My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1143 He Would Try His Best to Curry Favor with Him

C1143 He Would Try His Best to Curry Favor with Him

Because she made a mistake, after returning home, Ji Rou still could not straighten her back.    


In order to please Young Master Qin, she had never entered the kitchen before. For the first time, she stepped into the kitchen. "Aunt Qiao, is there anything I can help with?"    


Seeing this delicate person suddenly come to the kitchen, Aunt Qiao was also shocked. "Miss Ji, the kitchen is not a place for you to come. Quickly go out."    


"Aunt Qiao, let me help you." Ji Rou moved closer to Aunt Qiao and said coquettishly, "Aunt Qiao, Young Master Qin is angry with me again. I want to do something to please him."    


"You two little enemies. Can't the two of you live a good life together?" Aunt Qiao dotingly pointed at the tip of Ji Rou's nose. She said again, "Sir went upstairs to change his clothes and quickly came down. When you see him coming down to the restaurant, bring this soup to the restaurant. Remember, "Make sure he sees that you're the one who brought it."    


"Hehe... I knew Aunt Qiao would be the best." Ji Rou hugged Aunt Qiao and turned around to carry the soup that Aunt Qiao mentioned. But because the soup pot was still very hot, Ji Rou's hand was directly placed on the pot. It was so painful that she cried out and almost threw the pot onto the ground.    


"Miss Ji!" Seeing Ji Rou being scalded, Aunt Qiao was shocked and panicky, "Quickly take out your hand and let me see if it is scalding anywhere."    


Actually it was not very painful and Ji Rou did not want Aunt Qiao to feel that she was a person who could not do anything. "There is nothing much."    


Aunt Qiao still wanted to say something but Ji Rou already took a wet towel to wrap the soup pot and carried the pot to the restaurant.    


When Ji Rou arrived at the dining room, Qin Yinze, who had changed his clothes, happened to come downstairs to the dining room. He clearly saw that Qin Yinze had changed into his home clothes and Ji Rou could not find a word to ask, "Young Master Qin, you have changed your clothes."    


Qin Yinze ignored her and sat directly at the dining table. Ji Rou immediately took a bowl of soup for him. "This soup is still a little hot. Drink it after it's cool. Don't burn it."    


No matter what she said or did, Qin Yinze would treat her as if she was. A transparent person did not even look at her.    


After getting along with her for so long, the most common way for Qin Yinze to be angry with her was to ignore her. If he ignored her, she could not give up. Ji Rou could only continue to work hard.    


She picked up the bowl of soup and blew on it. She then used a spoon to stir it. She first scooped a spoonful and tasted it. "The temperature is just right. You can drink it now."    


She did not realize how intimate it was to make the soup. In any case, she would bring the soup that she had drunk to Young Master Qin.    


Young Master Qin did not mind that this bowl of soup had been drank by Ji Rou. There might even be her saliva on the spoon. He picked up the bowl and slowly drank the soup.    


After drinking the soup, he put the bowl down and prepared to wipe his mouth with a tissue. Just as he raised his hand, Ji Rou had already grabbed the tissue before him. She looked at him with a dog leg and said, "Young Master Qin, please wipe your mouth!"    


Qin Yinze glanced at the tissue in her hand and did not take it. He insisted on going to draw the paper by himself. Ji Rou snatched another packet of tissue before he did and shook the tissue in her hand. "Young Master Qin, please wipe your mouth!"    


Qin Yinze did not want to talk to her, but he did not want to see that bright smile disappear from her face, so he reluctantly took the tissue from her.    


After drinking the soup, Ji Rou waited for Young Master Qin to eat again. She was so obedient that she really looked like a good girl. She was a gentle and caring wife. She would do whatever he wanted before he did. She thought that she must serve him well.    


After the meal, Qin Yinze reached out to get a cup of water. Ji Rou immediately gave the cup to him. "Young Master Qin, let me do this kind of hard labor work. I don't need you to do it yourself, eldest young master."    


About half an hour after the meal, she kept saying, "Young Master Qin, you treat." Qin Yinze was very irritated when he heard that. He coldly looked at her fawning face. "I'm suddenly not thirsty."    


"I'm not thirsty, then I won't drink." Ji Rou wished she could punch him. She asked him why he was so arrogant and what was there to be arrogant about. But he couldn't. He said he wouldn't drink. She took the cup back and put on a bright smile in front of him. "Young Master Qin, I'm full. Let me help you massage your back."    


Qin Yinze said, "No need!"    


No matter how cold he treated her, Ji Rou still maintained the utmost warmth towards him. "Then do you need my help with anything else?"    


Qin Yinze said, "No need!"    


He got up and went upstairs. He did not say anything extra to Ji Rou.    


Ji Rou raised her fist behind his back and scolded in her heart, "You bastard. I was wrong first today. I will let you be arrogant enough. If you make a mistake another day, I will definitely serve you with my fist."    


Who knew that at this time, Qin Yinze who went upstairs suddenly turned his head and saw Ji Rou raising her fist. Ji Rou reacted very quickly and immediately waved at him. "Hi, Young Master Qin. If you need anything, just tell me."    


He had seen her little movements behind him, but he said without batting an eyelid, "Go warm my bed after you are done."    


"Yes, as you command!" Ji Rou replied happily.    


She had never felt that Qin Yinze, this bastard, letting her warm his bed was also a blissful thing, but at this moment, she was incomparably excited.    


The fact that he asked her to warm his bed proved that his anger had dissipated. She no longer had to worry about him using cruel means to punish her.    


Qin Yinze went to the study room. Ji Rou went back to her room to take a shower. She took a nice shower and got into his bed to warm his bed. "Bastard, it must be your fortune in your previous life to let me warm your bed."    


Because she drank some wine at night, and in order to please Qin Yinze, she had been tense for the whole night. After lying on the bed for a while, Ji Rou had already fallen asleep.    


When Qin Yinze finished his work in the study and returned to his room, he saw Ji Rou sleeping soundly under his blanket. She slept so well that she did not look like a person who had done something wrong and was still being punished.    


He sat by the bed and reached out to pinch her face full of gelatin. "Silly girl, if I don't teach you a good lesson, you won't remember."    


His warm big palm pressed against her face. The sleeping Ji Rou instinctively rubbed against his palm and then continued to sleep.    


Seeing her confused and cute appearance, He could not help but lower his head and kiss her. As he kissed, he craved more and pulled Ji Rou into his arms.    


Ji Rou was sleeping soundly when she was suddenly disturbed. She raised her hand and pushed him away, but the hand that was extended was held in Qin Yinze's hand. "Silly girl. It's not that I don't know how to control myself, but you are too attractive."    


Just as he was about to launch another attack, he realized that Ji Rou's palm, which was being held by him, had several blisters in her heart. Before returning home, her hands were all fine. When did these injuries leave behind?    


Qin Yinze's eyes darkened. He shook her awake. "What's with the blisters in your hands?"    


"Ah... What..." Ji Rou was in a daze. She did not know what he was talking about. She glanced at him and closed her eyes to continue sleeping.    


Qin Yinze looked at her angrily and took out his phone at the same time. He called Doctor Tong, "Come over here."    


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