Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C907 New Life

C907 New Life

Gong Moyi reported directly to the Air Force Academy two days later.    


The Air Force Academy was also completely militarized, so once school started, they were not allowed to go out of the school as they pleased. They had to wait until the end of the semester before they could go home.    


After Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren sent their daughter to school, they immediately left.    


Under the guidance of the instructor, Gong Moyi came to the allocated dormitory and put down her luggage.    


There were many males and females in the academy. Their dormitory originally had four people, but the instructor said that adding Gong Moyi, there were only three girls in total.    


Gong Moyi had just finished changing the blanket and bed sheets that had been distributed, when she heard someone walk in.    


She turned her head and saw a man and a woman.    


Because school had not officially started yet, the auntie downstairs would not stop male relatives from coming over. Hence, Gong Moyi did not find it strange. She just stood up and the person who rushed in smiled amiably.    


The girl's face still had a slight baby fat. Her big eyes were bright and had two dimples when she smiled. It was very beautiful and exquisite.    


The boy behind her was very tall, and he had handsome facial features and a noble temperament. He lowered his head and said something to the girl.    


After the two of them entered, they greeted Gong Moyi with a smile and put the things down.    


Gong Moyi pointed at the cabinets, "We have four cabinets here, but there are only three people. I randomly chose one."    


The girl nodded and then stretched out her hand towards Gong Moyi. "Hello, my name is Fu Qinyan. I am 16 years old this year. I am afraid that I am the youngest in this batch of students."    


She turned her head and introduced the boy behind her. "This is my childhood. His name is Shi Xilang. He is a freshman in the T University next door. I came to report today, so he came to see me."    


Gong Moyi smiled and stretched out her hand. "My name is Guan Moyi. I am 17 years old this year and am a pilot."    


After she finished speaking, she asked, "Are you also taking the test as a female pilot?"    


Fu Qinyan shook her head. "No, I am in the aviation and command specialization."    


After she finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue. "You're too awesome. I heard that there are only two girls who got into the female flight this year. One of them is you, and another girl is in the dormitory diagonally opposite the door."    


Gong Moyi smiled, "It's alright. I have been interested since I was young, so I have been training my body targeted from the beginning."    


As the two of them talked, they quickly chatted.    


At noon, the two of them packed up and went to have a meal outside the school with Shi Xilang.    


It was just that there was originally a female classmate who wanted to move in, but because there was a girl in the dormitory who temporarily dropped out of school... There was only one girl in that dormitory. Hence, the female student allocated to Gong Moyi's dormitory moved over there.    


Hence, Gong Moyi and Fu Qinyan could be considered to have enjoyed the perfect two-person dormitory.    


The next day, school officially started.    


It had to be said that this place was really militarized. After the opening ceremony ended, the instructors of each class informed everyone about the subsequent training tasks. So from that evening onwards, Gong Moyi and the rest of the majors needed to run every day.    


40 minutes in the morning, half an hour in the evening.    


Everything began to enter a tense and busy state. Apart from physical fitness training, the first grade's courses mostly focused on theoretical knowledge and all kinds of rules and regulations.    


After three months of studying, Gong Moyi could be considered to have gained a comprehensive understanding of her profession from the system, as well as her responsibilities after graduating in the future.    


On this day, the instructor came to the class with a happy expression. "Students, it is rare for us to have a good opportunity this weekend because our city will have an aerial exercise. The army has already confirmed that we can invite 30 students from our school to study there."    


Gong Moyi's eyes lit up. Since the start of school, she had been learning theories. She had been itching to learn.    


However, there were so many students in the school who majored in pilots. In total, there were only 30 students. Could she be selected?    


A moment later, the instructor said: "Our class one also has two students selected, Student Guan Moyi!"    


Gong Moyi's heart skipped a beat when her name was suddenly called. She stood up happily and loudly replied, "Yes!"    


The instructor looked at Gong Moyi and was immediately puzzled. Why did the pilot over there specifically call her name?    


However, she quickly continued to call out names. "Xiyan Yi!"    


"Here we are!." The handsome boy stood up. Although he was also a freshman and had only been in school for three months, his body already had a faint smell of iron and blood.    


Gong Moyi was not surprised that Xiyan Yi was selected because Xiyan Yi was one of the successors of Xiyan Group. Although his father had not been in business, he was one of the people in charge of the F country base. He was now a general.    


The counselor said. "Alright. The two students selected, go to the school gate at seven o'clock on Saturday morning and get on the train together. Let's go to the drill ground together."    


Many of the students who had not been selected were a little disappointed. However, they immediately turned around and said to the two of them: "Although they definitely won't be allowed to take photos over there, you must tell us more about it when you come back!"    


Xiyan Yi did not answer, but Gong Moyi nodded and said to everyone, "No problem. Wait for me to come back and tell everyone a book!"    


Everyone laughed. Almost all of them were boys, and all of them looked at Gong Moyi with bright eyes.    


On Saturday, Gong Moyi woke up at 5: 30 and ran for a while in the morning. Then, she packed up and ate breakfast. At 7: 00 PM, she arrived at the car on time.    


Not long after, the school bus started and drove towards the drill ground.    


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