Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C861 Sharpei's Confession

C861 Sharpei's Confession

Gong Lingye, Soong Yiren, and Soong Ziheng stayed in the J Nation for a week before returning to Imperial City with the three babies.    


Soong Ziheng's company was busy, so he went to Ning Country before the Lantern Festival.    


Gong Moyan went with him. On the night of Lantern Festival, the two of them and the two partners stayed in the company together. They were busy until late at night before they made video calls to their families.    


Two years passed in the blink of an eye.    


In November, the Imperial City welcomed the first snowfall after winter.    


At the same time, several mobile games had already quietly spread across the entire internet.    


The game's main player was called 'Slow City Speed', which was different from other competitive games. These small games didn't require much mobile space, so players could play from the age of a teenager to the age of a teenager.    


The games were divided into men and women, and they were especially suitable for busy people in the city. Because many games were played one game at a time, it was possible to lose points if you quit midway, which would affect your leveling.    


However, this game could be opened and closed at any time. It would record all traces and give different rewards during the advancement.    


Moreover, it consumed very little memory, but the scene was especially exquisite, so many people were used to waiting for meals during the day and brushing before sleeping at night.    


On Weibo, there were often people sharing the gifts they received, as well as some beautiful wall papers and cards.    


After these few games had been popular for a few weeks, a piece of news on Weibo had been released. It made all the players realize that the few games they liked came from the same company.    


The company that had been set up two years ago was about to be listed.    


Because this piece of news was on the trending page, the company's information was quickly dug out. Then... Someone discovered that the three partners in the company were all very young, and one of them was even very handsome.    


Xiao Pei knew that he was on the trending page, and it was the second day.    


In the past two years, he had given all his time to work, and there was almost no entertainment at all.    


In the past two years, he had been paying close attention to the Haisheng. He wanted to see a trace of Gong Moyan's figure in the relevant reports of the Haisheng.    


Yes, he hadn't seen her in two years.    


This world wasn't big. Sometimes, he would meet a person many times, but it wasn't small either. During the New Year, he often went to the vicinity of the Gong Family. When he went to Ningcheng for a business trip, he had also gone to the Ning University. Unfortunately, he had never seen her.    


Some things were originally buried deep in the bottom of his heart, but they had already been rooted deep in his heart. They had spread to become as tough as vines, wrapping around his every breath.    


On the day the company went public, Xiao Pei left the exchange center and was surrounded by reporters.    


At that time, although the weather was very cold, he was still only wearing a well-ironed suit and tie. He stood at the door, receiving the baptism of countless spotlight.    


In front of him were several microphones handed over by the reporters. Someone asked: " Mr. Xiao Pei, may I ask what plans do you have for the follow-up of the company?"    


"Mr. Xiao Pei, you started preparing two years ago. What is the most difficult thing you have encountered in these two years?"    


"Mr. Xiao Pei, you are also a member of the core research and development team at Starry Night. Now that you are also in the gaming industry, do you violate the competition rules of the industry?"    


Xiao Pei said, "In the future, the company's plans will continue to be in the direction of the main attack in the next two years. This is also the reason why Starry Night and I don't have any conflicts. Everyone knows that Starry Night Masters play large-scale games. Including the AI terminal, VR, Holographic and so on, and we play a simple little game. So, we should be considered to complement each other. "    


Speaking up to here, he paused for a moment. "As for the difficulties we encounter, perhaps the biggest problem is that we don't have enough time. I've been chasing him, but it still took me two years "    


A reporter said," Two years can already be considered a textbook in the industry! Mr. Xiao, you have such high expectations for yourself. Will you also have high expectations for the other half? I heard that you are not married. What requirements do you have for the other half? "    


Immediately, a reporter echoed," Yes, our thousands of girls are very curious about this question. "    


Xiao Pei seemed to have thought for a moment and said, "The girl I like is more outstanding than me."    


The reporter thought that he liked someone better, so he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Xiao, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to find a girlfriend like this?"    


Another person said: "Mr. Xiao, can you share the original intention of your company?"    


In front of the camera, Xiao Pei, who had been serious all this time, suddenly became more gentle. His tone also became a little light. After a moment of silence, he said, "It is because I like a girl, so I hope I can become better."    


When he said that, the reporters immediately went crazy.    


Someone immediately asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you mean that you already have a girl you like? Then are you with her now?"    


Xiao Pei slightly lowered his eyes. After a while, he said, "She already has a boyfriend."    


The reporter was not willing to stop there, so he asked again, "Is her boyfriend even younger and more blond than you?"    


Xiao Pei smiled and did not say anything.    


At this moment, thousands of miles away, Gong Moyan was in the dormitory when she heard the female voice in the dormitory saying as if she was infatuated. "Ah, Ah, Ah, Xiao Pei is so handsome. Who does he like? That girl must have saved the Milky Way in her previous life, right?"    


Gong Moyan's breathing paused slightly. She turned her eyes and looked at the screen of her dormitory mates.    


It was a popular video on Weibo today, and it seemed to be an interview.    


Gong Moyan retracted her gaze and lowered her head to continue looking at the design that she had previously made.    


However, she did not know why, but she could not see it at all.    


She took a deep breath, took the headphones, and walked out of the dormitory.    


The winter night in Ningcheng was very cold. She put on a scarf and hat, and walked on the road beside the dormitory.    


Two years ago, Xiao Pei had waited for her there for a day on the road. The ground had been renovated twice, and there were small anti-skating slabs laid flat on the ground. On both sides of the road, there were chairs for people to rest on.    


Gong Moyan suddenly remembered that she had not seen Xiao Pei for a long time. It seemed that it had been two and a half years.    


Ever since that kiss, she had never seen him again.    


She deleted all of his contact details and cleared all their conversations. She also avoided all the topics related to him.    


She had been very busy these two years. She was so busy that she almost forgot about him. She was so busy that she felt that everything that had happened back then seemed to have become a dream from another world.    


When someone asked her if she liked someone, she would only think of him. At that time, she felt that the love in her heart had already been washed away by time and dissipated into her youth.    


And at this moment, everything finally had an answer.    


Actually, it wasn't that she forgot, but that she deliberately buried it deeply.    


It was as if her roommates had only mentioned that name, and she simply couldn't continue with the design.    


Gong Moyan opened her Weibo and entered that familiar name.    


Only then did she realize that Xiao Pei actually also had an official's name.    


It was just that he usually forwarded information related to the industry related to a company.    


Gong Moyan searched the company again. It was only then that he realized that Xiao Pei was the one who was involved. Furthermore, he was the major shareholder.    


The reason why it was on the trending page today was because the company was on the market.    


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