Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C750 So What If I Am My Own Child?

C750 So What If I Am My Own Child?

"Shuang, I will not do anything to you." Lieh Yuanchen quickly pulled her back. "It is not safe for you to go out alone. Shall we bathe for a while?"    


Hee Wanshuang had no choice but to agree.    


She waited for him to change his clothes and go to the pool before quickly changing into her swimsuit and walking over.    


Lieh Yuanchen was leaning against the pool, his lower body soaking in the water. His upper body exposed his strong pectoral muscles and flat abdominal muscles, which were clearly defined.    


Hee Wanshuang's eyes were somewhat unable to set. She sat down at the furthest place away from him and went into the water. She hid her entire body in the water, only exposing her neck and above.    


The disposable swimsuit material that was provided here was too little. It was no different from a bikini. She hugged her arms in front of her chest. Before, on her knees, motionless.    


Lieh Yuanchen saw her like this. The corners of his lips curled up, but his face was serious.    


He raised his head and told her what kind of trees were on the top of this area. As expected, she was attracted and gradually began to discuss with him.    


However, men's goals were always so simple. Lieh Yuanchen, who was originally talking about plants, got closer to Hee Wanshuang bit by bit. In the end, he was already close to her and hugged her to explain. " In the past, when I was in Country G, I learned botany for half a year."    


Only then did Hee Wanshuang realize that the distance between the two of them was close and she had to dodge.    


Lieh Yuanchen, however, put his arm around her shoulder and sighed. "Shuang, I feel that I don't have a home anymore."    


Women were always soft-hearted animals. When she heard him, she could not help but say, "Actually, you shouldn't deny everything in Country G just because of your father's matter. When I saw the introduction that day, I felt that it was actually quite beautiful there. I even wanted to take my parents there to travel. "    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyes lit up. "Shuang, you like that place?"    


After saying that, he said again. "Then after the New Year, we will go together."    


"My parents..." Hee Wanshuang wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


Lieh Yuanchen also realized that he was not liked by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he smiled. "It's fine. Next time I come to my house, I will sincerely apologize."    


After saying that, he suddenly said seriously, "Shuang, I will look for you this morning. Actually, I have something to say to you."    


Hee Wanshuang subconsciously wanted to escape, but Lieh Yuanchen's arm was strong and she had no way out.    


He locked her eyes. "Shuang, regarding my company's matter, thank you. I formally thank you again."    


Hee Wanshuang lowered her eyes. "It's fine."    


"Let's talk about the matter between us." After Lieh Yuanchen finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and directly hugged Hee Wanshuang on his leg.    


She struggled, but he held her tightly from behind. His palm landed on her abdomen. "I'm sorry, Shuang. Because of my narrowness, that day you were frozen for a day and fell ill."    


Hee Wanshuang instantly froze and did not move.    


She actually guessed that he might know. But that day when they met, he only said he was sorry but did not put on any clothes, so she was not sure at all.    


"I thought that you and Xiao Cheng were in love, but ever since you asked Gong Lingye for help, I know everything."    


"It's because of the baby, right?"    


Hee Wanshuang did not say anything. She was very nervous.    


Some things were hidden in her heart. Although she felt that the other party might also know, it was different from directly pointing it out.    


Seeing that she didn't say anything and didn't deny it, Lieh Yuanchen was completely certain at this moment.    


He hugged her until she was face to face with him. He raised his head and looked at her in his arms. "Shuang, do you know how I came here when I was young?"    


Hee Wanshuang was in an awkward position in Lieh Yuanchen's arms. She felt uncomfortable all over but stopped because of this topic.    


"How did you get here?" She asked.    


"Xiaoruan and I live together more often than not. My mother and I live together."    


"When I was young, even if I got full marks in my studies, my father would never praise me."    


"When I fell in school, the teachers and classmates would be nervous, but he wouldn't. He would only care if I completed the task he assigned to me."    


"I ran away from home once and left for a few days. " Only then did he realize that after finding me, he locked me in the basement for three days straight. I was almost dehydrated. "    


Hee Wanshuang opened her eyes wide when she heard this.    


Lieh Yuanchen's amber eyes surged with self-mockery. "I might have some flaws in my personality because of my original family. That's why sometimes I'm a little extreme, especially when we just got married. Because of my problems, I hurt you. "    


Hee Wanshuang bit her lips and did not say anything.    


"Actually, many years ago, I have been very annoyed with Lieh Cheng'an." Lieh Yuanchen paused for a moment, but then said weakly, "But, you don't know. In fact, in the depths of my heart, there is another obsession, which is to obtain his affirmation."    


He smiled. "But, I waited 32 years, but I still couldn't get it."    


Hee Wanshuang saw his casual manner at that moment and suddenly felt that her heart was stifled and uncomfortable. She could not help but reach out and hold Lieh Yuanchen's hand.    


"Until he forced me to marry and use my future and future to force me." His eyes were slightly red and slowed down. Then he said calmly, "At that time, I completely gave up that obsession in my heart."    


So what if he couldn't get recognition? He had his own life. Even if it was worthless in Lieh Cheng'an's eyes, it was enough for him to feel that it was worth it!    


Hee Wanshuang had always felt that Lieh Yuanchen should be indestructible. However, this was the first time he spoke of the desire and weakness in the depths of his heart in front of her.    


She did not know how to comfort him and could only look at him deeply.    


"Shuang, I am telling you this because I want to say it. You see, so what if they are biological father and son? If there is no love, in fact, they are not even comparable to passers-by!"    


He locked her eyes. "So, regarding our future, having a child is naturally happy, but if you don't have one, you won't regret it. If you like children, if we need an heir, then go and adopt one. Children shouldn't be a hindrance between us in the end. "    


His words were like droplets of rain that kept smashing into her dried up heart. Gradually, the humidity rose and caused waves.    


"So, don't reject me just because you can give birth to a child." His palm landed on her cheek and gently pulled the hair on her cheek to the back of her ear. "Otherwise, I would blame myself even more, and I would be in even more pain."    


"Because, if you leave me because of this, I will feel that I am the one who destroyed our future with my own hands."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his arm and hugged her tightly. He pressed her into his embrace. "Shuang, what you saw in the villa the other day... You should know how I get along with Lieh Cheng'an... Actually, you don't care if it's your biological daughter or not. Many years ago, I secretly took his hair and my hair for identification. I'm his biological son. "But so what if I'm his biological son?"    


At this moment, Hee Wanshuang was completely speechless. However, she could clearly feel that the arm of the man in front of her, who was hugging her, was trembling slightly.    


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