My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1151 The Menstruation Period Has Been Postponed

C1151 The Menstruation Period Has Been Postponed

Ji’s mother's sudden and mischievous way of addressing him made Qin Yinze slightly stunned. After being stunned for a while, his face turned red. He stammered, "Yes... Then, I will send you back first."    


It was also Ji Rou who did not see his embarrassed look. If she saw it, she would laugh until she rolled on the ground. Young Master Qin, who had always been overbearing, had actually become like this today.    


Ji’s mother waved her hand. "This place is very close to home. I will just go back myself. Go and settle your matters quickly. Don't let an old woman like me delay your proper business."    


"Mom, you're not old at all If you and Xiao Rou walk out together, those who do not know will definitely think that you are sisters." This was definitely not a lie that Qin Yinze said to please his mother-in-law.    


Ji Rou was just twenty years old and Ji’s mother married Father Ji at a young age. When she gave birth to Ji Rou, she was only in her early twenties. Now, she was just slightly more than forty years old. A woman who was slightly more than forty years old took good care of herself and looked very young.    


No matter what kind of woman she was, she liked to hear people praise her for being beautiful and young. Ji’s mother was also a woman. Of course she was happy when someone praised her. Furthermore, this person was her son-in-law.    


Ji’s mother smiled like a flower when she heard this. "Son-in-law, these words are useless to me. You should praise Xiao Rou more often. As long as you praise that little girl, she will be so happy that she will not be able to find the east, south, and west. She will do whatever you ask her to do."    


"Yes." Qin Yinze firmly remembered Ji’s mother's words in his mind. On the way back to the company, he had been thinking about how to praise that stupid girl. He wanted to see how that stupid girl would be happy that she could not find the east, south, west, and west.    


Just as he arrived at the company, Qin Yinze received a message from Ji Rou. - Hello, hello. Let me ask you something. If you have helped others a lot, how do you want others to thank you?    




In the past, when she sent him a message, she would at least call him a bastard. Today, it was just the word 'hello'. How could he know who she was talking to? Qin Yinze furrowed his brows. If she didn't want to fight, then he had to reason with her.    


With his understanding of Ji Rou, as long as he didn't send her messages back, Ji Rou's stupid message would explode like a bomb until he replied.    


However, Qin Yinze had miscalculated this time. After sending the message, Ji Rou regretted it. She wanted to thank him and give him a surprise. If he told her what he wanted, what kind of surprise would that be?    


Ji Rou thought for a while and thought of Dai Li. She immediately called her. The phone rang a few times before Dai Li answered. She said weakly, "Little girl Ji, what is it?"    


"What's the matter with you?" She heard Dai Li's voice. No, that's not right.    


"Don't ask me, what is the matter that you are looking for me for?" Dai Li already did not have the strength to speak. If it was not because the other party was Ji Rou calling, she would not even be bothered to answer.    


"I'm fine. But you, what is wrong with you? " Do you want me to go and see you? " Listening to Dai Li's voice, Ji Rou felt as if she would stop breathing at any moment. How could Ji Rou have the mood to thank Qin Yinze?    


"That damned aunt is here. It hurts so much that I am dying." Dai Li wailed. "But I have already drank the medicine. It will pass after a while. But thinking about it, it is also unlucky for us to be born a woman. "We have to go through such things every month. If there really is an afterlife... I must be reincarnated as a man, and never have to suffer this kind of punishment ever again "    


Dai Li said a lot in one breath. Ji Rou did not reply. She continuously fed a few times. "Ji Rou, are you listening to me? If you don't want to listen, then I'm hanging up."    


"Dai Li, are you really alright?" Ji Rou asked gloomily. Because Dai Li mentioned her menstrual period, she thought of herself. Her menstrual period had always been very punctual and would not be as painful as Dai Li's. But this time, because she was busy with the company's matters, she was so busy that she forgot everything. Only then did she remember that her menstrual period seemed to be half a month late.    


She was late by more than half a month. Under normal circumstances, there should not be anything to worry about. But because of the existence of Qin Yinze, that energetic bastard, people had to worry and think too much.    


Could it be that the reason why the menstruation period was delayed this time was because... Because of the previous incident, Ji Rou did not dare to think in that direction. She also did not dare to make a public announcement. If she made a mistake again and made another joke, she would lose all her face.    


"I am much better now. What about you? What exactly are you looking for me for?" Dai Li asked.    


Ji Rou said, "Actually, it's not something important. It's just that that bastard Qin Yinze helped me a lot. I want to thank him, but I don't know how to thank him, so I called to ask you."    


Dai Li said ambiguously, "I say, Little Girl Ji, do you really not understand or are you deliberately showing off in front of me? It's not easy for you to thank him. Wash yourself in his bed and let him eat enough. I guarantee that he will be satisfied."    


Ji Rou had the same thought before. She even thought of going to the adult goods store to buy a set of undergarments. But now she couldn't. It was very likely that she had it in her belly...    


No, no, no... Ji Rou quickly dismissed the thoughts in her mind. First of all, she did not want to think too much about it. Later, she would go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kit and come back to have a good examination. She must get an accurate answer and could not make a joke anymore.    


After hanging up the phone, Ji Rou simply packed up and quietly went out alone. She walked out of the villa area and took a taxi to a few places to go to a pharmacy.    


Before entering the pharmacy, Ji Rou looked around to make sure that no one was following her. She then entered the pharmacy. After walking around the pharmacy, she did not find anything she wanted to buy. She could only ask the staff for help. "May I ask if you have a pregnancy test kit for sale here?"    


The staff was a middle-aged woman. When she saw Ji Rou was young and skinny, she could not help but shake her head. "What's wrong with young people nowadays? They are having sex at such a young age."    


Ji Rou wanted to explain, but when she thought about how they did not know each other for no reason, why did she explain so much?    


The employee found the pregnancy test stick and handed it to Ji Rou, "Little girl, the body is yours. It's fine to be young now. When you get older, you will know how harmful it is to be pregnant at such a young age."    


Who said she was going to have an abortion?    


If she was pregnant, she would definitely give birth to the child. Regardless of whether that bastard Qin Yinze wanted it or not, she wanted it anyway. No one had the right to stop her from coming to this world, no matter what kind of life she had.    


"Thank you for your concern, Auntie!" She smiled and hid the pregnancy test kit. She turned around and left the pharmacy. She immediately sent a message to Qin Yinze. "I'm going home tonight to live with Mommy. You don't have to come and pick me up."    


The moment the message was sent, Qin Yinze's phone call came quickly. "Ji Rou, is there a need to be so petty? I was busy just now, so I didn't reply to your message. Do you need to be so angry that you can go home and live?"    


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