My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1204 External Chapter the Tough One Is Easy to Break

C1204 External Chapter the Tough One Is Easy to Break

"Doctor Tong, Miss Ji has fainted. What are you still standing there for? Quickly go and take a look." Peng Shan was a boorish person. He only had two goals in his life. He wanted to protect his master and help his master earn a lot of money. He could not tell that Doctor Tong was hostile to Ji Rou.    


Not only Peng Shan could not see it, even Qin Yinze could not see it either. Doctor Tong had disguised himself too well in front of others, so no one could find any flaws.    


Doctor Tong did not want to treat Ji Rou at all. He even thought of giving Ji Rou a few sleeping pills to let Ji Rou sleep like this and never wake up again.    


But she was a very rational woman. She knew that before she was fully prepared, no matter what she did, she would be easily found out. She would not get any good results.    


She wanted to be with the person she liked for her whole life. She did not want to be stupid enough to kill herself in order to achieve her goal. So no matter how much she hated Ji Rou, Doctor Tong still had to follow her out to see the situation. If it was useful to her, she would try her best to save that damn woman.    


Doctor Tong went with her, Qin Yinze. Peng Shan then looked at the man named Liu who had shouted and made a scene just now. "Xiao Liu, do you know who that skinny and pretty boy was?"    


Someone who could call their master away with just one sentence must not be an ordinary person. Little Liu knew that he had gotten himself into trouble. He said nervously: "Mister Peng, who is that person?"    


"That person is not an important character, but you can't afford to offend the person behind that person." Peng Shan thought of his mistress's nervousness towards Ji Rou and could not help but shake his head, "A woman. She looks good, but you must not provoke her. Otherwise, you will be suppressed by her for the rest of your life and will never be able to turn over."    


Thinking about their mistress. When there was no woman in the past three years, how domineering was she at that time. No matter what happened, she always kept her word.    


Ever since they got Ji Rou by their side, their family's mistress seemed to have changed into a different person. She had more smiles on her face. It seemed like there was more time for her to get angry.    


So this kind of creature is actually a double-edged sword. She can let you experience happiness that you have never experienced before and can push you down a cliff in minutes.    


No matter what, he will never marry his wife in this life.    


The man named Liu was confused when he heard that. He said in a fluster, "Mr. Peng, please tell me, who did I offend?"    


"You offended the person you shouldn't have provoked in your life." Peng Shan patted the man named Liu's shoulder with sympathy and said, "I will transfer you out of Minluo City. Don't let Mr. see you again."    


"Mr. Peng, this is the only way?" Liu was really regretful. He did not make a sound throughout the night, but stood out to cause trouble at the most inappropriate time. If he did not leave, who else could he ask to leave?    


Peng Shan smiled coldly. "Of course not. There are many more interesting ways. Do you want to try them?"    


Just by looking at Peng Shan's smile, Liu knew that something bad was going to happen. He shook his head. "I will listen to your arrangements."    


"You can't listen to my arrangements either." Peng Shan sighed again. "Go back and pack your things. I'll arrange for someone to send you out of Minluo City tomorrow."    


After following Qin Yinze for three years, there was another very important reason why Peng Shan was so valued. It was because he could finish what Qin Yinze wanted to do before Qin Yinze spoke.    




"Where is she?" Qin Yinze rushed to the private room as fast as he could. He had to see Ji Rou as soon as possible. Even though that woman had almost angered him to death, he still could not leave her behind.    


People were like this most of the time. They were not interested in things that could be obtained by tentacles. They would not treasure it even if they obtained it. Often, they were more interested in things that they could not obtain, and even wanted to obtain her at all costs.    


"It was right here just now." The prince looked and saw Dai Li waving at them from afar. He said again, "They should have taken Boss out."    


Qin Yinze ran towards the door like a gust of wind. There was still some distance between the door and him. He already saw Ji Rou lying softly in the arms of the monkey with her eyes closed.    


Even though he knew that Monkey did not have any improper thoughts about Ji Rou, Qin Yinze started to be dissatisfied with Monkey hugging Ji Rou. He walked a few steps over and carried Ji Rou back into his arms. "Doctor Tong, let her take a look immediately."    


Just as Doctor Tong chased after her, he heard Qin Yinze roaring at her. To be honest, she hated this man too much. This man kept ordering her around as a servant for Ji Rou, but what could she do?    


Did she really dare to stab Ji Rou to death with a needle?    


Since she did not dare, she could only obediently go forward to treat Ji Rou. Doctor Tong skillfully took Ji Rou's pulse and listened to her heartbeat.    


Doctor Tong knew that Ji Rou was young and had a lot of energy. She usually didn't get sick or hurt. How could she faint so easily? It was very likely that she was faking it.    


However, after hearing Ji Rou's heartbeat and pulse, Doctor Tong knew that Ji Rou was definitely not faking it. This was because Ji Rou's pulse was too messy. It was something that she had never encountered in her many years of seeing a doctor.    


From Ji Rou's disordered pulse, Doctor Tong only thought of one reason - it was easy to break.    


Ji Rou, this girl, had a hot temper and a tough temper. ... If she did not change her temper well, she might be angered to death when she encountered something she could not accept.    


Ji Rou, who was in his arms, suddenly frowned slightly. Qin Yinze hugged her tightly again. "What happened to her?"    


"Sir, don't be too anxious. Miss Ji only had a cold and could not expel the cold poison from her body, which caused her to faint. After a while, she will wake up." Doctor Tong hid the truth. Originally, Qin Yinze had some doubts about her words, but Ji Rou really woke up at this time.    


Ji Rou slowly opened her eyes. When she saw that the person hugging her was Qin Yinze, her eyes suddenly turned red, but she stubbornly held back her tears. "Take your hand away, don't hug me."    


Qin Yinze hugged her and did not let go. "Don't talk first."    


Although Ji Rou's body was weak, she was not willing to admit defeat. She loudly shouted at him. "I told you to let me go."    


Qin Yinze drank a lot and drank a lot. At this time, he was also angry when she shouted at him. "Ji Rou, how many times do you want me to say it? In this life, no matter whether you live or die, you are my wife. " In this life, don't even think about escaping! "    


I will never be able to escape! What about when you want to give up on me? " Is it that as long as you let go, I won't be able to find you anymore? " Tonight, he left without saying goodbye. Ji Rou's deepest feeling was that he could let go of her at any time and anywhere, disappearing from her life, and she could not do anything.    


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