Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C893 Fighting for Her

C893 Fighting for Her

The next day, Gong Moyi and Gong Suhe were led by Uncle Wang to the foot of a mountain near Jin City. They were waiting to meet up with Beiming Yumo, Chiang Yubai, and Pei Shangyu.    


This was not the Medicine Valley. It was a special herb farm that planted a lot of special herbs in Jin City.    


At nine o'clock in the morning, Gong Moyi arrived at the foot of the mountain. Very soon, she saw a luxury car on the other side.    


The luxury car stopped and walked out of Beiming Shen and Beiming Yumo.    


Gong Moyi looked up and greeted politely, "Uncle, Yumo."    


Beiming Shen nodded. After greeting Uncle Wang, he said to Beiming Yumo, " Do you have two classmates?"    


Beiming Yumo nodded and waited quietly by the roadside.    


Soon, a taxi drove over. But just as it was about to get close, it suddenly dropped its head.    


Chiang Xiaoxi definitely did not expect that Beiming Shen would come!    


He was less than ten meters away from her, standing beside Beiming Yumo.    


In an instant, her heart was in her throat, and she quickly said to the driver, "Master, turn around! Leave immediately!"    


In the car, Chiang Yubai was puzzled and loudly asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"    


After saying that, she rolled down the window on her side and waved at her little friend outside.    


Beiming Shen originally did not pay attention to the taxi, but when he saw the little girl waving, his pupils shrank!    


The car suddenly turned around, and there was a girl inside. From the looks of it, she must have been kidnapped.    


And this girl had just called him 'Big Bro Yumo'!    


Almost immediately, Beiming Shen opened the car door and got into the car. He instructed the driver: "Chase the car in front!"    


Then he said to Beiming Yumo, who was outside the car, "Yumo, you go with the bodyguards."    


Beiming Yumo was also worried. He realized that he was really afraid that something would happen to Chiang Yubai. Also... Chiang Yubai's mother looked young and gentle, and she treated him very well.    


That day, no one noticed the small wound on his hand, but she saw it and even helped him get a band-aid.    


He didn't want anything to happen to them, he hoped that his father could save them.    


Because of this interlude, Gong Moyi and Gong Suhe naturally could not leave their little friend behind and go and pick herbs themselves.    


Hence, everyone waited at the foot of the mountain.    


And on the way, Chiang Xiaoxi had never been so flustered before.    


After all, she was calling a taxi. The driver was not one of them, so naturally, he would not be speeding just because she asked him to.    


Now that everyone was paying with their phones, she did not bring too much cash with her. She took out almost all the money and said to Si Ji, "Master, help me get rid of the car behind us. I'll give you all the money. I'll transfer the money to you through WeChat later!"    


The driver looked troubled. "That won't do. It's not about the money! I ran a red light and sped up. Now that I'm under strict control, I'll be invited to the police station! I can try to get rid of them, but I can't violate the rules. "    


Chiang Xiaoxi's heart was burning with anxiety. Chiang Yubai who was beside her was also frightened and did not know what happened at all.    


On the other hand, it was rare for Pei Shangyu to take the initiative to speak. "Auntie, is it that person who wants to arrest you? When we turn the corner, you take Bai and get out of the car first. I'll stay in the car and let him chase after us! "    


Chiang Xiaoxi's heart warmed but she shook her head.    


Only now did she realize that she might have no way out. The only thing she could do was to escape with Chiang Yubai.    


Because even if Beiming Shen could not catch up to them today, he would definitely find out about her and Chiang Yubai's identities. At that time...    


Just as she was lost in thought, suddenly, there was a bang from the taxi. Then, due to inertia, the three people in the back row all crashed into the chairs in the front row.    


The cab stopped, and the driver cursed at him for his bad luck. He opened the door and looked at the situation at the back of the cab.    


At the same time, the black sedan behind them had caught up and stopped.    


Beiming Shen opened the car door and got out of the car. He walked towards the taxi.    


Chiang Xiaoxi had just been hit by the car and felt a little dizzy. She reacted and quickly went to see the two children.    


Fortunately, the children only seemed to have hit her and did not have any injuries.    


She was just about to heave a sigh of relief when she saw Beiming Shen walking over from the corner of her eye.    


In an instant, she felt that hell was slowly approaching her, and she was unable to breathe.    


She and Bai had lived together for more than seven years. Were they finally going to reach the end?    


As Beiming Shen opened the car door, Chiang Xiaoxi felt that she had been devoured by despair.    


At this moment, three strong men got out of the car in front of them and surrounded the taxi.    


When one of them saw Beiming Shen, he said fiercely, "Where are you from? If it's none of your business, then mind your own business!"    


Beiming Shen narrowed his eyes and ignored him.    


He even turned his head and looked down at the three people in the backseat of the taxi.    


The little girl was sitting by the window. She had obviously been scared silly by what had just happened.    


A woman with disheveled hair was sitting in the middle, looking at the driver and the muscular men in front of her.    


On the other side, the little boy clenched his fists and looked forward as well.    


Beiming Shen did not open the car door again. Instead, he slightly possessed the car and said to Jiang and Bai in the car, "No matter what happens later, don't come out."    


Only then did Chiang Yubai focus her gaze on Beiming Shen's face. Her big eyes were filled with tears, and her face was filled with fear.    


She nodded and said to Beiming Shen, "Uncle, can you save us?"    


She did not know why. At this moment, Beiming Shen felt as if his heart had been stabbed by something. He felt an indescribable heartache.    


This was the first time he realized that the little girl had opened her eyes wide and looked at him for help. It was so lethal that it gave him the illusion that she was willing to do anything for him.    


He nodded and said to her, "Mm, don't worry, nothing will happen to you."    


After saying that, Beiming Shen straightened his body.    


In front, the taxi driver was surrounded by two strong men.    


One of them lit a cigarette, and his cigarette, which was burning with sparks, swayed less than two centimeters away from the driver's cheek. "How dare you hit my car? You are so brave!"    


After saying that, one of them reached out and patted the driver's shoulder. "What? You don't want to accept it?"    


The driver was so regretful that his intestines were turning green. He quickly shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If there's anything, I'll accompany you. I'll call the insurance company over!"    


"No, no, no, you don't understand what we mean." After saying that, the brawny man took out his belt and said, "This car of ours, no matter what, needs to spend three to four hundred thousand to repair it. How about this, you give me your taxi number plate, and I'll forget about it!"    


The number plate of the taxi in Jin City needed to be bought. It would cost about four hundred thousand.    


The driver's expression changed on the spot. He shook his head and said, "This won't do. How much do you need to repair the car? We'll call the police... "    


However, before he could finish, the other party became angry and whipped him with his belt!    


Obviously, they felt that one person was enough to deal with the driver. Therefore, when the two of them saw that Beiming Shen did not leave, they immediately surrounded him and made a move. "F * ck you! If you don't want to leave, then stay!"    


In the car, Chiang Xiaoxi protected the two children in her arms. She turned her head slightly and saw the scene outside.    


She saw Beiming Shen, who was fighting fiercely.    


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