My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1313 It's Not the Same

C1313 It's Not the Same

"He spent a lot of money for me, but I rejected him..." Dai Li felt a lot of reluctance and helplessness when she mentioned the past. "I can sell my body to anyone, but I can't do it to him."    


"Sister Dai Li..." Ji Rou wanted to persuade Dai Li but did not know how to.    


Everyone's life path was different. No matter where they went or what they experienced on the way, they all hoped to reach the happy small city in the end.    


Dai Li said again, "I rejected him and he also let me go. But later on, no one dared to make a deal with me. They seemed to be afraid of something. I never knew the reason until one day, someone mentioned it to me. "    


Ji Rou quietly listened to Dai Li and said, "That man did not appear in front of me in the future but he was still so powerful that he could force me into a dead end."    


Dai Li continued. "At that time, in order to block those bloody mouths, I had thought of all the ways to raise money but it was still too far away. When I was at my wit's end, I found him and took the initiative to make a deal with him. I took off all my clothes and stood in front of him but he did not even look at me and just left behind two words and left."    


- - - So dirty!    


It had been so long, every time Dai Li thought of those two words, her heart would still be like a needle stabbing.    


But when she spoke, she still had a smile on her face. "He said I was really dirty!"    


Being despised by the man that she deeply loved, even if she had not experienced it, Ji Rou could still feel Dai Li's pain, "Sister Dai Li, perhaps he was just saying something unintentional. Don't take it to heart."    


"Me, I have not taken it to heart for a long time." Dai Li smiled. She said again, "I admit that I'm dirty. He was the only one who touched my body and it was still considered clean. But my heart is dirty. I want to get what I want through this dirty trade. But... Because of his interference, I never succeeded... Until now, I still haven't been able to catch a Diamond King, Fifth Brother. "    


Ji Rou said, "Sister Dai Li, don't say that about yourself. Although I don't have many friends, I can also judge people. I like that you are willing to make friends with you. "You're the best here."    


Little girl, you don't have to persuade me. I've thought it through." Dai Li put the pillow on properly and then changed the pillow. "After that, I never saw him again. But I knew he was there. He controlled everything about me in the dark. " Everything I did was under his control. That's why I can't even change my life to another city. Thus, this is also why I have always lived alone. "Because someone interfered with my life."    


"Sister Dai Li, since you love him so much, he has also been paying attention to you. Why don't you try to find him yourself?" Ji Rou felt that since she still loved him, then she should love him well and take the initiative to find him. She should not leave any regrets for her own life.    


Dai Li put the pillow that she had put on properly. "Xiao Rou, you also think that if I love him, I should go and find him, right?"    


Ji Rou fiercely nodded her head. "That's right, I think so."    


Dai Li suddenly changed the topic, "Xiao Rou. What about you? You like Young Master Qin so much, why can't you be with him properly?"    


It turned out that after hearing so much from Dai Li, her final goal was still to persuade her. Ji Rou was a little angry but more moved.    


In order to persuade her, Dai Li did not hesitate to expose her own scars. Just this sentiment alone was worth her making friends for the rest of her life.    


Ji Rou smiled. "Sister Dai Li, I am different from you. The situation between us is different."    


Dai Li asked, "What is different? Do you not want to be with him, or does he not want to be with you? Or is it that both of you don't like each other and don't want to be together?"    


Ji Rou, "I..."    


Dai Li said," Xiao Rou, I was like you in the past. When I encountered something, I felt that it was good for him that I left him. I even felt that I was very great. Now, I'm getting older. I have seen a lot of things. I suddenly realized that at that time, I was blindly selfish. Love is a matter of two people. Not one person. If I had made the decision to break up with him, even if I only told him one thing... "The outcome would definitely not have been the same as it is now."    


Thinking of the past, Dai Li had ten thousand regrets and ten thousand self-blame. "If I had told him... I need money, he'll help me. With his status, That bit of money wasn't a big deal to him at all. As long as he lent me the money, I'll return it to him after I earn some money. The two of us can still be together properly. But at that time, I was too childish. I thought that by not saying anything to him and taking responsibility for everything, it was good for him. Now that I think about it, "It was really as ridiculous as a joke."    


Ji Rou, "Sister Dai Li..."    


Dai Li patted Ji Rou's shoulder. "Little girl, if you like Qin Yinze, no matter what happens, calm down and come and find him to have a good talk."    


It was not that Ji Rou did not want to talk to Qin Yinze, but she could not accept the fact that she was just a substitute, especially when she was moved by him. "He doesn't love me at all. He only treated me as a substitute for another person."    


"Substitute?" Dai Li stared at Ji Rou with widened eyes," Little girl, don't tell me that he is pretending to be someone else in his heart. You are that person's substitute. "    


Ji Rou said in a muffled voice. "You can already tell that I am a substitute, but as a substitute, I will be foolish enough not to know."    


"What do you mean I can tell?" Dai Li indicated that she was just guessing. How could such a melodramatic thing happen in life?    


"It's what you said. I'm just a little similar to his sweetheart, so he looked for me." Ji Rou had always felt that this kind of thing could not be said, but now that it was said, Ji Rou felt much more relaxed in her heart.    


Being used as a substitute was just a substitute, it was not a big deal. In the future, rub your eyes a little brighter. She did not want to be deceived by this kind of person with a human face and beast heart.    


Dai Li did not dare to believe it, "Xiao Rou, is what you said true?"    


Ji Rou, "Is there a need for me to lie to you?"    


Dai Li asked again, "He admitted it?"    


Ji Rou nodded, "Yes!"    


Hearing Ji Rou's affirmative answer, even if Dai Li was so eloquent, she could not persuade Ji Rou anymore.    


Qin Yinze had already admitted it, what else could she help him say?    


Dai Li did not understand, how could there be such a stupid man in this world?    


This kind of thing, even if you break your teeth and swallow it down, you still could not admit it.    


He even admitted it. If he was not stupid, then what was?    


Could it be that all men in this world were so stupid?    


Ji Rou got into the blanket. "Sister Dai Li, it's getting late. Let's go to sleep."    


Dai Li said, "Xiao Rou..."    


Ji Rou said, "Stop talking. I don't want to hear anything. Go to sleep. You still have to work tomorrow. I still have to go to school."    


Dai Li said," Alright. Sleep!"    


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