam would not change her way of addressing her in the future.    


Lele ran over first and opened his arms to hug Lu Xi. "Auntie Lu Xi, uncle told Lele that the doctors here are all good doctors. The medical facilities are the most advanced in the world. There is also Lele here to accompany him. Younger Brother Lulu will definitely be fine, don't worry."    


"Yes, auntie is not worried." Hearing Xiao Lele's comforting words and seeing the sweet smile of the little fellow, Lu Xi instantly felt less worried. Actually, what she needed at a time like this was a small hug. Nothing would happen to her if she let out a sound.    


She hoped that this hug was given to her by Qin Yinjian. She also hoped that the sound of "everything will be fine." It was Qin Yinjian who said to her. But until now, Qin Yinjian still hadn't appeared. Yesterday, he had also told her that he would take care of her with him in the future. They would take care of him together and raise him up. However, at such an important moment like today's surgery... However, he did not show up.    


Based on Lu Xi's understanding, Qin Yinjian was not such an irresponsible person. He had said that he would take care of her, so he would not appear at such an important moment. Could it be that something had really happened to him? Thinking of this, Lu Xi looked at Qin Leran. "Yao Madam, do you know where Qin Yinjian went?"    


"He... This..." It was Qin Yinjian who asked Qin Leran to bring Lele to accompany Lu Xi. Qin Leran naturally wanted to ask about the specific reason. She knew that Qin Yinjian was also in the operating theater at this time, but Qin Yinjian told her not to tell Lu Xi, "He seems to have gone on a business trip."    


"He went on a business trip?" Qin Leran said it quite naturally, but Lu Xi still saw her guilty conscience. More importantly, with her understanding of Qin Yinjian, Qin Yinjian definitely would not go on a business trip at this time. No matter how important the work was, he would choose to do it.    


Qin Leran was not good at lying. "Yes, the company has a very important contract that must be signed by him personally, so he went on a business trip. He will probably be back in a day or two."    


Qin Leran was obviously helping Qin Yinjian hide something. Lu Xi could see that she did not expose it. She did not say anything, so her heart was not at peace. What exactly would make Qin Yinjian leave the surgery behind?    


Many thoughts flashed through Lu Xi's mind, but those thoughts were all eliminated by her. Just when she racked her brains and could not figure out why, the words of the doctor who passed by made her think of another thing.    


A doctor said to a younger doctor, "The patient has already started to take large doses of chemotherapy. If the donor goes back on his word, he is not willing to donate. In such a short period of time, no one will be able to find a suitable bone marrow. Even if they find it, they might not be able to make it in time. Under such circumstances, the patient could only wait for death. The donor who went back on his word was equivalent to murder. These possibilities... We must tell the donor clearly in advance, so that the donor can be mentally prepared. We absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen "    


A light suddenly flashed in Lu Xi's mind when she heard this. She remembered that the doctor had told her before that it was not easy to find a donor that matched the bone marrow. However, after half a day, he had told her that he had found it.    


How could there be such a coincidence in the world?    


So this bone marrow donor was very likely to be Qin Yinjian.    


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