My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1411 Successor Chapter Froze Her Account

C1411 Successor Chapter Froze Her Account

Qin Yinjian's cold and short voice came through the phone. "Where is it?"    


Why did he suddenly ask her where she was?    


Did he go to where she lived again?    


Maybe he did not. He just suddenly looked for her. Lu Xi tried to ask him back. "Where are you?"    


Qin Yinjian asked, "Where?"    


It was the same word without any warmth. The meaning behind his words was that he did not have the patience to ask more questions. It was best for her to answer obediently as soon as possible. Otherwise, she would feel better.    


Lu Xi thought for a while and asked, "What do you want?"    


Qin Yinjian asked, "Where is it?"    


Since he could not hide, Lu Xi thought about it and thought that he would not go to her house. After all, he seemed to be very angry when he left last night. With her understanding of this man, he should not step into her house again for a few days.    


Lu Xi said, "At home."    


Qin Yinjian said, "Pack up. I will get the driver to pick you up in five minutes."    


"What?" Lu Xi unconsciously raised her voice, but she felt that it was not good to talk to him like this. She quickly lowered her voice and said, "Well, today is Saturday. Didn't we agree that we would live our own lives on Saturday and not interfere with each other?"    


"You seem to have forgotten the more important clauses." After saying that, Qin Yinjian hung up the phone. Lu Xi listened to the beeping sound of the phone and thought of the more important clause in his mind - no matter when, as long as he called, she had to follow him.    


But she was not in Jiangbei right now, how could she let the driver pick her up in five minutes. Lu Xi bit her lips and thought that it was over. It seemed that she would have to lose another sum of money.    


"Big bad guy!" Beside her, Leng Bujie said this.    


"Baby, who's the big bad guy?" Lu Xi squatted down and held Xiao Lulu's little head as she asked.    


"The person who called Mommy is the big bad guy!" She pouted her little mouth and said with righteous indignation.    


"Why do you say that?"    


"Because he made Mommy unhappy."    


"No... It's just..." Lu Xi did not know how to explain it. If it was not for Qin Yinjian, she would not even be able to pay for the first surgery. In total, he was their benefactor.    


"I don't like big bad guys!"    


"Since baby doesn't like big bad guys, then mommy can turn off the phone and not let him find mommy, okay?" Since it was impossible to make it back in five minutes, Lu Xi also didn't want to work harder. She might as well turn off the phone and not bother with him. How much money did he want to deduct? Just let him deduct it.    


"Okay." Lu Xi took the phone from Lu Xi's hand and helped her turn off the phone. She then handed the small hand to Lu Xi, "Mommy, let's hold hands and go buy chicken wings."    


"Okay. We will listen to the baby in everything. " Lu Xi carried her up and enjoyed the rare happy moments between mother and son.    




Qin Yinjian hung up the phone and swept his cold gaze across the empty room.    


At home?    




She, Lu Xi, was getting more and more capable. She actually dared to lie with her eyes open. He wanted to see how she would rectify this lie.    


But Qin Yinjian waited and waited. Five minutes had passed and he still did not receive a call from Lu Xi.    


Ah -    


He was really brave.    


Qin Yinjian called Lu Xi again, but the cold robotic voice came from the phone. The number you dialed has been turned off. Please call again later.    


Qin Yinjian's expression changed again and again, just like the weather before the storm.    


He immediately dialed a number. "Freeze Lu Xi's account."    




He was still young, but his mommy was not always by his side. He was much more sensible than his peers. Teacher Zhang, who was in charge of taking care of him, took him out. He never asked for a toy no matter how much he liked it, but it was different from being by his mommy's side. After all, he was such a young child. He wanted to bring home whatever he liked.    


He hugged a toy car and said, "Mommy, I want a toy car."    


"Okay, we like it. Let's buy one then." Children's toys did not cost much. As long as Lu Xi liked it, she would not reject it.    


She carried the toy car into the shopping cart and turned to see a small ball. "Mommy, I still want this ball."    


Lu Xi nodded. "Okay, I'll buy it."    


After a round, the entire shopping cart was filled with toys. However, Lu Xi still did not stop. She wished that her mommy could buy all the toys in the supermarket.    


Lu Xi held his hand and poked his cheek. "Baby, if we buy more toys, we won't be able to take them back. Why don't we go and choose chicken wings first? "    


"Okay." Lu Xi nodded and opened her arms towards Lu Xi. Lu Xi carried him up and placed him on the seat of the baby in the shopping cart. She heard the little fellow say sweetly, "Mommy, kiss."    


"If you kiss, then kiss." Lu Xi smacked her face a few times and mimicked Lu Xi's actions as she hugged her head. She smacked her face a few times and left a few saliva marks.    


The mother and son kissed and laughed. They looked at each other as if they were looking at a fool, but they both felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.    


After choosing chicken wings and Coke and buying two more dishes, Lu Xi pushed them to the cashier to pay.    


Lu Xi took out her credit card and handed it to the cashier, but she could not swipe it. The cashier apologetically told her, "Madam, your card is frozen. Can you change it to another one?"    


"Freeze? How can that be?" Lu Xi had a binding bank card to return the money. She would return the money on time every month. She had never had any problems with her credit. "How could it be frozen?"    


The cashier said angrily, "You have to call the bank to ask about this. I don't know the situation here."    


Lu Xi had no choice but to change another card and give it to the cashier. Once the cashier swiped the card, it was the same situation again. Lu Xi instantly understood what the problem was. It must be that she turned off her phone and offended Qin Yinjian. She did not expect this man to be so ruthless. He froze her credit card and savings card.    


Lu Xi took out her phone again and opened a mobile phone payment software. She did not expect that when she opened it, a few eye-catching words popped out - Your account is suspected of illegal transactions and has been frozen. If you have any questions, please contact our service phone.    


All non-cash payments were frozen. Lu Xi could only choose to pay in cash. But now that the mobile phone was in such a developed era, there was not much cash in her pocket.    


Lu Xi took out all the money and counted again and again. She counted a few times. It was still just five hundred dollars. She looked at the shopping cart full of toys. These five hundred dollars were not enough to buy that toy car.    


Lu Xi did not want to be unhappy, so she could only make way for others to pay. She brought Lu Xi to the side and turned on her phone. She called Qin Yinjian, but the person on the other side didn't answer. She did not pick up once and made a second, third, and third call. It was only when it was the sixth time that the person on the other side picked up. He coldly said two words, "What's the matter?"    


Lu Xi took a few deep breaths before she could properly speak to him, "Why did you freeze all of my accounts?"    


Qin Yinjian asked, "Do you need a reason?"    


Lu Xi was speechless.    


She took a few more deep breaths. "I need money urgently now."    


Qin Yinjian hung up the phone. Other than thinking about him when he needed money, when else could she think of him?    


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