My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1393 Come to Min-luo City for the Holidays

C1393 Come to Min-luo City for the Holidays

Qin Yinze and Ji Rou had just gotten home in the car when a small figure dashed to the side of the car. He leaned close to the window and shook his head. "Brother, sister-in-law, you're finally back!"    


It was Zhan Limo's tender voice. Just hearing his voice made Ji Rou feel less sad. She immediately opened the car door and got out of the car. "Little Limo, why are you here?"    


"Because I miss brother and sister-in-law, so I came." Zhan Limo reached out to hug Ji Rou, but he was much shorter than Ji Rou, so he could only hug her waist. "Especially you."    


Ji Rou rubbed his head. "Thank you for missing sister-in-law. Sister-in-law also misses you."    


Zhan Limo hugged Ji Rou and even sniffed her. "Sister-in-law, you smell good!"    


Ji Rou knew that the little guy was teasing her and could not help but laugh. "Little guy, thank you for your compliment!"    


Zhan Limo said sweetly. "I accidentally told the truth."    


Qin Yinze also got out of the car. If it were in the past, he would definitely have carried Zhan Limo away when he saw Zhan Limo hugging his wife like this, but today he did not.    


Zhan Limo's arrival successfully diverted Ji Rou's attention. Today he had unintentionally made a great contribution, so he should give this kid a small reward.    


With Zhan Limo, Ji Rou completely forgot that there was another Qin Yinze behind her. She held Zhan Limo's hand and left. "By the way, Little Limo, did you and Xiao Jian secretly come to Min Luo City again?"    


Zhan Limo did not answer her question. "Sister-in-law, tell me first. Other than thinking about me, who else do you miss at home?"    


Ji Rou did not think about it. "I miss everyone in the family. But I am the same as you, the one I want to see the most. It's you. Because in my heart, Little Limo, you are the cutest, the most sensible, and the most considerate. "    


Zhan Limo said with a smile. "So in sister-in-law's heart, I am cuter and more sensible than Brother Ji, right?"    


Hearing Zhan Limo ask this, Ji Rou almost nodded and said yes. But she quickly remembered that this little guy dug a pit for her to jump into. She would not fall for it. "In my heart, you are the same as Xiao Jian. You are both cute and sensible children."    


The pit could not bury Ji Rou. Zhan Limo pouted. "Sister-in-law, you just said that you miss me the most. It seems that you lied to me. Actually, you also miss Brother Ji, right?"    


Ji Rou nodded and said, "Yes, I miss everyone in my family. However, your Brother Ji is cold and aloof. He is not as lively as you. I like him, but I don't know how to get along with him."    


Zhan Limo came to a conclusion. "So, sister-in-law, I am the one you like the most."    


Ji Rou was speechless.    


As long as this little guy was happy, he could think whatever he wanted. It was not a loss anyway.    


Qin Yinze caught up with them in a few steps and forcefully pulled Zhan Limo's hand out of Ji Rou's hand. "Stinking brat, you ran so far and you haven't even greeted your brother properly. You just ignore your brother."    


Zhan Limo pouted. "Big brother, I want sister-in-law to hold me."    


Qin Yinze held Zhan Limo's hand with one hand and Ji Rou with the other. "You hold me, I hold your sister-in-law. This can also be considered as you holding your sister-in-law indirectly."    


Zhan Limo said, "How can this be?"    


Qin Yinze held Ji Rou's hand. "It's up to me!"    


Zhan Limo said, "You always bully the weak with the strong. Aren't you afraid that when I grow up, I will bully you too?"    


Qin Yinze said, "We'll talk about it when you grow up."    


Zhan Limo said, "After the New Year, I will be twelve years old in a few months. After I'm twelve years old, I'll be like Brother Ji Jian, suddenly growing very tall in one night. Then I will not be an adult anymore. "    


Qin Yinze smiled and said, "Do you think you're a little grass planted in the land? You want to suddenly grow very tall in one night."    


Zhan Limo said, "Brother Ji can, but why can't I?"    


Qin Yinze said, "Your brother Ji also grows up slowly."    


Zhan Limo still wanted to say something, but his sharp eyes suddenly noticed Jian Ran, who came to pick them up not far away. He hurriedly asked for help, "Aunt, brother bullied me again. You have to discipline him."    


Hearing Zhan Limo call his aunt, Qin Yinze and Ji Rou looked forward at the same time. They saw Jian Ran walking towards them with a smile. " Ze, Xiao Rou, you're back. "    


Qin Yinze asked, "Mom?"    


Ji Rou asked," Auntie? "    


Jian Ran smiled and said, "Why are you all staring so wide? It has only been a few days and you all don't know me anymore?"    


Qin Yinze: "No... Mom, it is almost the Spring Festival. Why are you here too?"    


Jian Ran said gently, "Because I want to spend the Spring Festival with all my children, so I came."    


"What about Dad?" Qin Yinze knew that with Jian Ran here, Qin Yue would definitely be there too. He would ask, but he wanted to confirm with Jian Ran whether it was true or not.    


"I'm already here, how can your father not come?" Jian Ran's answer was indeed as Qin Yinze expected. She walked to Ji Rou's side and pulled Ji Rou's hand. "Xiao Rou, did Ze bully you again? Why do I feel like it has only been a few days since we last met, but you seem to have lost weight again."    


"Auntie, he did not bully me. It was just that I looked thinner. " Actually, I'm skinnier. " To be able to see the elders of the Qin Family here, Ji Rou was pleasantly surprised.    


"Yes, it is good that he did not bully you. If he bullied you, you must tell me. I will teach him a lesson for you." Jian Ran also knew that her son would not bully her daughter-in-law, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to know that the family would not treat her as an outsider.    


"Aunt, you don't need me anymore after you have big brother and sister-in-law." Seeing that she was once again ignored by the adults, the little Zhan Limo expressed that he was very hurt. He pouted his little mouth high.    


Jian Ran knocked on his little head. "Little guy, you are still the same. You just came home and did not want to sit for a while before running to the yard door to wait for your brother and sister-in-law. You even neglected our adults."    


Zhan Limo immediately hugged Jian Ran and acted spoiled. "Aunt, I am not ignoring you, but because I miss my brother and sister-in-law too much. I want to see them as soon as possible for one minute. Aunt, since I miss my brother and sister-in-law, you won't blame me, right?"    


Jian Ran said, "I also miss them, so I forget about you when I see them. You won't blame me, right?"    


Zhan Limo could only nod and say, "Yes."    


"Brother, Xiao Rou, not only did Jian Ran and Qin Yue come, Qin Leran and her Big Brother Lie also came. At this time, the two of them who were walking out of the house were the husband and wife.    


"Ranran?" Qin Yinze could imagine that his father and mother would come to Min Luo City together. He never thought that his sister and brother-in-law would also come. No, it wasn't just them.    


The ones who came later also came. There were also other family members. It was Qin Xiaobao and Qin Yinjian, who always looked like a young adult.    


Qin Xiaobao smiled unformally and said, "Ze, all of us have come. We won't disturb your little days, right?"    


Qin Leran said, "Little Aunt, don't make fun of big brother for now. Let big brother and sister-in-law go and see grandpa first."    


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