My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1934 You Won't Lie to Me about the Childhood Sweethearts Chapter

C1934 You Won't Lie to Me about the Childhood Sweethearts Chapter

"How dare you call me a fool? Watch how I deal with you." Hanng Jin lowered his head and bit Chi Yangyang's earlobe. Chi Yangyang was so scared that not only did she not dare to move, but she also did not dare to make a sound. However, she heard his sexy voice by her ear, "Baby, let's have a child, okay?"    


Perhaps having a child could distract her attention and distract her from pursuing the murderer. Then when the truth appeared in front of her eyes, she would not care that much.    


She wouldn't care if she didn't care. She wouldn't get hurt.    


After having a child, she would think more about the child when she encountered a problem. Perhaps it could make him and her family more stable.    


Chi Yangyang wanted to say no and hope that he would give her some more time, but she was unable to say it out loud.    


Later on, Chi Yangyang had long forgotten about where to go for a vacation. In her heart, there was only one thought. Hanng Jin, this devil king's physical strength was still so good, as if it would never be used up.    




After the storm, Chi Yangyang had long lost all her strength.    


She weakly hid in Hanng Jin's arms. When she was in a daze, she heard Hanng Jin use his deep voice to say, "Baby, can you promise me one thing?"    


"Okay." Before he could say anything, Chi Yangyang decisively agreed.    


Hanng Jin lowered his head and rubbed her nose with the bridge of his nose. "Little fool, I haven't said what it is. You deserve to be so straightforward. Aren't you afraid that I will deceive you?"    


"Will you lie to me?" Chi Yangyang slightly opened her eyes. The storm just now had made her usually clear eyes more charming, which made Hanng Jin's heart flutter.    


He involuntarily hugged her tighter, so tight that he could feel her heartbeat between them. "Maybe I will lie to you. If I lie to you one day, will you hate me? "    


Chi Yangyang was very tired but she still thought about it seriously and gave the answer, "No."    


This made Hanng Jin very puzzled. "Why?"    


Chi Yangyang shook her head. "I don't know."    


Maybe he thought that Hanng Jin was the best person in the world to treat her. Even if Hanng Jin wanted to lie to her, he must think that lying to her was the best choice for her.    


"You little fool!" He didn't know why, but he still didn't want to hate him. Hanng Jin wanted to give this little fool a good beating so that she could grow a brain and not foolishly believe others unconditionally.    


"Then tell me what you want me to promise you. What do you want me to promise you?" It wasn't hard to tell from Chi Yangyang's voice that she was very tired and sleepy. She only wanted to close her eyes and sleep, but she still worked hard to listen to him.    


"Promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will be fine." Hanng Jin knew that no matter how he hid it, Chi Yangyang would know what Chi Yishen did sooner or later. What he could do now was to give her a precautionary measure in advance and secretly build up her mentality. He would try to minimize the possible harm to her.    


"Why did you suddenly say such a profound topic?" After the two of them had just gotten so close, shouldn't they say something sweet to make her happy at this time?    


And her stinky man was indeed so different. Perhaps her wife was given to him as a recharge fee. She wasn't worth anything and wasn't worth his treasure.    


Hanng Jin emphasized in a deep voice, "Yang Yang, you have to remember that although our lives were given by our parents, our lives are independent individuals. Our lives are ours, not anyone's appendages."    


"I know." Chi Yangyang was very tired and sleepy, but for some reason, her mind was especially clear. She once again confirmed that the person Hanng Jin went to see tonight must be related to her parents' case.    


Hanng Jin was a big fool. He could hide all of his emotions, but the look of worry in her eyes could not deceive her.    


She only found out recently. Whenever something related to her happened, he would be especially nervous.    


Hanng Jin suddenly raised his voice. "You don't know!"    


Chi Yangyang,... ""    


Why did he suddenly become fierce again?    


She rubbed against his chest and said pitifully, "I really know. Don't worry."    


Hanng Jin realized that he was too nervous. He immediately composed himself and said, "Let me give you an example."    


Chi Yangyang said, "Yes."    


Hanng Jin said, "If one day I do something illegal and the police do not have any evidence to arrest me, and you know about it, what will you do?"    


Chi Yangyang did not think much about it and blurted out the method to deal with it. "If I can be sure that you did something illegal, I think I will report you personally. Those who have done something illegal must be punished by the law. In front of the law, everyone is equal. No one can be an exception."    


Chi Yangyang's answer was the answer Hanng Jin wanted to hear, but it was only a hypothesis. If she could maintain her rationality and think normally under the assumption, it would be very difficult for her to really encounter it.    


Hanng Jin said again, "What will you do after I receive legal sanctions?"    


Chi Yangyang shook her head, "I don't know."    


Hanng Jin said, "Think about it."    


Chi Yangyang really thought about it seriously. "I still don't know."    


Hanng Jin sighed.    


Chi Yangyang said, "Because I know you will never do anything illegal. Why would I spend my brain cells thinking about things that are impossible to happen?"    


Hanng Jin was speechless.    


They could not continue their conversation, but they had to. "I want to tell you that even if you are my wife, what I have done has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself for what I have done, and don't care about other people's looks."    


"It's not like this is the ancient times. There's no saying that a crime requires the execution of nine generations of one's family." Chi Yangyang leaned into his embrace and chose a comfortable position. "I don't know what you are worried about."    


Hanng Jin emphasized, "I am saying that you do not have any psychological burden. Don't think that I have done something wrong. You are also responsible."    


Chi Yangyang nodded, "Okay."    


"glasses woman, I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you must think about what you promised me tonight. You must treat yourself well." Hanng Jin didn't get Chi Yangyang's reply after he finished speaking. He lowered his head and found that she had already fallen asleep.    


He helplessly and dotingly said, "My little fool!"    


She had fallen asleep, but he did not feel sleepy at all. There was still a tough battle to fight next, and he could not relax at all.    




Lan Feiyang's case could not find any new evidence, and the case could not be pushed forward. Everyone was anxious, but there was nothing they could do.    


Chi Yangyang organized the evidence again and again, but there was still no result.    


Before she got off work, she received a call from the police department, asking her to go over and help.    


Forensics was scarce. Usually, they would go wherever they needed them. Chi Yangyang did not think too much about it today, nor did she expect Jiang Zhen to work at the headquarters.    


Before she left, she called Hanng Jin. "The headquarters asked me to help them now. I don't know how long they will be busy. You go home and eat after work later. Don't wait for me. "    


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