My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1038 External Chapter Scars

C1038 External Chapter Scars



Qin Yinze had booked a luxurious suite with two bedrooms and one living room. He slept in the main bedroom, and the second bedroom was naturally reserved for Ji Rou.    


Both of them were drenched in the heavy rain. When they returned to the hotel, the first thing they did was to return to their rooms to take a hot shower.    


Ji Rou had long hair. It took her some time to finish bathing and drying her hair. When she came out wearing the childish cartoon pajamas that someone had prepared for her, Qin Yinze had already taken a shower and sat in the living room to wait for her.    


He did not wear pajamas and only wore a towel. He did not know if it was because he deliberately showed it to her. Anyway, she saw his strong eight-pack abdominal muscles.    


What attracted Ji Rou's attention more than his abs was that there was a scar very close to the bottom of his heart. The scar was not deep but it could still be seen at a glance.    


A scar so close to the heart was fatal.    


Qin Yinze saw her staring at him. His mood was inexplicably good. The tone of his voice when he asked was even lighter than usual. "What are you looking at?"    


Ji Rou sat at a seat further away from him and imitated him as she crossed her legs elegantly. "I think you look good. Can't I take a few more glances?"    


Her tone was a little arrogant and provocative, but the contents of her words were likeable. Qin Yinze pointed to the side and said, "Drink the medicine in the cup."    


Ji Rou immediately got up and stepped back, "You want to poison me to death?"    


Qin Yinze said in a deep voice, "Ji Rou, are you delusional because of being persecuted?"    


Ji Rou sat back down again. "If you are with someone like you, if you are not careful, you should be more careful. I might even have to help you count the money after I was sold. "    


Qin Yinze said again, "Am I that bad in your heart?"    


Ji Rou shrugged. "What else?"    


That was true. He had forced her and even imprisoned her by his side. If he was not bad, then who was bad?    


Seeing that he did not speak, Ji Rou looked at the cup. "Qin Yinze, could it be that you really added poison?"    


Qin Yinze said, "A medicine to prevent colds."    


"I am in good health, so it is not that easy to catch a cold. You do not need to drink it." Ji Rou did not believe that he was so good. Anyway, if he could not drink it, he would not drink it. She rubbed her stomach. "Compared to taking medicine, I want to eat more."    


Her stomach cooperated with her very much. After two Gu Gu sounds, she said again, "I just ate some airplane food on the plane. Until now, I haven't eaten anything. I have been hungry so much that my chest is stuck to my back."    


Dingdong -    


Before Qin Yinze could reply, the doorbell of the room rang. He got up and went to open the door. Then, he pushed the dining cart in personally. "Ask the waiter to take the dining cart away after you finish eating."    


Ji Rou's eyes lit up when she saw the fragrant food. "Um, um... Did you prepare all these for me?"    


Qin Yinze did not answer her. He turned around and walked to the bedroom. Ji Rou's cheerful voice came from behind. "Young Master Qin, are you not going to eat? Thank you very much! "    


He did not respond to her. However, he was thinking about a problem. Even if he had just prepared dinner for her, she would still be so happy.    


She was so easily satisfied?    


Why had that woman never been touched by him?    


He had done so many things for her and wished he could give his life to her, but she still treated him like an enemy and never took him seriously.    


Why was that woman's heart so cruel?    


He had asked her this many times, but he had never found an answer.    


Perhaps the answer had already been in his heart, but he was unwilling to admit it.    




Cough, cough -    


Old injuries would relapse every time the wind blew and the rain fell. Especially today, Qin Yinze was even drenched in the rain to look for Ji Rou. The situation was a little more serious.    


He coughed for a while, but he did not stop coughing. Ji Rou, who was eating happily in the living room, vaguely heard coughing in the bedroom.    


Did he catch a cold?    


Ji Rou looked at him with a bit of disdain. A big man's body was too weak. It was even worse than a little girl who was not that skinny.    


She continued to eat the delicacies on the plate happily. After finishing the plates and eating until she was full, she asked the service staff to take the dining car away.    


Just as she was about to return to her room to rest, a few coughs sounded from the main bedroom. It sounded like it was very serious. Ji Rou went over and knocked on his door.    


No one responded. She twisted the door handle. Luckily the door was not locked. She pushed the door open and went in. "Young Master Qin," she said. "Did you catch a cold?"    


"Who let you in? Get out!" There was no light in the room and Ji Rou could not see him. She only heard his cold roar.    


"Do you think I want to come in?" Didn't she hear him cough badly and was worried that if something happened to him, she would be charged with murder.    


Ji Rou slammed the door heavily on the floor and said fiercely to the door, "You just hid inside and coughed. Even if you cough to death, it did not happen. "No one will come and take a look at you."    


This kind of man who kept changing his mind and constantly blamed her for harming her, he was destined to be alone for the rest of his life.    


Ji Rou returned to her room and hid under the covers to prepare to sleep. But for some reason, she was clearly very tired but could not sleep. Her mind was in a mess.    


Qin Yinze coughed so hard that she could hear him even from one room away. What if something happened to him? Would she become the legendary kind of woman with a tough life? Whoever she married would be suppressed to death.    


Although she really wanted him to die, if he died when she was with him, she might live in the shadows for the rest of her life.    


After some consideration, Ji Rou mustered her courage and went to Qin Yinze's room again.    


She first pressed her ear against the door to listen to the movement. After listening for a while, there was no more coughing coming from inside.    


Maybe he was asleep.    


Since he could sleep, it seemed that his condition was not serious. She also went back to sleep.    


Ji Rou turned around and left. After walking a few steps, she thought of something. Not long ago, he coughed so badly and did not take any medicine. Why did he suddenly stop coughing?    


Could it be... he was dead?    


Because of this thought, Ji Rou's entire body trembled. She suddenly felt a cold wind blowing behind her. It was gloomy and frightening.    


It was over!    


The person who lived in the same room had died. Should she call the police quickly?    


No, she still had to go and see the situation. If he still had a breath left, she still had to call 120 for resuscitation.    


Although he was extremely detestable, he was still a human life after all.    


Ji Rou pushed open the door and entered. Suddenly, a strong wind blew over. The wind was so strong that it almost blew her out of the room again. She held the door hand to stabilize her body.    


"You are courting death!" This person coughed so hard and even opened the window of the room. The wind and rain were heavy. He really wanted to die.    


Please, if he wanted to die, he could change to another place and die at a different time. He might as well die at a different time and not choose the time to be with her, okay?    


There was still no light in the room. Ji Rou fumbled around for a while before finding the switch. She turned on the light and looked to see that there was no one on the bed.    


Where did he go?    


Ji Rou's eyes swept over and saw the sofa by the window. He quietly sat on the sofa and looked out the window. It seemed that there was something attracting him in that direction.    


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