My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1671 Successor Chapter Prepare for Pregnancy after Smoking

C1671 Successor Chapter Prepare for Pregnancy after Smoking

A cool breeze blew across Li Yingnan's face, making him feel refreshed. In that instant, something flashed through his mind. The problem that he had been unable to figure out for a long time had been cleared up in an instant.    


What Qin Yinze said was not wrong at all. When two people were together, the most important thing was "trust." What he and Dai Li lacked was - trust.    


In the past, he and Dai Li had been separated for a long time because they did not trust each other. Later, they would regret it every time they thought about it.    


Now that the two of them were together, Dai Li still kept saying that she would only be his woman for the rest of her life. But he did not believe her. He did not believe that she genuinely stayed by his side.    


Was it that she did not have any sincerity?    


Or was his wariness too high?    


If he let go of his guard against her, would he be able to discover whether Dai Li was sincere to him?    


No matter what, he could not let this situation continue. He did not want to experience the pain of being separated from Dai Li.    


Just as Li Yingnan could not make up his mind, he smelled a very familiar scent of perfume. He turned around and saw Dai Li standing behind him, looking at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.    


He raised his eyebrows unhappily. "How long have you been here?"    


"I've been here for more than ten minutes. You haven't noticed me." Dai Li took out a cigarette and lit it with a lighter. She took a light puff and said, "What are you thinking about? Why are you so absorbed in your thoughts?"    


"How many times have I told you not to smoke? You even smoke in front of me." Li Yingnan reached out and took the cigarette from Dai Li's hand. He threw it on the ground and stepped on it. "Dai Li, if I see you smoke again in the future, I will make you look good."    


"This is the last time I smoke today. After I finish smoking this time... I promise I won't smoke again in the future. " Dai Li lit another cigarette and took a puff. She elegantly spat out the smoke ring. Just before Li Yingnan wanted to snatch her cigarette from her again, She said first, "I have asked around. You can't smoke during pregnancy, and you can't smoke during pregnancy either. You absolutely can't smoke after giving birth to a child for the sake of the child's health. After smoking this cigarette today, I'm going to quit smoking forever. Just let me have my smoking addiction. "Don't snatch the cigarette from my hand."    


"What did you just say?" Li Yingnan stopped his action of snatching the cigarette. He asked Dai Li with red eyes, "Dai Li, what did you mean by what you said just now? Explain it clearly to me."    


"It means what I said." Dai Li took another puff of the cigarette and said slowly, "I still remember that I took the first cigarette from you. Do you remember?"    


She remembered, Li Yingnan definitely remembered, but Li Yingnan was unwilling to mention it.    


Dai Li said again, "Back then, you were addicted to smoking, so I told you to quit smoking. You didn't quit, and then I also followed you in a fit of anger. If you smoke, I smoke too. I've smoked for so many years, but I never thought of quitting. Now that I suddenly said I'm quitting smoking... "It seems quite difficult. I wonder if I can quit."    


Li Yingnan did not care about Dai Li talking about smoking. He wanted to know if the meaning in Dai Li's words was what he understood. "I am asking what you mean by what you just said. Don't talk nonsense with me."    


"Li Yingnan!" Dai Li called his name and smoked the cigarette. She put out the cigarette butt and said, "Li Yingnan, you did not always want me to give birth to a child for you. Now I can promise you. But you have to promise me one condition. "    


"You have a condition?" Li Yingnan clenched his fists. He did not know whether to believe that she had feelings for him or had other intentions.    


Dai Li shrugged her shoulders and had a relaxed attitude. "The condition is that you will quit smoking with me. When the two of us quit smoking, we will start preparing for pregnancy."    


"It's a deal!" It was just to quit smoking. Li Yingnan did not believe that this would be difficult for him. But why would this woman suddenly make such a request? It wasn't that she was unwilling to give birth in the past. "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"    


"Because I just saw the two little guys in Ji Rou's house. Because they were too cute. So I also want to have such a cute child to play with me." The cuteness of the two children made Dai Li's idea of having a child not realistic. The real reason was that Dai Li had just heard the conversation between Li Yingnan and Qin Yinze.    


Dai Li had not been able to understand whether Li Yingnan's feelings for her were love or a man's possessive desire. But when she saw that the usually arrogant person actually took the initiative to look for Qin Yinze, she knew why.    


Other than loving her, what other motivation could make Li Yingnan compromise in front of others?    


She should have understood his thoughts a long time ago. They were the ones who suffered from guessing and guessing.    


However, she would never doubt Li Yingnan's feelings for her in the future.    


"Dai Li, in your heart, I am not even as good as those two little ones?" How many times had he told her to give birth to a child for him, but she did not agree. Today, when she saw the two little ones, she agreed.    




Li Yingnan even had the mood to kill people.    


"I'm just asking if you want to quit smoking with me?" The more she understood his thoughts, the nastier Dai Li spoke to him, "If you don't want to, then... " Then I will not force you to quit. The two of us can continue to smoke together. Maybe we can continue to smoke until we are eighty or ninety years old."    


Hand over the cigarette in your pocket. " Li Yingnan forcefully put away the cigarette in Dai Li's bag and shattered it in two or three hits. "From today onwards, we'll start preparing for pregnancy in three months. This matter is settled. No one is allowed to go back on their word."    


"You, Young Master Li, have already spoken. Even if you give me ten thousand guts, I will not dare to go back on my word." Dai Li said those words in fear, but her expression was very relaxed, without the slightest bit of fear.    


Li Yingnan said, "It's good that you know."    


She took the initiative to hug Li Yingnan's arm. "If you can't quit smoking... What should we do?"    


Li Yingnan looked at her. "What is there that I can't do?"    


Dai Li seriously thought about it and said, "I don't think so."    


Li Yingnan said, "I have finished visiting my friends. Come home with me."    


Dai Li said, "But I still want to talk to Ji Rou."    


Li Yingnan said, "Aren't you afraid that Qin Yinze won't let you enter their house in the future?"    


Dai Li said, "With Ji Rou helping me, will he dare?"    


Li Yingnan smiled evilly. "What do you think?"    


Dai Li shivered when she saw Li Yingnan's smile. "Then I will go home with you first. When Ji Rou was a full month old, I'll come back to see her and the baby."    


Li Yingnan held Dai Li's hand. "Let's go."    


On the way home, Dai Li's mind was filled with thoughts about children. She thought about how she and Li Yingnan would have a child as cute as Lele and Luo Ye in the future. She was quite looking forward to it.    


In the past, she was afraid of giving birth, but now that she thought about it, it did not seem to be as scary as before.    


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