Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C758 Make a will

C758 Make a will

As everyone was talking and laughing, Gong Lingye's phone rang.    


When he saw that it was someone from Country J calling him, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and answer the call.    


"Fourth Young Master, something happened..." That person's voice was somewhat anxious: "The family head was poisoned and just sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Eldest Young Master suddenly took out a will..."    


Gong Lingye's eyes suddenly narrowed. "Shangguan Yue?"    


"That's right." The subordinate said, "We all underestimated him, and we suspect that the person who poisoned him was him. The head of the family was in good health before, so he didn't make a will. Now that a will suddenly appeared, I'm afraid it will harm you"    


"Alright, I'll be right there" Gong Lingye said.    


He hung up the phone and saw Soong Yiren looking at him worriedly, so he said, "Nuan, something happened to my uncle. It is very likely that my lobby brother did it. I need to go to J Country to settle some matters now. Don't go there. After the wedding, just stay in Hua Country peacefully."    


"Is big uncle's situation serious?" Soong Yiren said, "Didn't your big cousin always stay aloof from worldly affairs?"    


If it was Shangguan Hee, the second brother, who did it, Soong Yiren would still feel that it was very normal. But, it was actually Shangguan Yue?!    


"So I have to go over and confirm." Gong Lingye rubbed Soong Yiren's hair. "Don't worry, your safety and the baby's safety are the most important."    


"Okay, then be careful. You have to call me every day." "Yes," Gong Lingye said.    


"Okay." Gong Lingye nodded and got up to call Pei Jun and Aa Mian.    


Pei Jun was used to helping Luo Tianqi's wedding this time. He was the one who handled most of the things. At this moment, he and Wen Qiaoqiao were tidying up the list of gifts they had received.    


Seeing Gong Lingye coming over with a serious expression, he put down the things and asked, "President, is there something wrong?"    


"Something happened in J Country." Gong Lingye briefly explained and then said, "I'll leave everything here to you. When I'm not around, help me take care of the safety of the warm."    


"Okay, I understand. Don't worry, CEO." Pei Jun said.    


Gong Lingye nodded and told Aa Mian everything. Then, he left with Aa Mian.    


Wei Qianran looked at Aa Mian's state of mind and couldn't help but run over. She hugged him and said, "Ah Mr Mian, I will wait for you at home!"    


"Okay." Aa Mian saw her reluctant look and also stretched out his arms to hug her. "Take care of yourself." After saying that, he left with Gong Lingye.    


There was no direct flight from here to J Country. When the two of them turned the situation around in Hua Country, they brought a lot of trusted aides with them. Only then did they go to J Country together.    


When they arrived there, Shangguan Ao was still in the emergency room.    


Gong Lingye walked over and glanced at the people waiting outside. He said, "Uncle, how is it?"    


"The doctor just said that he is still in a coma and his condition is not very optimistic. After all, Uncle is already old..." After Lin finished speaking, his eyes were bloodshot.    


He was really loyal to Shangguan Ao. He had accompanied the family head for so many years, but now, in his later years, he had encountered such a thing.    


It was also at this moment that he suddenly realized that perhaps Gong Lingye's point of view was right. It was both him and the patriarch who were wrong.    


After listening to what Lin said, Gong Lingye's gaze fell upon Shangguan Yue.    


Shangguan Yue's eyes were red, and his face was buried between his fingers, as if he was in great pain. "Fourth, I don't know why this happened either. Uncle drank the tea I gave him, but there is no problem with the tea. I never thought of harming him!"    


Gong Lingye did not say anything.    


Instinctively, he felt that there was something strange about this matter.    


He had not misjudged a person for so many years.    


He had also carefully observed Shangguan Yue before, and had confirmed that he was a rather cowardly peacemaker. He shouldn't have been able to do something that would make him suffer for so many years.    


Even now, he felt that it didn't seem like it.    


The majority of the Laiyue shares controlled by Shangguan Ao had already been transferred to Gong Lingye's hands. Therefore, even if Shangguan Yue tampered with the will, In fact, it wouldn't cause much trouble for the person in charge.    


If Shangguan Yue was really so scheming that everyone was fooled by him, there were actually many opportunities for him to make a move before that.    


If he wanted to make a move, he would have made a move long ago, and wouldn't have waited until now. Even if it was Shangguan Ao, what was the use of taking the things in Shangguan Ao's hands?    


70% of the Shangguan Family's property belonged to him, Gong Lingye!    


But if it wasn't Shangguan Yue, then who was it? Shangguan Hee?    


Gong Lingye really had some doubts about him. After all, this man was insatiable and cruel, but he had a weakness, which was that he was not scheming enough.    


This was quite like his style.    


However, Gong Lingye still felt that there was something else that he did not expect.    


It was just that he had just arrived in J Country and there were still many clues that he had not sorted out, so he could only wait and see.    


At this moment, the door of the resuscitation room opened.    


Everyone was shocked and looked at the doctor who came out.    


"Which one is Young Master Shangguan?" The doctor asked.    


Gong Lingye walked over and said, "It's me."    


"Fourth Young Master, the master of Shangguan Family invites you in." The doctor said.    


Hearing this, the few people outside were stunned, and then they asked the doctor, "Doctor, how is the master?"    


"You guys can go in and see the family head for the last time!" After the doctor finished speaking, he brought Gong Lingye in.    


Gong Lingye put one hand into his pocket and held the gun in his pocket. It was not that he was too cautious, but there were some things that he had to guard against.    


In the resuscitation room, Shangguan Ao still had the equipment attached to his body. A few men in suits walked in from the back door of the resuscitation room. They were all holding documents and briefcase in their hands.    


Gong Lingye instantly understood that Shangguan Ao must make a will at this moment.    


As expected, when he walked closer, Shangguan Ao asked the nurse to help him up. There was a complicated look in his eyes. "Lingye, you are here."    


"Uncle, who did it?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"Not the boss." Shangguan Ao sighed. "I watched the boss grow up. It has been almost forty years. I can't be wrong about who he is. Although I watched him make that cup of tea and gave it to me personally. "    


"Is it Second Brother?" Gong Lingye asked.    


Shangguan Ao did not say anything else. He gestured for the few lawyers who had just entered to start writing their wills.    


The lawyers turned on the equipment. Some started recording, while others started recording.    


The ward was very quiet, and only Shangguan Ao's voice could be heard.    


He clearly felt very uncomfortable, but his words were still orderly and logical, and his logic was very clear.    


"Take all the shares in my hands, including Laiyue Group, Shangguan Family's Fengqing, Ruikang, Hilly..." He listed the names of many listed companies in a row, then said, "All the shares belong to Gong Lingye."    


"All my savings are divided by Lin, Shangguan Yue, and Shangguan Yan."    


"The investments under my name include shares, futures, gold, bonds and so on. Gong Lingye, Lin, Shangguan Yue, and Shangguan Yan are all divided into four parts."    


"The real estate I own belongs to Shangguan Yue, and Shangguan Yan..."    


"The private property of Shangguan Family belongs to Gong Lingye..."    


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