My Husband, Warm The Bed

C663 The Wedding of the Century(4)

C663 The Wedding of the Century(4)

"Well, there's one thing I'm going to do next. Will you object?" Qin Yue stared at Jian Ran and asked again.    


Jian Ran nodded and answered without hesitation, "No matter what decision you make, I will listen to you."    


Since she had decided to live a good life with him, she was willing to respect every decision he made.    


Most importantly, Jian Ran believed that Qin Yue could make the most correct decision in any situation, so she was willing to listen to him.    


"Very good." After getting Jian Ran's answer, Qin Yue smiled. He held Jian Ran's head and pushed her towards him.    


He lowered his head slightly, kissed her hair, on her forehead, then from her forehead down to the tip of her nose, and then to her lips.    


He held her lower lip, gently closed his upper and lower teeth, and bit her.    


He slightly used some strength to make Jian Ran, who was in pain, suddenly open her eyes. She looked at him with an ignorant face, not understanding what exactly happened to him today.    


"Don't look at me like that." Qin Yue's voice was low and hoarse.    


She didn't even know how cute she looked. She looked like a little bunny that had fallen into his hands. And he was that big wolf. He could dismember her into his stomach at any time.    


"Qin Yue, don't scare me, okay?" This man had been acting weird since last night. He had only taken a wedding picture. Was there a need to be so nervous?    


Could there be something that she did not know about?    


"How could I be willing to scare you? I'm going to take you to a place where you can't look before you reach it." Qin Yue acted like he was performing a magic trick. A blindfold suddenly appeared in his hand. "Put this on and we'll set off."    


"Qin Yue, I know everything." Jian Ran pursed her lips and smiled. It was just taking wedding photos. She was not a fool. She was wearing a wedding dress, so how could she not guess?    


"You already know?" When did she know? He did not reveal a trace of information to her. Where did she know?    


If he knew that someone had secretly leaked the information to her, he would definitely arrest that person and chop him into pieces.    


"It's just a wedding photo. Don't worry, I'll cooperate well." It was rare to see such a surprised expression on CEO Qin's face. Jian Ran was in a good mood.    


Qin Yue raised his eyebrows. "Taking a wedding picture?"    


Jian Ran pouted. "The wedding dress is already worn. Do you think you can hide it from me? I am not stupid."    


Hearing her say this, Qin Yue laughed out loud. She still said she was not stupid. This was already extremely stupid, okay?    


However, no matter how stupid she was, he wouldn't dislike her.    


Since she thought that she was taking wedding photos, then she was taking wedding photos. Qin Yue took out an eyepatch and put it on Jian Ran. "Are you afraid?"    


"I'm not afraid!" Jian Ran shook her head. Because the other party was him, even if she wore an eyepatch and she could not see anything, she was still not afraid.    


"Alright, let's go." Qin Yue carried Jian Ran up and headed towards the happiness that was about to arrive.    


Jian Ran pushed him. "Qin Yue, don't be like this. There are a lot of people downstairs."    


Qin Yue said in a deep voice, "I want to hug my wife. What does it have to do with other people?"    


Jian Ran,... ""    


Alright. This Qin Yue was the real Qin Yue. He was domineering and domineering. He would not care what others thought of him.    


Jian Ran could not see anything after her eyes were covered. She could only use her ears to listen and her mind to feel everything around her.    


After going downstairs, there were many cars in front of the red house. Looking at the long line of cars, one could not even see their heads.    


Looking at the car logo, he saw that all the cars in the city were expensive luxury cars.    


Every luxury car was accompanied by a driver in a black suit. They stood straight and upright, looking very orderly.    


Every car was equipped with festive wreaths, and the front of the car in the lead stood two dolls. The man was wearing a black suit. The woman was wearing a wedding dress. Their mouths were facing each other and they were kissing.    


However, compared to these luxury cars, the one that attracted the most attention was the luxurious carriage at the front.    


The carriage that was covered in fresh flowers was decorated like the carriage of the British royal family when they were on patrol. There were two white horses pulling the carriage. One of them had a tie on its neck and the other had a white veil on its head. It seemed that they were also a couple about to get married.    


This was the carriage that Qin Yue had prepared to welcome the bride. However, the bride in his arms could not be seen at this moment.    


Qin Yue gently placed Jian Ran on the carriage and sat on it. Then he whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid."    


Jian Ran nodded.    


Because the skirt of the wedding dress was too long, Qin Yue arranged four young and beautiful women to hold Jian Ran's skirt behind the carriage.    


When everything was ready, Qin Yue brought his bride and officially set off.    


Four helicopters had been circling above their heads. There were photographers on the planes, and they used cameras to record everything that happened today.    


The carriage set off at a steady pace towards the venue of the wedding.    


Looking down from the sky, the long dress of the wedding dress was like layers of waves spreading out, creating waves of dizziness that could blind people's eyes.    


At this moment, Jian Ran, as the female lead, could not see anything. The more she could not see, the more curious she was about the surroundings.    


Under the eyepatch, her round eyes rolled again and again. She could not wait to see what kind of surprise Qin Yue wanted to give her.    


But she clearly knew that there were many people around her. She knew that Qin Yue had instructed them to do something, but none of them leaked anything, so that she could hear some clues.    


"Bear with it a little longer!" Qin Yue, who was sitting beside her, suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand. His palm was very warm, and it transmitted his warmth into her body little by little.    


"Mr. Qin, are you not just taking wedding photos?" If it was really just taking wedding photos, with Qin Yue's personality, he would not be so troubled.    


But if it was not taking wedding photos, what was it for?    


Jian Ran tilted her head and thought again and again, if it was not for taking wedding photos, and she wore wedding dresses, would there be a wedding?    


This thought suddenly appeared in her mind and was immediately rejected by Jian Ran.    


The wedding was such a big thing and there were many things that needed to be prepared. As one of the main characters, she had never heard of anything. How could it be a wedding?    


"Mm, guess!" Qin Yue rubbed her hands. Seeing her slightly open red lips, he wanted to kiss her again.    


He did not know why. Usually, he was very composed, but today, his willpower was almost zero. He wanted to hug Jian Ran and kiss her fiercely every now and then.    


In the end, Qin Yue came to a conclusion. It was not that his composure was not good enough, but that Jian Ran in front of him was too attractive.    


She was too delicious, making him want to eat her.    


Once he had this thought, Qin Yue's Adam's apple rolled twice and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


Damn it!    


He still had to endure for one more day!    


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