Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1646 I'll Hold Your Hand

C1646 I'll Hold Your Hand

The moment Luo Nanxiao fainted, she heard a gunshot from the valley.    


After that, her mind completely sank into darkness...    


When she regained consciousness, Luo Nanxiao only felt a burst of noise in her ears, as if there was the roar of a helicopter.    


She was shocked and suddenly opened her eyes.    


There was a burst of pain at the back of her head. Luo Nanxiao propped up her body and went to shake Brother Wang who was beside her. "Brother Wang! Quickly wake up!"    


However, Brother Wang was hit harder by someone else, so Luo Nanxiao shook him a few times, but he did not react at all.    


The sound of the helicopter was getting closer and closer. Luo Nanxiao quickly got off the car and looked at the sky.    


Because she was educated during filming yesterday, she easily recognized that it was a plane from the landing camp, so she hurriedly ran out.    


The aircraft slowly landed. Obviously, it landed in the valley just now.    


Although Luo Nanxiao had a splitting headache, her legs were very fast.    


It was as if there was wind under her feet. Although the road was not smooth, Luo Nanxiao still rushed to the flat ground in one breath.    


Immediately, she saw the figure in the middle that was stained with blood.    


The helicopter had already landed. A medical soldier quickly came down and ran over.    


As for the rest of the reinforcements, they were checking the scattered corpses on the ground.    


After a short pause, Luo Nanxiao quickly ran towards Xiyan Yi.    


Until she was only two meters away from him.    


The medical soldier was quickly checking and stopping the bleeding. Luo Nanxiao stood where she was and felt that every breath she took became fearful.    


She slowly moved over and bent down. Her breathing trembled. "Xiyan Yi?"    


He did not react.    


Luo Nanxiao bit her lower lip. Her voice seemed to be even more blurred. "Xiyan Yi?"    


This time, the man's eyelashes trembled slightly and his fingers, which were hanging by the side, also moved.    


Luo Nanxiao almost did not think about it and immediately grabbed Xiyan Yi's hand.    


Feeling that his hand was still warm, Luo Nanxiao's eyes instantly turned red. The tears that she had been trying hard to hold back just now immediately rolled out.    


Her voice was filled with tears, and it was filled with nasal sounds. "Xiyan Yi, how are you?"    


The next second, Luo Nanxiao felt a force coming from her hand. It was not big, but it was enough to hold her hand.    


Then, Xiyan Yi finally opened his eyes. His voice was a little soft. "I'm fine."    


Luo Nanxiao stopped crying and looked at him with her eyes wide open.    


Xiyan Yi only saw that the girl's eyes were completely red. Her eyes were wide open like a rabbit's.    


The texture of her palm was soft and delicate. It was a little small. When she was held by him, she was very obedient, as if she was afraid that she would break him if she touched him.    


All the bones in his body were about to break. However, in this kind of pain, a hint of curiosity arose in him -    


Such a small hand, how did she draw him back then?    


At this time, the medic opened his mouth: "The major has two broken ribs, multiple bruises on his body, and a bullet in his calf. He must be operated on immediately."    


Luo Nanxiao heard that it was painful. She pulled out her hand but realized that her hand could not be pulled back. She could not help but become anxious. "Don't use force. Does it hurt? Then I will hold it for you when I get on the plane. Let's get on the plane first and go to the hospital immediately!"    


This time, Xiyan Yi finally heard it. He patiently let go of her. Then, the medical soldier carried him onto the stretcher.    


Luo Nanxiao followed the medic onto the helicopter. She thought of something and rushed to the soldier who was cleaning up the battlefield. She said, "My colleague was knocked unconscious in the car at the entrance of the valley. There are also our photography equipment. Can you help collect them?"    


The other side gave her an affirmative answer and someone immediately went to pick up Brother Wang. Only then did Luo Nanxiao feel relieved and jumped onto the helicopter.    


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