Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C513 He Used the Northern Underworld to Deal with Gong Lingye

C513 He Used the Northern Underworld to Deal with Gong Lingye

The next day, the morning sun set in the courtyard of Shangguan Family.    


All the filth from last night seemed to have been washed away by the sun. However, everyone knew that after this incident, Shangguan Hee had completely lost the right to inherit the Shangguan Family.    


He was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to split the property.    


However, to everyone's surprise, he didn't care about anything. He had gone to Shangguan Ao's courtyard early in the morning and insisted on marrying the illegitimate daughter of the Wu family. He even said that it was her true love.    


Instantly, Shangguan Ao was so angry that he choked on his breath and carried it on his back.    


Although the family doctor was present, and Shangguan Ao also woke up very quickly, with such a mess, he really didn't have the energy to go to Beiming Kun's place today.    


When Gong Lingye left, Shangguan Ao was also a little worried.    


Although Gong Lingye's ability was unquestionable, this was still J Country, and Gong Lingye only brought a few people with him. So, how could he guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed?    


After all, apart from Shangguan Ao, everyone else here hoped that Gong Lingye would die.    


Feeling somewhat uneasy, Shangguan Ao instructed Lin: "Arrange someone to follow Fourth. If there's any situation, report it to me at any time. If there is any emergency that is too late, you have full authority to handle it. Fourth's safety is the most important thing."    


The butler nodded. "Alright, Family Head. Rest assured. I will keep an eye on Fourth Young Master."    


Early in the morning, Gong Lingye and his brothers from the Shangguan Family took a carriage to the Beiming Family.    


Beiming Kun's Tail Seven had invited a lot of people. Almost all the famous people from J Country had come.    


Beiming Shen's burns had healed a lot. His originally damaged skin had also healed under the effect of the medicine, and new flesh and blood had grown out bit by bit.    


What surprised Beiming Shen was that apart from the slightly red color, there were no scars on his newly grown skin.    


In other words, his current appearance was gradually recovering.    


It could be expected that after he had grown up, his skin would at most be thinner and weaker. However, his appearance would not change. He would not be disfigured at all.    


The admiration for the Rong Family's medical skills surged in his heart once again.    


At the same time, he felt a little regretful. Was the Rong Family really not left behind at the end?    


Although Soong Ziheng was still missing... However, the biggest inheritance of the Rong Family wasn't its bloodline, but its superb medical skills.    


Today, it was his father's Tail Seven. Beiming Shen knew that Gong Lingye would come a few days ago.    


Beiming Shen wasn't sure who made Gong Lingye come, but he also knew that it wouldn't be good news for him.    


Early in the morning, he had changed into a black suit and a black mourning suit on his sleeve. Then, he went to the main hall of Beiming Family.    


Before long, there were already guests who came to visit one after another.    


When Beiming Shen saw them one by one, he heard a servant informing him that someone from the Shangguan Family had arrived.    


When he heard that, he looked towards the entrance of the hall.    


He saw a few men from the Shangguan Family, accompanied by Lin, walk into the hall one by one.    


The last to walk was Gong Lingye. He wore a low-profile black suit, but no one would ignore his existence.    


Everyone said a few words of pleasantries such as condolences, and waited for ten o'clock. Finally, the farewell ceremony would begin.    


The Beiming Family's main hall could accommodate a lot of people.    


Not long after, everyone had arrived. Beiming Shen invited everyone to the mourning hall at the back.    


Wang Chao was also wearing mourning clothes. He knelt in front of the mourning hall, his eyes red. "Master, after you left... "What will happen to me in the future..."    


She was truly sad. After all, Beiming Shen was not her son. After she married Beiming Kun, she did not have a child. Therefore, she really did not have any peace of mind in the future.    


Beiming Shen also walked to Beiming Kun's memorial tablet and knelt down. "Dad, you have been well."    


At this moment, Gong Lingye looked at the portrait in the center of the mourning hall with a cold look in his eyes.    


It was this person who killed Soong Yiren's parents and a few of her brothers.    


Although this person was dead, it did not seem to ease his hatred at all!    


It was just that later on, he heard from Beiming Mo that Beiming Shen was not the murderer who killed his brother and Soong Yiren's parents.    


If Beiming Shen was involved, then the only thing he wanted to do was to blow him up and let Gong Mochen die in Country F.    


However, neither of these things succeeded.    


The grudge between him and Beiming Shen mostly came from the previous generation.    


It was enough to come from the previous generation. He would never be able to shake hands and make peace with Beiming Shen in this lifetime.    


At this moment, Beiming Shen was offering incense to Beiming Kun and kowtowing to him.    


After he finished offering incense, the rest of the people also lined up in order and went to the front of the mourning hall to bid farewell to Beiming Kun one by one.    


Shangguan Family was the number one family in J Country, so naturally, they would be in the front.    


Lin went to offer the incense first and said, "Patriarch Beiming, our family head has been thinking about playing chess with you. Unfortunately, you left too early, which made our family head sigh. Sigh, I wish you a safe journey! "    


Then, Shangguan Yue went over first...    


Finally, it was Gong Lingye.    


He walked up to Beiming Kun's memorial tablet, but did not take the incense stick. Instead, he looked at the person in the mirror with a cold smile.    


Behind him, many people actually knew the whole story, but they did not say anything. They were just curious about how to deal with this situation.    


However, just as Gong Lingye was about to turn around, in the mourning hall, "Eh?    


Because the mourning hall was very quiet. Therefore, although the sound was rather soft, it still clearly entered the ears of everyone present.    


When Gong Lingye turned around, his gaze followed the crowd and looked at the person who had spoken.    


It was a thin man. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he could not help but rub his head and said somewhat uneasily, "Don't look at me. I just found a strange thing and couldn't figure it out."    


The more he said that, the more curious everyone became.    


Plus, everyone had investigated the attitude between Gong Lingye and Beiming Shen just now. Therefore, someone asked directly: "What do you not understand?"    


The man was embarrassed to touch his head and said, "I heard about it. I heard that this Shangguan Fourth Young Master from Hua Country shot at Patriarch Beiming and caused him to die because he was unable to cure himself."    


Everyone's faces changed, and they all locked onto Gong Lingye and Beiming Shen.    


Someone else said, "And Housekeeper Xue, he was also hit by the bullets of Shangguan's Fourth Young Master." After saying that, he pointed at a small memorial tablet next to Beiming Kun's memorial tablet.    


As his words fell, the scene fell into complete silence, and even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.    


Gong Lingye knew that today's biggest show was coming.    


However, this scene was directed at him.    


They wanted to borrow Beiming Shen's hand to kill him.    


Sure enough, after two minutes of silence, someone looked at Beiming Shen and asked, "Young master Darknorth, is this the case?"    


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