My Husband, Warm The Bed

C70 He Was No Longer like Himself.

C70 He Was No Longer like Himself.

He just smoked a few cigarettes in the hallway, hoping to figure things out.    


He lit up the cigarette and smoked several times in a row. Each breath was very heavy, and soon, all the cigarettes turned into ashes, and then he lit up another one.    


Perhaps it was when Jian Ran was not willing to give him an explanation, he was angry.    


He was her husband. As long as she opened her mouth to explain, no matter what she said, he would believe her. However, she did not even give him an answer.    


What was so good about that man? Why was she still unable to get involved with him after he had hurt her so much?    


In Qin Yue's opinion, Gu Nanjing was a second generation ancestor who didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth and acted arrogantly.    


Furthermore, he had never put Gu Nanjing in his eyes. He had never thought that he would be inferior to Gu Nanjing in Jian Ran's eyes.    


When he thought about the childhood sweethearts that Gu Nanjing mentioned, that kind of relationship was indeed the purest kind of relationship. But wasn't that all in the past?    


He knew very well that Jian Ran was his Qin Yue's wife now, and he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.    


He didn't know why Qin Yue suddenly had such a strong possessive desire. This kind of desire was something he had never had before. It was so strong that even he couldn't believe it.    


At that moment, there was only one thought in Qin Yue's mind. He would get this woman and take her away from him, making her his true woman. Then, she wouldn't be able to escape anymore.    


What a childish and ridiculous idea, but it really appeared in Qin Yue's mind. It was so fast that he didn't even have the time to think about it.    


He officially took over the Shengtian, a huge business empire, from his father's hands at the age of twenty-two. All these years, he had been planning strategies and strategies. There had never been anything that could disturb his rationality.    


Why did he suddenly have such a strong desire to possess Jian Ran? Qin Yue himself could not figure out what it was.    


Was it because she had the identity of his wife? Or was it because of some other reason?    


For the first time in the business world, a man who was decisive and could call the wind and summon the rain didn't even know what he was thinking.    


It was very quiet in the car.    


Qin Yue closed his eyes and Jian Ran looked out the window. Both of them were living in her inner world.    


The two of them were together. Most of the time, Jian Ran would take the initiative to find a topic to talk about, because she knew Qin Yue was aloof and had little to say. If they had to wait for him to take the initiative to chat, the chances would be pitifully small.    


Jian Ran did not mind being the one who took the initiative every time. When two people lived together, one would take the initiative and the other would be passive, complementing each other.    


However, Jian Ran did not want to find a topic to talk about today. She did not know what to say and did not even want to see him.    


The two of them kept silent along the way. Until they returned home, no one said a word.    


After returning home, Qin Yue went to the study as usual.    


Jian Ran changed her dress, found the needle and thread, and then carefully mended the broken parts with needles and needles.    


Because she had experience designing clothes, when she was sewing again, Jian Ran added a little bit of her thoughts on it.    


Perhaps this was disrespect towards the original designer, but when she thought about it just now, Jian Ran, who was always sensible, did not control her behavior.    


All these years, she had specially changed into a job that was completely unrelated to fashion design. She tried her best not to think about fashion design, but the love for fashion design in her bones could not be erased.    


Jian Ran did not know whether she bought this dress or rented it. Anyway, she had to pack it up first and take it to wash it tomorrow.    


After she finished bathing, it was almost one o'clock in the morning, but Qin Yue was still in the study.    


Jian Ran, like usual, went to bed first.    


She did not know how long she had slept for. When Jian Ran was in a daze, she felt the other side of the bed sink slightly, and then Qin Yue lay beside her.    


He approached her and reached out to pull her into his arms. He called her name in a low voice, "Jian Ran."    


Actually, Jian Ran did not sleep very well. When he laid down, she had already woken up but did not say anything.    


But when he reached out and hugged her, her body involuntarily froze, and the events of tonight's banquet resurfaced in her mind.    


He madly and domineeringly ravaged her. At that moment, it was as if she saw a demon that might devour her.    


Qin Yue wanted to say what happened tonight. He was very sorry, but he felt that apologizing was useless.    


He also felt that apologizing was useless, so he couldn't say it out loud.    


Especially when he saw that her neck, collarbone, and slightly open chest were all traces of him, he was even more speechless.    


Her skin was fair and tender, and the marks he made looked shocking, as if he was silently recounting his violent crimes.    


"Jian Ran." He called her name softly again.    


Jian Ran moved her hand away from his and moved to the side to pull away from him. She calmly said, "It's too late. Go to sleep."    


Jian Ran's calm alienation made Qin Yue's heart tighten. A feeling that he had never experienced before welled up in his heart.    


Qin Yue also did not speak anymore. He just quietly watched her back and did not sleep for a long time.    


They did not mention anything about what happened at the banquet today. It was as if they could pretend that nothing had happened at the banquet and live as peacefully as before.    


However, they didn't know that the best way to deal with certain things was to be frank. Avoiding and not talking about it was the same as burying a fuse for the future.    


The next day.    


It was the weekend, so he didn't have to go to work. He didn't have anything else to do, so he slept lazily. It was the best time to enjoy himself.    


When she opened her eyes, she instinctively looked out the window and saw a man and a dog.    


However, Qin Yue did not have a newspaper with him today. He stood by the window and looked out the window. He was quietly thinking about something.    


The Mianmian was squatting by his feet, rolling around on the ground from time to time. It was because he was too bored that he thought of using such a method to attract attention.    


Qin Yue turned around and said in a low voice, "You're awake."    


Qin Yue's sexy and pleasant voice reached Jian Ran's ears. She nodded and did not speak.    


The Mianmian ran over and Jian Ran carried it in her arms. She touched its head and said, "Baby, Mommy is on vacation today. I can accompany you."    


The Mianmian barked a few times and rubbed a few times in Jian Ran's arms as if it was very happy.    


"Get up and pack up. I will wait for you to eat lunch together." After a pause, Qin Yue added. "How about we go out for a walk in the afternoon?"    


They had been married for so long, but Qin Yue had never been free during the weekends. Besides the last time they went to Bihai Manor, they spent the weekends at home.    


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