Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C187 He Is Her Only God of War

C187 He Is Her Only God of War

Gong Lingye turned to look at the clock on the wall. As expected, it was already past midnight, so it was his birthday.    


"Happy Birthday" Gong Lingye had heard the words countless times. But this time, when Soong Yiren said it, he felt inexplicably touched.    


This was the first birthday of the woman he liked, who accompanied him.    


In the future, he hoped that she would be by his side for every birthday.    


Gong Lingye lowered his head and wanted to say something to Soong Yiren, but he found that the breathing of the little woman in his arms had become even and long. Clearly, she had already fallen asleep.    


His physical strength was so poor that it could not even compare to that of a wounded person like him, who had just healed his wounds. It seemed that he would have to supervise her in training her body in the future!    


Gong Lingye lowered his head and kissed Soong Yiren's hair, then fell asleep as well.    


Ten thousand miles away, Gong Mochen told the project manager about the matters for the next few days. He pulled the suitcase and headed to the airport nearby.    


From Country F to Imperial City, they needed to transfer to another country. Therefore, when Gong Mochen arrived in the country, it was almost the afternoon of the 25th.    


The moment he boarded the plane and took off, Gong Mochen's heart inexplicably became filled with anticipation.    


Sunlight peeked in from outside the window, and the room was sprinkled with golden light.    


Soong Yiren's biological clock started to work when the time was right, but she did not want to move at all. She only felt that the blanket was exceptionally comfortable, and there was also a familiar sense of security, making her only want to continue lying down.    


Her sleepiness and biological clock were engaged in a battle of heaven and earth. Her hands unconsciously touched the 'pillow' in front of her.    


Soong Yiren's hand touched the pillow and muttered something. Her 'pillow', on the other hand, tensed up and the feeling suddenly changed.    


Soong Yiren was stunned and opened her eyes.    


What entered her eyes was that when a man first woke up, he had a lazy nature. At this moment, his lips were curled up. The half glowing him actually carried some kind of undetectable evil aura.    


His voice was low and magnetic as it slowly bloomed beside her ears. "Nuan, you were the one who provoked me first."    


Soong Yiren did not have time to react before her waist was suddenly grabbed and after which, the world spun around.    


Her sleepy face instantly became alert because she smelled danger. Soong Yiren did not even have time to protest before her lips were sealed.    


She really did not know why this man's physical strength was so good. It was clearly less than ten hours from the end of last night. Why was he able to eat her from inside out again?    


Furthermore, she really wanted to know, how did he manage to get through those years when he didn't have her?    


After the end, Soong Yiren realized that she was completely out of strength.    


She was a little vexed as she powerlessly laid on Gong Lingye's chest and used her eyes to complain to him.    


He laughed softly, "Nuan, practice more. You will get used to it in the future."    


Soong Yiren snorted.    


Gong Lingye said again, "I have decided from tomorrow onwards, I will supervise you every day and run for more than 40 minutes."    


Soong Yiren,... ""    


She had legs to begin with. Now, they started to shake.    


"Are you hungry?" Gong Lingye tidied Soong Yiren's hair. "I'll go and get you something to eat."    


It was really Soong Yiren's first time eating breakfast on the bed.    


In the past week, she had been sitting by the bed to feed Gong Lingye. She did not expect the plot to change so quickly. It was him who had fed her by the bed.    


Breakfast turned into lunch. Soong Yiren saw that it was already 12 o'clock. She thought of her bag. "I prepared a birthday present for you."    


Gong Lingye got up and went to get it. The wrapping paper was very beautiful. He carefully opened it, revealing the metal box inside. He opened it again. It was an exquisite and domineering robot.    


Gong Lingye saw that on the robot's shoulder, its English name was carved. "Ares?"    


Soong Yiren nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation.    


"Nuan." Gong Lingye sat beside the bed. "In your heart. Am I your god of war?"    


ES was the War God in ancient Greek mythology.    


Soong Yiren's face was somewhat hot. However, she still nodded her head.    


Actually, she had been thinking about what name to give the robot, because Gong Lingye actually did not have an English name.    


However, that day when he protected her with blood all over his body, this name suddenly appeared in her mind.    


The War God was the God of Battle who fought for her.    


Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren's entire body in the blanket, so he revealed a small head. The way she nodded was exceptionally cute. He could not help but want to eat her again.    


In his hand, the Ares power source lit up and greeted him, "Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Ares..."    


Following his introduction, the badge on its chest lit up and there were three words engraved on it:    


Gong Lingye.    


This was the name that his little girl had personally carved for him. Back then, he had seen Gong Mochen's gift. He was unhappy. When he saw Soong Yiren's sincerity at this moment, it disappeared without a trace.    


Gong Lingye bent his body and was about to lower his head to kiss Soong Yiren. I just saw that there seemed to be something carved into the soles of the robot's feet.    


He picked it up and saw three lines of words.    


"Gong Lingye, happy birthday!    


I like you!    


"25 Nuan engravings."    


Gong Lingye felt something hit his chest, and a warm feeling spread through his body. He froze for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised. His whole body was surrounded by joy and warmth, and all his cells were jumping with joy.    


This was the first time she said she liked him.    


She said she liked him.    


Although Soong Yiren's eyes had already read such emotions, the person in love still stubbornly and childishly wanted to hear her clearly express this sentence.    


The light in Gong Lingye's eyes changed unpredictably. In the end, he put down Ares and bent over to fiercely block Soong Yiren's lips.    


His lips were numb from his kiss and his entire body was powerless. In the blank space of his mind, he only heard a man's low and hoarse voice by her ear, "Nuan, I really like the gift you gave me."    


Her heart skipped a beat and just as she raised the corner of her lips and wanted to say something, she felt that his entire aura had once again surrounded her...    


She didn't have time to introduce to him what robots could do, such as locating, navigation, tracking and playing music, searching for information... For example, if there was someone at home, they could also automatically retrieve the customer's identification information.    


She could only let him do whatever he wanted.    


When it ended, Soong Yiren really felt that she should escape. If this continued, she was afraid that when she was with Gong Lingye in the future, she would only be able to sleep in bed.    


However, it seemed that the more he exercised, the more energetic he became. Even his complexion was better than any other time.    


Old Madame Gong actually wanted to hold a birthday banquet for Gong Lingye today for his birthday, but he did not want it to be too lively, so he only invited a few childhood friends to have a small gathering at his villa at 7 PM this evening.    


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