My Husband, Warm The Bed

C1127 External Story She Began to Hate Him

C1127 External Story She Began to Hate Him

Qin Yinze watched Ji Rou walk into the neighborhood. He picked up his phone and called Ceng Yunwei. "How's the acquisition of the scattered shares of Qianshui Company going?"    


Qin Yinze left the matters of Qianshui Company to Ceng Yunwei and Gao Lanlan, but he would get the latest news about Qianshui Company from Ceng Yunwei every day.    


Ceng Yunwei immediately replied, "Sir, don't worry. The company has already taken back about 40% of the company's shares. In the future, Miss Ji, who held about 60% of the company, would be the biggest shareholder of the company. You would be the second largest shareholder of the company. Qianshui Company was a food company. Some of the shares it sells will be taken back by the same food company. This will be beneficial to the development of the company in the future. Miss Ji will not notice that you are helping her behind her back. "    


The food company was a subsidiary of the Qinsheng Group run by Qin Yinze. It mainly operated the food business. It was quite famous in Minluo City, but no one knew that it was also owned by Qin.    


It was because no one knew that the food company was owned by the Qin family that Qin Yinze made Gao Lanlan, who was in charge of the food company, buy the scattered shares of Qianshui Company.    


To Qin Yinze, Qiansi Company was a very small company. The money it made in a year was far less than the money he made in a month. However, Qin Yinze insisted on investing money to help Ji Rou protect the property left by her father. He wanted to keep that feeling, even if he did not make any money. As long as Ji Rou could be happy, there was nothing wrong with that.    


Qin Yinze said again, "Ji Rou is still not very assured with you. In the next two days, you should perform well and try to gain her trust. Let her rest assured and let you manage the Thousand Water Company."    


Speaking of this, Ceng Yunwei felt a little awkward. "Sir, Miss Ji has been deceived by Ji Chendong and those old things in the past. Now she is very cautious of people. I am afraid I will not be able to make her trust me completely in a short period of time."    


Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows. "She does not trust people. Can't you think of a way to make her trust you? She urgently needs a talent who can help her develop Qianshui Company. I have already prepared for this. Can't you do it?"    


Ceng Yunwei said, "Sir, I know what to do. Tonight, I will take a good look at the development plan of Qianshui Company. I will hand it over to Miss Ji tomorrow. "    


Qin Yinze wanted to say something but his phone prompted that there was a new call and it was from Ji Rou. He immediately said, "Tell Gao Lanlan to work hard."    


Before the other side could respond, Qin Yinze hung up the phone and picked up Ji Rou. When he picked up the phone, his voice immediately became much gentler. "What's wrong?"    


"Young Master Qin, have you gone back?" Ji Rou's soft voice reached Qin Yinze's ears from the phone receiver. Qin Yinze's heart also softened when he heard it. "Without waiting for my wife, how can I go back?"    


Ji Rou gradually got used to him calling her wife. "Then where are you?"    


Qin Yinze said, "I'm just taking a stroll outside."    


When Qin Yinze said this, Ji Rou happened to walk out of the neighborhood. She looked up and saw his silver-gray luxury car parked at the entrance of the neighborhood. She could not help but smile. "Liar!"    


Qin Yinze asked, "What?"    


Ji Rou reminded him, "Turn around and look to your right."    


Qin Yinze followed her instructions and looked back. He saw his little girl walking towards him with a smile. The setting sun was on her body, but it warmed his heart.    


It was the moment when he saw her walking towards him. Qin Yinze understood something. It was as if his heart was filled with warmth.    


After waiting for so many years, there was finally someone who was willing to come to his side and experience the storms and storms of the future with him.    


From now on, with her accompanying him, his life would no longer be lonely and lonely.    


Stunned for a moment, Qin Yinze immediately opened the car door and got out of the car. He carried Ji Rou into his arms and asked her excitedly, "Less than half an hour, why did you come out?"    


"Sigh, I went home to accompany mom, but mom was busy playing mahjong with the aunties next door. She didn't even have time to talk to me. I was angry with her." She couldn't possibly have told him that her mother had chased her out of her daze after returning home.    


Qin Yinze hugged her and kissed her. "Didn't you come out earlier because you didn't want me to wait for too long?"    


"How is that possible!? Absolutely not!" A single sentence had accurately described her thoughts. Did this man know how to read minds? Ji Rou repeatedly denied, "Qin Yinze, who do you think you are? You are not RMB. How could I not bear to part with you?"    


The more she denied it, the more she revealed her intention to hide it in front of Qin Yinze. He hugged her. "Really?"    


Ji Rou firmly denied it. "Definitely not!"    


But no matter what the reason was, Qin Yinze knew that this silly girl cared a little about him.    


He hugged her tightly. "Then get in the car and come home with me."    


"Okay." Because her thoughts were exposed, Ji Rou was a little flustered. She quickly got into the passenger seat and sat properly. She was as obedient as a child who had done something wrong. "You said you would treat me to delicious food. Is that still acceptable?"    


"What do you want to eat?" Qin Yinze got into the car and held her hand. "I'm happy today. You can eat anything you want."    


Ji Rou looked at him and smiled slyly. "I want to drink!"    


Qin Yinze's face sank. "You are not allowed to touch alcohol in the future."    


Ji Rou made a mischievous face at him. "I knew you would not agree."    


Qin Yinze said angrily, "You knew I would not agree and still brought it up. Are you looking for a beating?"    


Ji Rou smiled. "Then let's go home. "Let's go home and eat the food Aunt Qiao prepared."    


These few days she had been eating at home and was used to eating. Ji Rou felt that although the food prepared by Aunt Qiao was light, it was better than eating outside.    


Just like how she originally did not have a good impression of Qin Yinze and wished that he could disappear from this world any minute, but in the process of getting along, she felt that he was not bad and sometimes even felt that he was very cute.    


Sure enough, getting used to this kind of thing was very scary. Once you got used to it, you would feel that everything was good!    


Qin Yinze started the car. "Okay. Go home."    


Let's go home together and return to the home that belonged to the two of them.    




Minluo City at the end of September had a huge difference in temperature between day and night. During the day, the sun was shining brightly, and the wind at night could make people catch a cold.    


Ji Rou knew Qin Yinze's physical condition. She was worried that the weather would change too much. He caught a cold again. After dinner, she sent the medicine prepared by Doctor Tong to him.    


Qin Yinze was in the study. She did not knock on the door. She pushed the door open and entered. "Young Master Qin, it's time to drink the medicine!"    


Qin Yinze was on the phone. When he saw Ji Rou push the door open and enter, he immediately put down his phone. "What is this?"    


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