Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C541 Tian Qi Said That He Was Going to Get Married in a While

C541 Tian Qi Said That He Was Going to Get Married in a While

So, when the fish are cooked, there really are two more people on the island.    


Soong Yiren swallowed her saliva at the squirrel mandarin fish Gong Lingye made. She first grabbed a plate and placed it in front of her. "Let's eat this plate."    


Beiming Mo smiled and teased. "Young Master Ye, your wife is so protective of food!"    


Gong Lingye smiled and put his arm around Soong Yiren's shoulder. He said to Beiming Mo, "You guys don't know. These fish were all caught by my Nuan. Aa Mian and I have been fishing for more than half an hour, but we did not catch anything."    


"So powerful?" Beiming Mo was surprised. "Baby, how come I didn't know you had such a special skill?"    


"Tsk, I know a lot more!" Soong Yiren smiled and first picked up a piece of fish and put it into her mouth.    


"Wow, delicious!" Her eyes lit up and she turned to look at Gong Lingye. "Really, very delicious. Why do I feel that you have lit up your culinary skills?"    


Beiming Mo also took a bite when she heard this and immediately nodded. "It's true! Che, look at how Young Master Ye cooks so well!"    


Xuanyuan Che was silent for a while and picked up a piece. He realized that it was really not bad, so he said frankly, "Momo, then I will practice more in the future."    


"Wow, now Che has also become the twenty-fourth filial husband?" Soong Yiren smiled. Seeing that Aa Mian did not move his chopsticks, she went to greet him again.    


Aa Mian cut a piece of the fish that had just been roasted and put it on the plate. "Everyone, try it."    


"Eh, it's also delicious." Beiming Mo and Soong Yiren immediately began to snatch the fish.    


"Momo, didn't you just say that you have already eaten?" Soong Yiren's gaze looked towards Beiming Mo's small belly. "Be careful of being fat!"    


"It's fine. I feel that Momo being a bit fat is also quite good." Xuanyuan Che immediately said.    


Beiming Mo instantly smiled complacently. "Hahaha, my Che's IQ is increasing by leaps and bounds now!"    


"That's EQ, alright?" Soong Yiren laughed and turned to look at Gong Lingye. "Did you give them an EQ training class?"    


As they were chatting, Gong Lingye looked down at his phone and said, "Tianqi said that he will be getting married in a while."    


"Huh?" Soong Yiren could put a piece of fish in her mouth. "When did he have a girlfriend?"    


"I'll call and ask." "Yes," Soong Yiren said.    


He put down his chopsticks and called Luo Tianqi.    




Ever since he saw Lieh Xiaoruan in the hospital that day, Luo Tianqi had never seen her again.    


On the day she left her post, he happened to be in the office having a meeting with the higher-ups.    


When she arrived at the company, she greeted her colleagues and said goodbye. She handed the phone to the supervisor and handed over the documents before leaving.    


After he finished his meeting, he heard the marketing director mention something at lunch. Only then did he know that she had been to the company.    


He thought that if it wasn't for Gong Lingye's relationship with Lieh Xiaoruan, he probably wouldn't have met her again in the future.    


That day, she was very right. Was it after he had sensed it himself, or did he let her continue to fall into his trap?    


Moreover, there were many times when he inadvertently flirted with her, giving her an illusion.    


Actually, when he asked Lee Xiaozi if she liked him on Lee Xiaozi's birthday, it was precisely because he wanted her to stop.    


It was just that she denied it at that time. Furthermore, at that time, he did not seem to have any extra thoughts towards her.    


However, there were many things that even he himself found hard to predict.    


After that, he unconsciously started to have some feelings for her. It was precisely because of those feelings that he would tease her and let her continue to sink deeper.    


It was just that he did not expect that such a thing would happen that day...    


On that day, it was not as if he had never doubted it. That one... Who exactly was the woman at night?    


But, his probing. It was also good that he checked the guest room service records. It all showed that Fu Xiner had indeed gone to his room at that time.    


However, the surveillance on the hotel floor had been broken half a month ago. It was a third-tier city. Some things were not as good as the facilities in Imperial City.    


However, that was not important anymore. Because the next day, after Fu Xiner's colleague saw him, his expression suddenly changed. He said that he had pulled her into the room yesterday and had not come out.    


Everything indicated that he had indeed bullied this innocent woman.    


Furthermore, it was her first time.    


She had said that she didn't want anything and didn't even want him to take responsibility as long as he apologized.    


However, her father had suddenly broken his leg when he went out to grab the goods, so she borrowed money from him.    


He gave her 100,000 yuan. She said that she would definitely return it to him when she had money in the future.    


After that, he thought that it would be the same between them.    


However, he didn't expect to see her again when he went to sign the contract with that client and returned to the hotel.    


She ran out of a pharmacy and panicked when she saw him.    


Because she was in a hurry, the thing in her bag fell out. It was a pregnancy test kit.    


His expression changed slightly at that time, and he asked her what was going on.    


She said that she had been delayed for a few days and was usually punctual. This time, something happened and she was a little worried.    


Perhaps it was all heaven's will. He went to the hotel with her and waited for her to get pregnant. His mother called and said that his father found out that it was liver cancer.    


At that moment, Luo Tianqi leaned against the wall of the hotel and could not describe the feeling in his heart.    


Then, Fu Xiner came out. She held a pregnancy test kit in her hand and there were still tears on her eyelashes. Her voice was trembling. "Mr. Luo, I am pregnant."    


Luo Tianqi's body shook at that time, and he felt as if his chest had been stuffed with thousands of kilograms of weight.    


After a long time, he heard his voice dry up. "Leave this child, let's get married."    


When Fu Xiner heard this, she was completely shocked. "But my family is so poor. I am not worthy of you..."    


He shook his head. "The child is innocent. We can't deprive him of the right to live in this world"    


Fu Xiner was still a little uncertain. "Then will your family not like me? I don't know anything, I..."    


He interrupted her: "I'm not in the mood to date right now, to be honest, I don't have any love for you either. However, for the sake of the child, I will take responsibility for it. Fu Xiner, think about it carefully."    


She nodded and then left his room.    


Two days later, she found him and said that she wanted to keep the child. She also said that because her father pulled the goods and something happened, her family needed to keep the goods with him. There were more than 200,000 yuan.    


He once again paid for her.    


Then, with red eyes, she bowed to him, saying that she would repay him for the rest of her life.    


He only smiled and said 'good'.    


Then, she quit her hotel job and went to Imperial City with him.    


He already had an apartment outside, so he asked her to move in and find a nanny to accompany her.    


During the day, he was very busy with work. Perhaps it was because he didn't want to face her... So, every time his work ended, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.    


When he returned to the apartment, she was already asleep.    


He slept next door, even though he was separated from her by a wall. However, he didn't even touch her with a finger.    


Until that day, when he was free, he went to the maternity test with her.    


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