My Husband, Warm The Bed

C444 Trap

C444 Trap

Jian Ran treated Xiaobao like her own sister. If she knew that it was her biological father who kidnapped and hurt Xiaobao, she definitely would not be able to accept it.    


But that was Jian Ran's father. He could not know about Xiao Yuanfeng's existence but did not tell Jian Ran, so that the father and daughter could never meet again.    


Qin Yue was lost in thought when a phone call suddenly came in. He picked up the phone and answered it. He lowered his voice and said coldly, "Speak!"    


Liu Yong's voice came from the phone. "Boss Qin, we have found new clues about the mysterious man. I have sent the information to your email. Please read the instructions for us."    


Liu Yong calling in the middle of the night must be something urgent that could not be delayed.    


Qin Yue hung up the phone and gently moved Jian Ran, who was lying in her arms, away. He got up and went to the study room, turned on the computer, and opened the email.    


The email sent by Liu Yong contained some old photos. The photos seemed to be from some era.    


The first photo was of a man in his thirties. The man was tall and straight, and his facial features were well-matched. He looked pretty good.    


After taking a closer look, Qin Yue quickly had an impression of him.    


Many years ago, when he was investigating Jian Ran, he had seen this photo. The man in the photo was Jian Ran's biological father, Xiao Yuanfeng.    


In the second photo was a young and beautiful woman. There was a faint smile on her lips, and she looked quiet and beautiful.    


The eyebrows of the woman in the picture were very similar to Jian Ran, but it lacked the stubborn look on Jian Ran's face.    


Many years ago, Qin Yue was fortunate enough to see Jian Ran's mother and had a deep impression of the elders, so he could recognize that the woman in the photo was Jian Ran's mother.    


The third photo was a group photo. In the photo was a man and a woman. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was petite and sweet.    


In the photo, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. All their feelings were written in their eyes as they looked at each other.    


On the back of the photo, there was a line of small words - Xiao Xiao's Emotions.    


Of course, Xiao Xiao was referring to Xiao Yuanfeng. His Emotions should be Jian Ran's mother, Lu Zhiqing.    


Xiao Xiao's Emotions was also his surname, her name.    


Xiao Yuanfeng and Lu Zhiqing grew up together since they were little. They were childhood sweethearts, and the date of their marriage was set. However, all of this was ruined by Jian Zhengtian.    


Looking at their pictures, Qin Yue saw a scene in a trance. The two of them held Jian Ran, who was still young, and walked in between the mountains and rivers.    


Other than the pictures, there were also many things about Xiao Yuanfeng. After looking at them one by one, Qin Yue did not delay and called Liu Yong. "Where did you get all these things?"    


Liu Yong said, "This information was found from the mysterious person's residence. This evening, he found our people and moved the position. We have not found him yet."    


Qin Yue raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You lost him again!"    


Liu Yong said, "When we followed him, we found that Commander Zhan's men were also following him. Because you said you wanted to stop Commander Zhan's men from finding him. "So our men went to stop his men. The mysterious man took advantage of this opportunity to escape.    


Qin Yue said in a stern voice. "Zhan Nianbei's men must be stopped. The mysterious man must be found as well, and his safety must be guaranteed."    


"Boss Qin, there's something I don't know if I should say it or not." Liu Yong said haltingly.    


Before Qin Yue wanted to investigate Jian Ran, he had asked Liu Yong to do it. Liu Yong had seen the photos Qin Yue had seen before, so when he saw the photos today, he hurriedly called Qin Yue to ask for his instructions.    


"I don't know if I should say it or not. Then don't talk too much." After saying that, Qin Yue quickly hung up the phone.    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Yue looked at the pictures downloaded on the computer. There was no doubt that the mysterious person was Xiao Yuanfeng.    


So, what he needed to do now was to find a way to meet Xiao Yuanfeng alone.    


He looked and watched. Qin Yue's vision suddenly turned dark, and he could no longer see anything.    


At the same time, he felt as if thousands of thorns were stabbing his eyes. In just a few seconds, he was drenched in cold sweat from the pain.    


He closed his eyes and leaned against the chair. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples, trying his best not to be tortured by this pain until he lost his mind.    


Because he did not want Jian Ran to worry, he let the doctor hide some of the possible situations that might happen after Jian Ran took the medicine.    


He would occasionally not be able to see it and it would also be accompanied by intense pain. Even the doctor did not know how long this situation would last.    


If Jian Ran was told the truth, she would probably be so worried that she would not be able to sit still. Therefore, Qin Yue had already put in a good word with the doctor before the doctor called Jian Ran.    


After an unknown amount of time, the pain in his eyes was slightly reduced. Qin Yue blinked his eyes and his vision recovered a little, but he still could not see clearly.    


He closed his eyes and rested for a while. He opened his eyes again. The pain in his eyes was gone, and the things in front of him were much clearer.    


After resting for a long time, Qin Yue estimated that there would not be any problems with his eyes for the time being. Only then did Qin Yue return to his room and return to Jian Ran's side.    




The long night was originally the time to rest after a busy day. At the same time, many people used the cover of the night to do some shady business.    


In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, two men stood side by side in front of the French window, overlooking this international metropolis.    


The building in front of them that stood out like a crane among chickens, The new landmark of the Shengtian in Jiangbei City, that was a symbolic building that many people looked up to.    


After looking at the Shengtian building for a long time, a man in a dark grey shirt, who was standing side by side, spoke first, "Shengtian Group, an international consortium. He is ranked first on the global billionaire list, and his leader is only as old as you and me."    


Another man in a light blue shirt took over the conversation and said slowly, "Qin Yue officially took over Shengtian at twenty-two years old. It has only been about ten years, and the Shengtian's business has expanded to dozens of countries in the world. How many people can compare to his talent? "    


"So what?" The man in the gray shirt sneered and said, "Soon, you and I will replace him. At that time, the words' Shengtian Group 'will disappear from everyone's eyes forever. You and I will become the object of their worship. "    


The man in the blue shirt sighed and said, "Are you so sure that Qin Yue will come to see you alone?"    


Hearing this question, the smile on the man in the grey shirt's lips deepened. He said proudly, "I am not sure about other things, but as long as it is related to Jian Ran, he will definitely follow my plan and step into the trap I designed for him step by step."    


The Shengtian's Leo Qin originally had no weakness, but from a certain day four years ago, everyone knew that he had a weakness. That weakness was - Jian Ran!    


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