Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C940 I'm Sorry!

C940 I'm Sorry!

Gong Moyi was stunned. She looked up at him in confusion and asked, "What is it now? I didn't say it before because I didn't want to make it special. Besides, my father isn't in Jin City. You know about our family. If my identity is revealed to the public, I might also be in danger. "    


Seeing Beiming Yumo's unpleasant expression, Gong Moyi couldn't help but take half a step back and continue to explain. "Furthermore, I don't think this has much to do with us. Anyway, it's fine as long as we get along well. Besides, "I didn't think that I would meet you guys later. But there were too many people in school that day, so I naturally didn't have the chance to tell you. "    


"Yesterday, I, Second Elder Brother and Gong Moxuan, you saw me too. We didn't hide our identities in front of you." Gong Moyi said, "When you gave me the bracelet today, I wanted to say it, but it was interrupted."    


Beiming Yumo's chest rose and fell. He looked at Gong Moyi, who looked innocent, and laughed in a low voice. "It does not matter."    


Indeed, when she was in elementary school, she had actually been somewhat distant from him.    


After that, she explained that it was because she was busy. He accepted this reason.    


Furthermore, after she graduated, she never contacted him again. Until five years later, when she went to his school to meet Huo Chenfei, they were just friends. They just chatted for a bit and did not even have any contact details.    


Actually, she had never intended to contact him, nor had she thought about any interaction. So, identity was not important to her.    


It was also yesterday that they had some interaction. Perhaps to her, he was just one of her patients, one of many of her patients.    


If he had not insisted on treating her to a meal and paying her the consultation fee, they would not have any interaction.    


So now she was telling him that from her standpoint, she seemed really innocent!    


However, she did not know that when he saw her on the court half a year ago, he would often think of her. After hearing that she was admitted to the Air Force Academy, he even secretly learned how to fly a plane.    


He didn't want to admit those thoughts that were hidden in the depths of his heart. In fact, if he didn't meet her again in the future, they would slowly fade away with the passage of time.    


However, yesterday's meeting had caused all of his hidden thoughts to grow roots and germinate.    


He was attracted by her valiant appearance as she got off the plane. He was moved by her appearance when she pressed his acupuncture points. He clearly had money in his phone, but he deliberately said that he did not bring any money. He wanted to take the opportunity to see her again today.    


There were many things that even he did not dare to admit and wanted to have an acceptance process, but at this moment, they were directly shattered by reality!    


Beiming Yumo heard himself asking Gong Moyi, "Then when did you know about the grudge between our two families?"    


"When I graduated from primary school." Gong Moyi frankly said, "Your name is too special. I told Dad. He did not say anything at that time. He only said eight words - Friendly relationship. Not talking about feelings. But at that time, he didn't say anything about the reason, and I didn't ask either. Because I was really busy at that time, and I didn't have time to think about anything else. After I graduated from primary school, "He briefly explained it to me."    


Beiming Yumo just stared at her.    


'Friendly relationship, no relationship? ' It really was the same as what his father had said!    


However, she had always known who he was, and he didn't know at all!    


"But I feel that you and Bai are quite good, so I have always treated you as friends." Gong Moyi thought that Beiming Yumo was still angry about the matter of the family grudge, so she said, "Actually, when I went to Country F a while ago, I met with a war. That was a real war."    


"I saw many people lost their homes in the war, and many people were separated from each other." She looked up at him and said, "When you really went through those things yourself, You might find that there are actually a lot of things that don't need to be so narrow-minded to think about. Our two families have a grudge, But it is already in the past, and I and you, and White... Neither of us has done anything to harm the other, so there's no need for us to be embroiled in the conflicts between our families. "    


Gong Moyi felt a little helpless when she saw that Beiming Yumo didn't say anything. "Maybe you blame me for hiding it. This is indeed wrong. I apologize to you. Because I am worried about my own safety and do not want to be special, I hid it from all my friends. Friends should be honest with each other. This is not good for me. I'm sorry! "    


Beiming Yumo's tightly clenched hands still didn't let go.    


His lips. His lips moved, and he didn't know what to say.    


In fact, the one who was even weirder was himself, who had lost his composure at this moment.    


Gong Moyi saw that he was still silent and had no choice but to point at the model, "Take this as an apology! Take it! Uh... It's a little cold. I'll go home first. I still have to go to my grandfather's place in the afternoon."    


Beiming Yumo didn't say anything, nor did he move.    


Gong Moyi smiled at him and waved her hand. She quickly ran into her car and opened the door to enter.    


When she drove out, she could still see the motionless him in the rearview mirror.    


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